Feature: Globalize 2 In order to take advantage of the many languages I speak As an admin I want to be able to globalize my pages Background: Given I am logged in as an admin Scenario: Changing locale Given a page "Cool Page" exists translated to "Pagina cool" And I am on the pages index page When I follow "RO" Then I should see "Pagina cool" When I follow "EN" Then I should see "Cool Page" Scenario: Translating a page Given a page "Cool Page" exists And I am on the pages index page When I follow "Cool Page" And I follow "RO" And I fill in "Page Title" with "Pagina cool" And I press "Save Changes" Then I should be on the pages index page And I should see "Pagina cool" When I follow "EN" Then I should see "Cool Page" Scenario: Translating content for a page Given a page "Cool Page" exists with a "body" page part And I am on the pages index page When I follow "Cool Page" And I follow "RO" And I fill in "part_body_content" with "continut romanesc" And I press "Save Changes" Then the "Cool Page" page should contain "continut romanesc" for "ro" locale And the "Cool Page" page should contain "english content" for "en" locale Scenario: Deleting a translation Given a page "Cool Page" exists translated to "Pagina cool" And I am on the pages index page When I follow "Cool Page" And I follow "RO" And I check "Delete RO translation" And I press "Save Changes" Then I should be on the pages index page And I should not see "Pagina cool" When I follow "EN" Then I should see "Cool Page" Scenario: The locale is changed to default when creating a new page Given a page "HomePage" exists And I am on the pages index page And I follow "RO" When I follow "add child" Then I should see "The locale has been changed to default." And I should see "(default)"