require_relative "../spec_helper" # rubocop:disable Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock RSpec.describe "StepperMotor::Journey" do include ActiveJob::TestHelper before :all do establish_test_connection run_generator run_migrations ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :test ActiveJob::Base.logger = end after :all do FileUtils.rm_rf(fake_app_root) end before :each do Thread.current[:stepper_motor_side_effects] = {} end after :each do # Remove all jobs that remain in the queue ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter.enqueued_jobs.clear end it "allows an empty journey to be defined and performed to completion" do class PointlessJourney < StepperMotor::Journey end journey = PointlessJourney.create! journey.perform_next_step! expect(journey).to be_finished end it "allows a journey consisting of one step to be defined and performed to completion" do class SingleStepJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step :do_thing do SideEffects.touch!("do_thing") end end journey = SingleStepJourney.create! expect(journey.next_step_to_be_performed_at).not_to be_nil journey.perform_next_step! expect(journey).to be_finished expect(SideEffects).to be_produced("do_thing") end it "allows a journey consisting of multiple named steps to be defined and performed to completion" do step_names = [:step1, :step2, :step3] # Use so that step_names can be passed into the block MultiStepJourney = do step_names.each do |step_name| step step_name do SideEffects.touch!("from_#{step_name}") end end end journey = MultiStepJourney.create! expect(journey.next_step_name).to eq("step1") journey.perform_next_step! expect(journey.next_step_name).to eq("step2") expect(journey.previous_step_name).to eq("step1") journey.perform_next_step! expect(journey.next_step_name).to eq("step3") expect(journey.previous_step_name).to eq("step2") journey.perform_next_step! expect(journey).to be_finished expect(journey.next_step_name).to be_nil expect(journey.previous_step_name).to eq("step3") expect(SideEffects).to be_produced("from_step1") expect(SideEffects).to be_produced("from_step2") expect(SideEffects).to be_produced("from_step3") end it "allows a journey consisting of multiple anonymous steps to be defined and performed to completion" do AnonymousStepsJourney = do 3.times do |n| step do SideEffects.touch!("sidefx_#{n}") end end end journey = AnonymousStepsJourney.create! expect(journey.next_step_name).to eq("step_1") journey.perform_next_step! expect(journey.next_step_name).to eq("step_2") expect(journey.previous_step_name).to eq("step_1") journey.perform_next_step! expect(journey.next_step_name).to eq("step_3") expect(journey.previous_step_name).to eq("step_2") journey.perform_next_step! expect(journey).to be_finished expect(journey.next_step_name).to be_nil expect(journey.previous_step_name).to eq("step_3") expect(SideEffects).to be_produced("sidefx_0") expect(SideEffects).to be_produced("sidefx_1") expect(SideEffects).to be_produced("sidefx_2") end it "allows an arbitrary ActiveRecord to be attached as the hero" do class SomeOtherJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step do # nothing, but we need to have a step so that the journey doesn't get destroyed immediately after creation end end class CarryingJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step :only do raise "Incorrect" unless hero.instance_of?(SomeOtherJourney) end end hero = SomeOtherJourney.create! journey = CarryingJourney.create!(hero: hero) expect { journey.perform_next_step! }.not_to raise_error end it "allows a journey where steps are delayed in time using wait:" do class TimelyJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step wait: 10.hours do SideEffects.touch! "after_10_hours.txt" end step wait: 5.minutes do SideEffects.touch! "after_5_minutes.txt" end step do SideEffects.touch! "final_nowait.txt" end end freeze_time TimelyJourney.create! expect { perform_enqueued_jobs }.to not_have_produced_any_side_effects travel 10.hours expect { perform_enqueued_jobs }.to have_produced_side_effects_named("after_10_hours.txt") travel 4.minutes expect { perform_enqueued_jobs }.to not_have_produced_any_side_effects travel 1.minutes expect { perform_enqueued_jobs }.to have_produced_side_effects_named("after_5_minutes.txt") expect { perform_enqueued_jobs }.to have_produced_side_effects_named("final_nowait.txt") end it "allows a journey where steps are delayed in time using after:" do class TimelyJourneyUsingAfter < StepperMotor::Journey step after: 10.hours do SideEffects.touch! "step1" end step after: 605.minutes do SideEffects.touch! "step2" end step do SideEffects.touch! "step3" end end TimelyJourneyUsingAfter.create! freeze_time expect { perform_enqueued_jobs }.to not_have_produced_any_side_effects travel 10.hours perform_enqueued_jobs expect { perform_enqueued_jobs }.to have_produced_side_effects_named("step1") travel 4.minutes expect { perform_enqueued_jobs }.to not_have_produced_any_side_effects travel 1.minutes expect { perform_enqueued_jobs }.to have_produced_side_effects_named("step2") expect { perform_enqueued_jobs }.to have_produced_side_effects_named("step3") end it "tracks steps entered and completed using counters" do class FailingJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step do raise "oops" end end class NotFailingJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step do true # no-op end end failing_journey = FailingJourney.create! expect { failing_journey.perform_next_step! }.to raise_error(/oops/) expect(failing_journey.steps_entered).to eq(1) expect(failing_journey.steps_completed).to eq(0) failing_journey.ready! expect { failing_journey.perform_next_step! }.to raise_error(/oops/) expect(failing_journey.steps_entered).to eq(2) expect(failing_journey.steps_completed).to eq(0) non_failing_journey = NotFailingJourney.create! non_failing_journey.perform_next_step! expect(non_failing_journey.steps_entered).to eq(1) expect(non_failing_journey.steps_completed).to eq(1) end it "does not allow invalid values for after: and wait:" do expect { class MisconfiguredJourney1 < StepperMotor::Journey step after: 10.hours do # pass end step after: 5.hours do # pass end end }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { class MisconfiguredJourney2 < StepperMotor::Journey step wait: -5.hours do # pass end end }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { class MisconfiguredJourney3 < StepperMotor::Journey step after: 5.hours, wait: 2.seconds do # pass end end }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "allows a step to reattempt itself" do class DeferringJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step do reattempt! wait: 5.minutes raise "Should never be reached" end end journey = DeferringJourney.create! perform_enqueued_jobs journey.reload expect(journey.previous_step_name).to eq("step_1") expect(journey.next_step_name).to eq("step_1") expect(journey.next_step_to_be_performed_at).to be_within(1.second).of(Time.current + 5.minutes) travel 5.minutes + 1.second perform_enqueued_jobs journey.reload expect(journey.previous_step_name).to eq("step_1") expect(journey.next_step_name).to eq("step_1") expect(journey.next_step_to_be_performed_at).to be_within(1.second).of(Time.current + 5.minutes) end it "allows a journey consisting of multiple steps where the first step bails out to be defined and performed to the point of cancellation" do class InterruptedJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step :step1 do SideEffects.touch!("step1_before_cancel") cancel! SideEffects.touch!("step1_after_cancel") end step :step2 do raise "Should never be reached" end end journey = InterruptedJourney.create! expect(journey.next_step_name).to eq("step1") perform_enqueued_jobs expect(SideEffects).to be_produced("step1_before_cancel") expect(SideEffects).not_to be_produced("step1_after_cancel") assert_canceled_or_finished(journey) end it "forbids multiple similar journeys for the same hero at the same time unless allow_multiple is set" do class SomeActor < StepperMotor::Journey end hero = SomeActor.create! class ExclusiveJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step do raise "The step should never be entered as we are not testing the step itself here" end end expect { 2.times { ExclusiveJourney.create! } }.not_to raise_error expect { 2.times { ExclusiveJourney.create!(hero: hero) } }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique) expect { 2.times { ExclusiveJourney.create!(hero: hero, allow_multiple: true) } }.not_to raise_error end it "forbids multiple steps with the same name within a journey" do expect { class RepeatedStepsJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step :foo do true end step "foo" do true end end }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "finishes the journey after perform_next_step" do class RapidlyFinishingJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step :one do true # no-op end step :two do true # no-op end end journey = RapidlyFinishingJourney.create! expect(journey).to be_ready journey.perform_next_step! expect(journey).to be_ready journey.perform_next_step! expect(journey).to be_finished end it "does not enter next step on a finished journey" do class NearInstantJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step :one do finished! end step :two do raise "Should never be reache" end end journey = NearInstantJourney.create! expect(journey).to be_ready journey.perform_next_step! expect(journey).to be_finished expect { journey.perform_next_step! }.not_to raise_error end it "raises an exception if a step changes the journey but does not save it" do class MutatingJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step :one do self.state = "canceled" end end journey = MutatingJourney.create! expect { journey.perform_next_step! }.to raise_error(StepperMotor::JourneyNotPersisted) end it "resets the instance variables after performing a step" do class SelfResettingJourney < StepperMotor::Journey step :one do raise unless @current_step_definition end step :two do @reattempt_after = 2.minutes end end journey = SelfResettingJourney.create! expect { journey.perform_next_step! }.not_to raise_error expect(journey.instance_variable_get(:@current_step_definition)).to be_nil expect { journey.perform_next_step! }.not_to raise_error expect(journey.instance_variable_get(:@current_step_definition)).to be_nil expect(journey.instance_variable_get(:@reattempt_after)).to be_nil end def assert_canceled_or_finished(model) model.reload expect(model.state).to be_in(["canceled", "finished"]) end end # rubocop:enable Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock