module Pageflow class DraftEntry include ActiveModel::Conversion attr_reader :entry, :draft delegate(:id, :edit_lock, :account, :theming, :slug, :enabled_feature_names, :published_until, :published?, :password_digest, :to_model, :to_key, :persisted?, :to_json, :to => :entry) delegate(:title, :summary, :credits, :manual_start, :widgets, :storylines, :main_storyline_chapters, :chapters, :pages, :emphasize_chapter_beginning, :emphasize_new_pages, :share_url, :share_image_id, :share_image_x, :share_image_y, :files, :image_files, :video_files, :audio_files, :locale, :author, :publisher, :keywords, :to => :draft) def initialize(entry, draft = nil) @entry = entry @draft = draft || entry.draft end # So we can always get to the original Entry title. def entry_title entry.title end def create_file(model, attributes) file = model.create(attributes) do |f| f.entry = entry end usage = @draft.file_usages.create(:file => file) file.usage_id = file end def remove_file(file) draft.file_usages.where(file: file).destroy_all file.destroy if file.usages.empty? end def add_file(file) draft.file_usages.create!(:file => file) end def save!! end def update_meta_data!(attributes) draft.update_attributes!(attributes) end def self.find(id) new(Entry.find(id)) end def self.for_file_usage(usage) new(usage.revision.entry) end def self.accessible_by(ability, action) Entry.includes(:draft).accessible_by(ability, action).map do |entry| end end def stylesheet_model draft end def stylesheet_cache_key draft.cache_key end def home_button, theming) end def overview_button, theming) end def resolve_widgets(options = {}) widgets.resolve(Pageflow.config_for(entry), options) end end end