# encoding: utf-8 require 'open-uri' require 'htmlentities' module Oddb2xml FAKE_GTIN_START = '999999' def Oddb2xml.gen_prodno(iksnr, seqnr) sprintf('%05d',iksnr) + sprintf('%02d', seqnr) end def Oddb2xml.uri_open(url) version = RUBY_VERSION.split('.').map { |x| x.to_i } if (version <=> [2,5,0]) >= 0 URI.open(url) else open(url) end end def Oddb2xml.calc_checksum(str) str = str.strip sum = 0 val = str.split(//u) 12.times do |idx| fct = ((idx%2)*2)+1 sum += fct*val[idx].to_i end ((10-(sum%10))%10).to_s end unless defined?(RSpec) WorkDir = Dir.pwd Downloads = "#{Dir.pwd}/downloads" end @options = {} @atc_csv_origin = 'https://github.com/zdavatz/cpp2sqlite/blob/master/input/atc_codes_multi_lingual.txt' @atc_csv_content = {} def Oddb2xml.html_decode(string) german = string german = string.force_encoding('ISO-8859-1').encode('UTF-8') if string.encoding.to_s.eql?('ASCII') while !german.eql?(HTMLEntities.new.decode(german)) german = HTMLEntities.new.decode(german) end Oddb2xml.patch_some_utf8(german).gsub('
',"\n") end def Oddb2xml.patch_some_utf8(line) begin line = line.encode('utf-8') rescue => error end begin line.gsub("\u0089", "‰").gsub("\u0092", '’').gsub("\u0096", '-').gsub("\u2013",'-').gsub("\u201D", '"').chomp rescue => error puts "#{error}: in #{line}" line end end def Oddb2xml.convert_to_8859_1(line) begin # We want to ignore lines which are not really UTF-8 encoded ausgabe = Oddb2xml.patch_some_utf8(line).encode('ISO-8859-1') ausgabe.encode('ISO-8859-1') rescue => error puts "#{error}: in #{line}" end end def Oddb2xml.add_epha_changes_for_ATC(iksnr, atc_code, force_run: false) @atc_csv_content = {} if force_run if @atc_csv_content.size == 0 Oddb2xml.uri_open(@atc_csv_origin).readlines.each{ |line| items = line.split(',') @atc_csv_content[[items[0], items[1]]] = items[2] } end new_value = @atc_csv_content[[iksnr.to_s, atc_code]] new_value ? new_value : atc_code end def Oddb2xml.log(msg) return unless @options[:log] # TODO:: require 'pry'; binding.pry if msg.size > 1000 $stdout.puts "#{Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}: #{msg[0..250]}" $stdout.flush end def Oddb2xml.save_options(options) @options = options end def Oddb2xml.skip_download? @options[:skip_download] end def Oddb2xml.skip_download(file) return false if defined?(VCR) dest = "#{Downloads}/#{File.basename(file)}" if File.exists?(dest) FileUtils.cp(dest, file, :verbose => false, :preserve => true) unless File.expand_path(file).eql?(dest) return true end false end def Oddb2xml.download_finished(file, remove_file = true) src = "#{WorkDir}/#{File.basename(file)}" dest = "#{Downloads}/#{File.basename(file)}" FileUtils.makedirs(Downloads) #return unless File.exists?(file) return unless file and File.exists?(file) return if File.expand_path(file).eql?(dest) FileUtils.cp(src, dest, :verbose => false) Oddb2xml.log("download_finished saved as #{dest} #{File.size(dest)} bytes.") end # please keep this constant in sync between (GEM) swissmedic-diff/lib/swissmedic-diff.rb and (GEM) oddb2xml/lib/oddb2xml/extractor.rb def Oddb2xml.check_column_indices(sheet) row = sheet[5] # Headers are found at row 5 since February 5 error_2019 = nil 0.upto((COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.size) -1).each{ |idx| puts "#{idx}: #{row[idx].value}" } if $VERBOSE COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.each{ |key, value| header_name = row[COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(key)].value.to_s unless value.match(header_name) puts "#{__LINE__}: #{key} -> #{COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(key)} #{value}\nbut was #{header_name}" if $VERBOSE error_2019 = "Packungen.xlslx_has_unexpected_column_#{COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019.keys.index(key)}_#{key}_#{value.to_s}_but_was_#{header_name}" # require 'pry'; binding.pry break end } raise "#{error_2019}" if error_2019 end # please keep this constant in sync between (GEM) swissmedic-diff/lib/swissmedic-diff.rb and (GEM) oddb2xml/lib/oddb2xml/extractor.rb COLUMNS_FEBRUARY_2019= { :iksnr => /Zulassungs-Nummer/i, # column-nr: 0 :seqnr => /Dosisstärke-nummer/i, :name_base => /Bezeichnung des Arzneimittels/i, :company => /Zulassungsinhaberin/i, :production_science => /Heilmittelcode/i, :index_therapeuticus => /IT-Nummer/i, # column-nr: 5 :atc_class => /ATC-Code/i, :registration_date => /Erstzul.datum Arzneimittel/i, :sequence_date => /Zul.datum Dosisstärke/i, :expiry_date => /Gültigkeitsdauer der Zulassung/i, :ikscd => /Packungscode/i, # column-nr: 10 :size => /Packungsgrösse/i, :unit => /Einheit/i, :ikscat => /Abgabekategorie Packung/i, :ikscat_seq => /Abgabekategorie Dosisstärke/i, :ikscat_preparation => /Abgabekategorie Arzneimittel/i, # column-nr: 15 :substances => /Wirkstoff/i, :composition => /Zusammensetzung/i, :composition_AMZV => /Volldeklaration rev. AMZV umgesetzt/i, :indication_registration => /Anwendungsgebiet Arzneimittel/i, :indication_sequence => /Anwendungsgebiet Dosisstärke/i, # column-nr 20 :gen_production => /Gentechnisch hergestellte Wirkstoffe/i, :insulin_category => /Kategorie bei Insulinen/i, # swissmedi corrected in february 2018 the typo betäubunsmittel to betäubungsmittel- :drug_index => /Verz. bei betäubungsmittel-haltigen Arzneimittel/i, } COLUMNS_JULY_2015 = { :iksnr => /Zulassungs-Nummer/i, # column-nr: 0 :seqnr => /Dosisstärke-nummer/i, :name_base => /Präparatebezeichnung/i, :company => /Zulassungsinhaberin/i, :production_science => /Heilmittelcode/i, :index_therapeuticus => /IT-Nummer/i, # column-nr: 5 :atc_class => /ATC-Code/i, :registration_date => /Erstzulassungs-datum./i, :sequence_date => /Zul.datum Dosisstärke/i, :expiry_date => /Gültigkeitsdauer der Zulassung/i, :ikscd => /Packungscode/i, # column-nr: 10 :size => /Packungsgrösse/i, :unit => /Einheit/i, :ikscat => /Abgabekategorie Arzneimittel/i, :ikscat_seq => /Abgabekategorie Dosisstärke/i, :ikscat_preparation => /Abgabekategorie Präparat/i, # column-nr: 15 :substances => /Wirkstoff/i, :composition => /Zusammensetzung/i, :indication_registration => /Anwendungsgebiet Präparat/i, :indication_sequence => /Anwendungsgebiet Dosisstärke/i, :gen_production => /Gentechnisch hergestellte Wirkstoffe/i, # column-nr 20 :insulin_category => /Kategorie bei Insulinen/i, # swissmedi corrected in february 2018 the typo betäubunsmittel to betäubungsmittel- :drug_index => /Verz. bei betäubun.*smittel-haltigen Präparaten/i, } def Oddb2xml.add_hash(string) doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(string) do |config| config.huge end nr = 0 doc.root.elements.each do |node| nr += 1 next if node.name.eql?('RESULT') node['SHA256'] = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest node.text end doc.to_xml end def Oddb2xml.verify_sha256(file) f = File.open(file) doc = Nokogiri::XML(f) nr = 0 doc.root.elements.each do |node| nr += 1 next if node.name.eql?('RESULT') sha256 = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest node.text unless node['SHA256'].eql?(sha256) puts "Verifiying #{node['SHA256']} != expectd #{sha256} against node #{node.text} failed" exit (3) end end return true end def Oddb2xml.validate_via_xsd(xsd_file, xml_file) xsd =open(xsd_file).read xsd_rtikelstamm_xml = Nokogiri::XML::Schema(xsd) doc = Nokogiri::XML(File.read(xml_file)) xsd_rtikelstamm_xml.validate(doc).each do |error| if error.message puts "Failed validating #{xml_file} with #{File.size(xml_file)} bytes using XSD from #{xsd_file}" puts "CMD: xmllint --noout --schema #{xsd_file} #{xml_file}" end msg = "expected #{error.message} to be nil\nfor #{xml_file}" puts msg expect(error.message).to be_nil, msg end end # Needed for ensuring consistency for the Artikelstamm @@prodno_to_ean13 = {} @@no8_to_ean13 = {} @@ean13_to_prodno = {} @@ean13_to_no8 = {} def Oddb2xml.setEan13forProdno(prodno, ean13) if ean13.to_i == 7680006660045 || ean13.to_i == 7680006660014 Oddb2xml.log "setEan13forProdno #{prodno} ean13 #{ean13}" end @@prodno_to_ean13[prodno] ||= [] @@prodno_to_ean13[prodno] << ean13 @@ean13_to_prodno[ean13] = prodno end def Oddb2xml.setEan13forNo8(no8, ean13) if ean13.to_i == 7680006660045 || ean13.to_i == 7680006660014 Oddb2xml.log "setEan13forNo8 #{no8} ean13 #{ean13}" end if @@no8_to_ean13[no8].nil? @@no8_to_ean13[no8] = ean13 @@ean13_to_no8[ean13] = no8 elsif !@@no8_to_ean13[no8].eql?(ean13) Oddb2xml.log "@@no8_to_ean13[no8] #{@@no8_to_ean13[no8]} not overridden by #{ean13}" end end def Oddb2xml.getEan13forProdno(prodno) @@prodno_to_ean13[prodno] || [] end def Oddb2xml.getEan13forNo8(no8) @@no8_to_ean13[no8] || [] end def Oddb2xml.getProdnoForEan13(ean13) @@ean13_to_prodno[ean13] end def Oddb2xml.getNo8ForEan13(ean13) @@ean13_to_no8[ean13] end end