require "net/ssh" require "thor" module Dogids class Cli < Thor no_commands do def deploy_testing print_heading("Deploying backend to") server_addresses = [ "testing" ] server_addresses.each do |server_address| ssh_address = get_config_url("staging","#{server_address}") next if ssh_address == false print_command("Server(#{server_address}): #{ssh_address}") Net::SSH.start(ssh_address, "dogids") do |ssh| print_command("Checking the current git status") ssh.exec!(backend_git_status_command) do |_channel, _stream, data| print_command(data) end current_branch = ssh.exec!("cd /home/dogids/apps/dogids-backend && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").strip print_heading("Current Branch: #{current_branch}") branch = ask("-----> Which branch would you like to deploy? [#{current_branch}]").strip break print_command("Fine, be that way.") if branch.downcase == "cancel" branch = current_branch if branch.length == 0 print_command("Pulling latest from #{branch}") ssh.exec!(backend_git_pull_command(branch)) do |_channel, _stream, data| print_command(data) end ssh.exec!(backend_composer_commands) do |_channel, _stream, data| print_command(data) end ssh.exec!(backend_deployment_commands) do |_channel, _stream, data| print_command(data) end end end print_heading("Done.") end end private end end