class Diagnostic::Base < Diagnostic::Request extend Diagnostic::Packer include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper # all diagnostics have `aggregatable` set to true. # aggregatable indicates to the reporting mechanism that a diagnostic # should be aggregated as these types of diagnostics are # aggregated differently (or not at all). class_attribute :aggregatable, :status_only self.aggregatable = true self.status_only = false @@read_only = Marty::Util.db_in_recovery? @@template = find_template("marty/diagnostic/diag").identifier def self.generate raise "generate has not been defined for #{name}" end def self.fatal? name == 'Diagnostic::Fatal' end def self.process_status_only infos return infos unless status_only{|info|{|test, result| [test, result['status']]}.to_h} end def self.get_difference data values = process_status_only(data.values) Marty::DataExporter.hash_array_merge(values, true).map{ |test, values| test if values.uniq.count > 1 }.compact end def self.apply_consistency data diff = get_difference(data) data.each_with_object({}){ |(node, diagnostic), new_data| new_data[node] = diagnostic.each_with_object({}){ |(test, info), new_diagnostic| new_diagnostic[test] = info + {'consistent' => !diff.include?(test)} } } end def self.consistent? data process_status_only(data.values).uniq.count == 1 end def self.display data consistent = consistent?(data) success = consistent && !fatal? end def self.display_info_css info return 'inconsistent' if info.nil? || (info['status'] && info['consistent'] == false) return 'error' unless info['status'] 'passed' end def self.display_info_description info new.simple_format(info ? info['description'] : 'N/A') end end