# Ruby DANFE It generates PDF files for Brazilian DANFE (_Documento Auxiliar da Nota Fiscal EletrĂ´nica_) from a valid NF-e XML. It also generates Brazilian DACTE (_Documento Auxiliar do Conhecimento de Transporte EletrĂ´nico_). This project is inspired on [NFePHP class](http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/nfephp/DanfeNFePHP). ## Installing gem install ruby_danfe ## Usage If you have the xml saved in a file: require "ruby_danfe" RubyDanfe.generate("sample.pdf", "sample.xml") If you have the xml in a variable: xml = "string xml" pdf = RubyDanfe.generatePDF(xml) pdf.render_file "output.pdf" You can use some options too! In this example, the product's field quantity will be rendered with 4 decimals after comma: xml = "string xml" RubyDanfe.options = {"quantity_decimals" => 4} pdf = RubyDanfe.generatePDF(xml) pdf.render_file "output.pdf" If you have some especific option that is global for your project, you can create a file at config/ruby_danfe.yml, then the ruby_danfe always will load this options. Example: project_name/config/ruby_danfe.yml ruby_danfe: options: quantity_decimals: 3 numerify_prod_qcom: false ## Development ### Installing dependencies You can install all necessaries dependencies using bunder like above: $ bundle install ### Tests #### Manual tests At `test` folder you will find the `generate.rb` file. It shows how to generate a pdf file from a valid xml. You can use it following the steps above: $ cd test $ ruby generate.rb nfe_with_ns.xml You can also use an special version of irb with all classes pre-loaded. Just use: $ rake console RubyDanfe.generate("output.pdf", "test/nfe_with_ns.xml") or $ rake console my_xml_string = "" file = File.new("test/nfe_with_ns.xml", "r") while (line = file.gets) my_xml_string = my_xml_string + line end file.close xml = RubyDanfe::XML.new(my_xml_string) pdf = RubyDanfe.generatePDF(xml) pdf.render_file "output.pdf" #### Automated tests with RSpec You can run all specs using: $ rspec In the `spec/fixtures` folder, you are going to find some xml files. Each one represent a different NF-e context. Each xml file must have its respective pdf file. If you did some change that caused general visual changes at output pdfs, so you have to rebuild all fixtures pdf files. You can do this automagically running the following taks: $ rake spec:fixtures:recreate_pdfs #### Code coverage Code coverage is available through of SimpleCov. Just run `rspec` and open the coverage report in your browser. ### Building and publishing You can build using one of the above tasks $ rake build # Build ruby_danfe-X.X.X.gem into the pkg directory $ rake install # Build and install ruby_danfe-X.X.X.gem into system gems $ rake release # Create tag vX.X.X and build and push ruby_danfe-X.X.X.gem to Rubygems ## Contributing We encourage you to contribute to Ruby DANFE! 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request ## License Ruby DANFE is released under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT).