require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/rake_tasks' require 'puppet-lint/tasks/puppet-lint' require 'metadata-json-lint/rake_task' if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' require 'rubocop/rake_task' end PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_80chars') PuppetLint.configuration.relative = true PuppetLint.configuration.ignore_paths = ['spec/**/*.pp', 'pkg/**/*.pp'] desc 'Validate manifests, templates, and ruby files' task :validate do Dir['manifests/**/*.pp'].each do |manifest| sh "puppet parser validate --noop #{manifest}" end Dir['spec/**/*.rb', 'lib/**/*.rb'].each do |ruby_file| sh "ruby -c #{ruby_file}" unless ruby_file =~ %r{spec/fixtures} end Dir['templates/**/*.erb'].each do |template| sh "erb -P -x -T '-' #{template} | ruby -c" end end desc 'Run metadata_lint, lint, validate, and spec tests.' task :test do [:metadata_lint, :lint, :validate, :spec].each do |test| Rake::Task[test].invoke end end