Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Enabled: false Metrics/LineLength: Max: 120 # To make it possible to copy or click on URIs in the code, we allow lines # containing a URI to be longer than Max. AllowHeredoc: true AllowURI: true URISchemes: - http - https Metrics/MethodLength: CountComments: false # count full line comments? Max: 15 Metrics/ClassLength: CountComments: false # count full line comments? Max: 150 Metrics/ModuleLength: CountComments: false # count full line comments? Max: 150 Metrics/BlockLength: CountComments: false # count full line comments? Max: 150 # Nothing wrong with e.g. big Structs Layout/SpaceInsideStringInterpolation: EnforcedStyle: space Layout/SpaceInsideArrayLiteralBrackets: Enabled: false Style/RedundantSelf: Enabled: false Style/BlockDelimiters: Enabled: false Style/SignalException: Enabled: false Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody: Enabled: false Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody: Description: "Keeps track of empty lines around block bodies." Enabled: false Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody: Description: "Keeps track of empty lines around class bodies." Enabled: false Layout/EmptyLinesAroundModuleBody: Description: "Keeps track of empty lines around module bodies." Enabled: false Layout/EmptyLinesAroundMethodBody: Description: "Keeps track of empty lines around method bodies." Enabled: false Style/DoubleNegation: Enabled: false Style/Documentation: Enabled: false Metrics/AbcSize: Enabled: false Style/RaiseArgs: Enabled: false Style/RegexpLiteral: Enabled: false Layout/AlignHash: EnforcedColonStyle: table EnforcedHashRocketStyle: table Layout/AlignParameters: EnforcedStyle: with_first_parameter Layout/IndentArray: EnforcedStyle: consistent Layout/IndentHash: EnforcedStyle: consistent Style/AsciiComments: Enabled: false Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Enabled: true Style/MutableConstant: Enabled: false Style/MethodDefParentheses: Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: require_no_parentheses_except_multiline Style/StabbyLambdaParentheses: Enabled: false Layout/SpaceInLambdaLiteral: Enabled: false Style/StructInheritance: Enabled: false Naming/PredicateName: Enabled: false Style/FormatStringToken: Enabled: false Rails/DynamicFindBy: Enabled: false Style/RescueStandardError: EnforcedStyle: implicit