module Brightbox command [:lbs] do |cmd| cmd.desc "Update a load balancer" cmd.long_desc "All intervals and timeouts are in milliseconds" cmd.arg_name "lba-id [node-id...]" cmd.command [:update] do |c| c.desc "Friendly name of load balancer" c.flag [:n, :name] c.desc "Load balancer policy" c.flag [:p, :policy] c.desc "Listeners (in-port:out-port:protocol:timeout. Comma separate multiple listeners)" c.flag [:l, :listeners] c.desc "Healthcheck port" c.flag [:k, "hc-port"] c.desc "Healthcheck type" c.flag [:y, "hc-type"] c.desc "Healthcheck timeout" c.flag [:t, "hc-timeout"] c.desc "Healthcheck request. When the type is 'http' this is the url to request." c.flag [:s, "hc-request"] c.desc "Healthcheck interval" c.flag [:e, "hc-interval"] c.desc "Healthcheck threshold up. Number of successful healthchecks for the node to be considered up." c.flag [:u, "hc-up"] c.desc "Healthcheck threshold down. Number of failed healthchecks for the node to be considered down." c.flag [:d, "hc-down"] c.action do |global_options, options, args| lb_id = args.shift raise "You must specify the load balancer to update as the first argument" unless lb_id =~ /^lba-/ lbopts = unless args.empty? lbopts[:nodes] = args.collect { |a| { :node => a } } end hc_arg_lookup = { :k => :port, :y => :type, :t => :timeout, :s => :request, :e => :interval, :u => :threshold_up, :d => :threshold_down } healthcheck = {} options.keys.each do |k| if options[k] and hc_arg_lookup[k] healthcheck[hc_arg_lookup[k]] = options[k] end end unless healthcheck.keys.empty? lbopts[:healthcheck] = healthcheck end if options[:l] lbopts[:listeners] = options[:l].split(",").collect do |l| inport, output, protocol, timeout = l.split ":" { :in => inport, :out => output, :protocol => protocol, :timeout => timeout } end end if options[:n] lbopts[:name] = options[:n] end if options[:p] lbopts[:policy] = options[:p] end lbopts.nilify_blanks lb = LoadBalancer.find lb_id info "Updating load balancer #{lb}" lb = lb.update(lbopts) render_table([lb], global_options) end end end end