require "asciidoctor" require "asciidoctor/standoc/converter" require "fileutils" module Asciidoctor module Generic # A {Converter} implementation that generates RSD output, and a document # schema encapsulation of the document for validation # class Converter < Standoc::Converter XML_ROOT_TAG = "generic-standard".freeze XML_NAMESPACE = "".freeze register_for "generic" def xml_root_tag configuration.xml_root_tag || XML_ROOT_TAG end def xml_namespace configuration.document_namespace || XML_NAMESPACE end def baselocation(loc) return nil if loc.nil? File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname( self.class::_file || __FILE__), "..", "..", "..", loc)) end def default_publisher configuration.organization_name_long end def org_abbrev if !configuration.organization_name_long.empty? && !configuration.organization_name_short.empty? && configuration.organization_name_long != configuration.organization_name_short { configuration.organization_name_long => configuration.organization_name_short } else super end end def relaton_relations Array(configuration.relations) || [] end def metadata_committee(node, xml) return unless node.attr("committee") xml.editorialgroup do |a| a.committee node.attr("committee"), **attr_code(type: node.attr("committee-type")) i = 2 while node.attr("committee_#{i}") do a.committee node.attr("committee_#{i}"), **attr_code(type: node.attr("committee-type_#{i}")) i += 1 end end end def metadata_status(node, xml) xml.status do |s| s.stage ( node.attr("status") || node.attr("docstage") || configuration.default_stage || "published" ) x = node.attr("substage") and s.substage x x = node.attr("iteration") and s.iteration x end end def docidentifier_cleanup(xmldoc) template = configuration.docid_template || "{{ organization_name_short }} {{ docnumeric }}" docid ="//bibdata/docidentifier") id = boilerplate_isodoc(xmldoc).populate_template(template, nil) id.empty? and docid.remove or docid.children = id end def metadata_id(node, xml) xml.docidentifier **{ type: configuration.organization_name_short } do |i| i << "DUMMY" end xml.docnumber { |i| i << node.attr("docnumber") } end def metadata_ext(node, ext) super Array(configuration.metadata_extensions).each do |e| a = node.attr(e) and ext.send e, a end end def doctype(node) d = super configuration.doctypes or return d == "article" ? "standard" : d default = configuration.default_doctype || Array(configuration.doctypes).dig(0) || "standard" unless Array(configuration.doctypes).include? d @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "#{d} is not a legal document type: reverting to '#{default}'") d = default end d end def read_config_file(path_to_config_file) Metanorma::Generic.configuration. set_default_values_from_yaml_file(path_to_config_file) end def sectiontype_streamline(ret) if (ret) "terms and definitions" elsif (ret) "symbols and abbreviated terms" elsif (ret) "normative references" elsif (ret) "bibliography" else ret end end def document(node) read_config_file(node.attr("customize")) if node.attr("customize") super end def outputs(node, ret) + ".xml", "w:UTF-8") { |f| f.write(ret) } presentation_xml_converter(node)&.convert(@filename + ".xml") html_converter(node)&.convert(@filename + ".presentation.xml", nil, false, "#{@filename}.html") doc_converter(node)&.convert(@filename + ".presentation.xml", nil, false, "#{@filename}.doc") pdf_converter(node)&.convert(@filename + ".presentation.xml", nil, false, "#{@filename}.pdf") end def validate(doc) content_validate(doc) schema_validate(formattedstr_strip(doc.dup), baselocation(configuration.validate_rng_file) || File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "generic.rng")) end def content_validate(doc) super bibdata_validate(doc.root) end def bibdata_validate(doc) stage_validate(doc) committee_validate(doc) end def stage_validate(xmldoc) stages = configuration&.stage_abbreviations&.keys || return stages.empty? and return stage = xmldoc&.at("//bibdata/status/stage")&.text stages.include? stage or @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "#{stage} is not a recognised status") end def committee_validate(xmldoc) committees = Array(configuration&.committees) || return committees.empty? and return xmldoc.xpath("//bibdata/ext/editorialgroup/committee").each do |c| committees.include? c.text or @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "#{c.text} is not a recognised committee") end end def sections_cleanup(x) super x.xpath("//*[@inline-header]").each do |h| h.delete("inline-header") end end def blank_method(*args); end def html_converter(node) end def presentation_xml_converter(node) end alias_method :pdf_converter, :html_converter alias_method :style, :blank_method alias_method :title_validate, :blank_method def doc_converter(node) end def configuration Metanorma::Generic.configuration end def boilerplate_isodoc(xmldoc) conv = super Metanorma::Generic::Configuration::CONFIG_ATTRS.each do |a| conv.i18n.set(a, configuration.send(a)) end conv end def boilerplate_file(xmldoc) f = configuration.boilerplate f.nil? and return super f.is_a? String and return baselocation(f) f.is_a? Hash and f[@lang] and return baselocation(f[@lang]) super end end end end