require 'spec_helper' require 'xctasks/test_task' describe XCTasks::TestTask do before(:each) do @commands = [] XCTasks::Command.stub(:run) do |command| @commands << command end FileUtils::Verbose.stub(:mkdir_p) do |path| @commands << "mkdir -p #{path}" end FileUtils::Verbose.stub(:cp) do |src, dst| @commands << "cp #{src} #{dst}" end Rake.application = rake end let(:rake) { } describe 'simple task' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.workspace = 'LayerKit.xcworkspace' t.schemes_dir = 'Tests/Schemes' t.runner = :xcpretty t.subtasks = { unit: 'Unit Tests', functional: 'Functional Tests' } end end it "configures the workspace" do task.workspace.should == 'LayerKit.xcworkspace' end it "configures the schemes dir" do task.schemes_dir.should == 'Tests/Schemes' end it "configures the runner" do task.runner.should == :xcpretty end it "configures the tasks" do expect(task.subtasks.count).to eq(2) { |t| }.should == ["unit", "functional"] end it "configures xcpretty for all tasks" do { |t| t.runner }.should == [:xcpretty, :xcpretty] end describe 'tasks' do describe 'spec:unit' do subject { Rake.application['test:unit'] } it "executes the appropriate commands" do subject.invoke @commands.should == ["mkdir -p LayerKit.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/xcschemes", "cp [] LayerKit.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/xcschemes", "killall \"iPhone Simulator\"", "/usr/bin/xcodebuild -workspace LayerKit.xcworkspace -scheme 'Unit Tests' -sdk iphonesimulator clean build test | xcpretty -c ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}"] end end describe 'spec:functional' do subject { Rake.application['test:functional'] } it "executes the appropriate commands" do subject.invoke @commands.should == ["mkdir -p LayerKit.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/xcschemes", "cp [] LayerKit.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/xcschemes", "killall \"iPhone Simulator\"", "/usr/bin/xcodebuild -workspace LayerKit.xcworkspace -scheme 'Functional Tests' -sdk iphonesimulator clean build test | xcpretty -c ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}"] end end end end describe 'advanced task' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.workspace = 'LayerKit.xcworkspace' t.runner = :xctool t.subtask(unit: 'Unit Tests') do |s| s.ios_versions = %w{7.0 7.1} end t.subtask :functional do |s| s.runner = :xcodebuild s.scheme = 'Functional Tests' end end end context "when the task overrides base options" do it "uses the original runner by default" do subtask = task.subtasks.detect { |t| == 'unit' } subtask.runner.should == :xctool end it "respects the override" do subtask = task.subtasks.detect { |t| == 'functional' } subtask.runner.should == :xcodebuild end end describe 'tasks' do describe 'test:unit' do subject { Rake.application['test:unit'] } it "executes the appropriate commands" do subject.invoke @commands.should == [ "killall \"iPhone Simulator\"", "/usr/local/bin/xctool -workspace LayerKit.xcworkspace -scheme 'Unit Tests' -sdk iphonesimulator7.0 clean build test", "killall \"iPhone Simulator\"", "/usr/local/bin/xctool -workspace LayerKit.xcworkspace -scheme 'Unit Tests' -sdk iphonesimulator7.1 clean build test" ] end end describe 'test:functional' do subject { Rake.application['test:functional'] } it "executes the appropriate commands" do subject.invoke @commands.should == [ "killall \"iPhone Simulator\"", "/usr/bin/xcodebuild -workspace LayerKit.xcworkspace -scheme 'Functional Tests' -sdk iphonesimulator clean build test" ] end end end end describe 'Destination Configuration' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.workspace = 'LayerKit.xcworkspace' t.runner = :xctool t.subtask(unit: 'Unit Tests') do |s| s.ios_versions = %w{7.0 7.1} end t.subtask :functional do |s| s.runner = :xcodebuild s.scheme = 'Functional Tests' s.destination do |d| d.platform = :iossimulator = 'iPad' d.os = :latest end s.destination('platform=iOS Simulator,OS=7.1,name=iPhone Retina (4-inch)') s.destination platform: :ios, id: '437750527b43cff55a46f42ae86dbf870c7591b1' end end end describe 'spec:unit' do subject { Rake.application['spec:unit'] } it "executes the appropriate commands" do subject.invoke @commands.should == [ "killall \"iPhone Simulator\"", "/usr/local/bin/xctool -workspace LayerKit.xcworkspace -scheme 'Unit Tests' -sdk iphonesimulator7.0 clean build test", "killall \"iPhone Simulator\"", "/usr/local/bin/xctool -workspace LayerKit.xcworkspace -scheme 'Unit Tests' -sdk iphonesimulator7.1 clean build test" ] end end describe 'spec:functional' do subject { Rake.application['spec:functional'] } it "executes the appropriate commands" do subject.invoke @commands.should == [ "killall \"iPhone Simulator\"", "/usr/bin/xcodebuild -workspace LayerKit.xcworkspace -scheme 'Functional Tests' -sdk iphonesimulator -destination platform='iOS\\ Simulator',name='iPad',OS='latest' -destination platform\\=iOS\\ Simulator,OS\\=7.1,name\\=iPhone\\ Retina\\ \\(4-inch\\) -destination platform='iOS',id='437750527b43cff55a46f42ae86dbf870c7591b1' clean build test"] end end end describe 'SDK Configuration' do let!(:task) do do |t| t.workspace = 'LayerKit.xcworkspace' t.runner = :xctool t.subtask(unit: 'Unit Tests') do |s| s.sdk = :macosx end end end subject { Rake.application['spec:unit'] } it "executes the appropriate commands" do subject.invoke @commands.should == ["/usr/local/bin/xctool -workspace LayerKit.xcworkspace -scheme 'Unit Tests' -sdk macosx clean build test"] end end describe 'validations' do it "raises an exception when an invalid value is assigned to the sdk" do expect do do |t| t.sdk = [] end raise_error(ArgumentError, "Can only assign sdk from a String or Symbol") end context "when an invalid runner is specified" do it "raises an exception" do expect do do |t| t.runner = 'phantomjs' end raise_error(XCTasks::TestTask::ConfigurationError, "Must be :xcodebuild, :xctool or :xcpretty") end end context "when a workspace is not configured" do it "raises an exception" do expect do do |t| t.workspace = nil end raise_error(XCTasks::TestTask::ConfigurationError, "A workspace must be configured") end end context "when an SDK of macosx and ios versions is specified" do it "raises an exception" do expect do do |t| t.workspace = 'Workspace.workspace' t.sdk = :macosx t.ios_versions = %w{7.0} t.subtasks = {unit: 'MyWorkspaceTests'} end raise_error(XCTasks::TestTask::ConfigurationError, "Cannot specify iOS versions with an SDK of :macosx") end end end describe XCTasks::TestTask::Destination do let(:destination) { } describe '#platform=' do it "allows assignment of :osx" do destination.platform = :osx expect(destination.platform).to eq('OS X') end it "allows assignment of 'OS X'" do destination.platform = 'OS X' expect(destination.platform).to eq('OS X') end it "allows assignment of :ios" do destination.platform = :ios expect(destination.platform).to eq('iOS') end it "allows assignment of 'iOS'" do destination.platform = 'iOS' expect(destination.platform).to eq('iOS') end it "allows assignment of :iossimulator" do destination.platform = :iossimulator expect(destination.platform).to eq('iOS Simulator') end it "allows assignment of 'iOS Simulator'" do destination.platform = 'iOS Simulator' expect(destination.platform).to eq('iOS Simulator') end it "disallows other values" do expect { destination.platform = 'sdadsa' }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end end