require 'dmorrill10-utils/class' require 'dmorrill10-utils/enumerable' require 'dmorrill10-utils/integer' require 'set' require File.expand_path('../chip_stack', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../suit', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../rank', __FILE__) # Class that parses and manages game definition information from a game definition file. class GameDefinition exceptions :game_definition_parse_error # @return [String] The string designating the betting type. attr_reader :betting_type # @return [Integer] The number of players. attr_reader :number_of_players # @return [Integer] The number of rounds. attr_reader :number_of_rounds # @return [Array] The number of board cards in each round. # @example The usual Texas hold'em sequence would look like this: # number_of_board_cards == [0, 3, 1, 1] attr_reader :number_of_board_cards # @return [Array] The minimum wager in each round. attr_reader :min_wagers # @return [Array] The position relative to the dealer that is first to act # in each round, indexed from 0. # @example The usual Texas hold'em sequence would look like this: # first_player_positions == [1, 0, 0, 0] attr_reader :first_player_positions # @return [Array] The maximum number of wagers in each round. attr_reader :max_number_of_wagers # @return [Array] The list containing the initial stack size for every player. attr_reader :chip_stacks # @return [Integer] The number of suits in the deck. attr_reader :number_of_suits # @return [Integer] The number of ranks in the deck. attr_reader :number_of_ranks # @return [Integer] The number of hole cards that each player is dealt. attr_reader :number_of_hole_cards # @return [Array] The list of blind sizes. attr_reader :blinds # @return [Integer] The maximum value of an eight bit unsigned integer (for consistency with the ACPC Dealer). UINT8_MAX = 2**8 - 1 DEFAULT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_WAGERS = UINT8_MAX # @return [Integer] The maximum value of a 32 bit signed integer (for consistency with the ACPC Dealer). INT32_MAX = 2**31 - 1 DEFAULT_CHIP_STACK = INT32_MAX # @return [Hash] Maximum game parameter values. MIN_VALUES = { :@number_of_rounds => 1, :@number_of_players => 2, :@number_of_hole_cards => 1, :@number_of_suits => 1, :@number_of_ranks => 2 } MAX_VALUES = { :@number_of_suits => Suit::DOMAIN.length, :@number_of_ranks => Rank::DOMAIN.length } # @return [Hash] Betting types understood by this class. BETTING_TYPES = { :limit => 'limit', :nolimit => 'nolimit' } DEFINITIONS = { :@chip_stacks => 'stack', :@number_of_players => 'numPlayers', :@blinds => 'blind', :@min_wagers => 'raiseSize', :@number_of_rounds => 'numRounds', :@first_player_positions => 'firstPlayer', :@max_number_of_wagers => 'maxRaises', :@number_of_suits => 'numSuits', :@number_of_ranks => 'numRanks', :@number_of_hole_cards => 'numHoleCards', :@number_of_board_cards => 'numBoardCards' } def self.default_first_player_positions(number_of_rounds) number_of_rounds.to_i.times.inject([]) do |list, i| list << 0 end end # @return [Array] The default maximum raise in each round. def self.default_max_number_of_wagers(number_of_rounds) number_of_rounds.to_i.times.inject([]) do |list, i| list << DEFAULT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_WAGERS end end # @param [Integer] number_of_players The number of players that require stacks. # @return [Array] The default list of initial stacks for every player. def self.default_chip_stacks(number_of_players) number_of_players.to_i.times.inject([]) do |list, i| list << end end # @param [Array] array The array to flatten into a single element. # @return +array+ if +array+ has more than one element, the single element in +array+ otherwise. def self.flatten_if_single_element_array(array) if 1 == array.length then array[0] else array end end # Checks if the given line is a comment beginning with '#' or ';', or empty. # # @param [String] line # @return [Boolean] True if +line+ is a comment or empty, false otherwise. def self.line_is_comment_or_empty?(line) line.nil? || line.match(/^\s*[#;]/) || line.empty? end # Checks a given line from a game definition file for a game # definition name and returns the given default value unless there is a match. # # @param [String, #match] line A line from a game definition file. # @param [String] definition_name The name of the game definition that is # being checked for in +line+. # @return The game definition value in +line+ if +line+ contains the game definition # referred to by +definition_name+, +nil+ otherwise. def self.check_game_def_line_for_definition(line, definition_name) if line.match(/^\s*#{definition_name}\s*=\s*([\d\s]+)/i) values = $1.chomp.split(/\s+/) (0..values.length-1).each do |i| values[i] = values[i].to_i end GameDefinition.flatten_if_single_element_array values end end # Checks if the given line from a game definition file is informative or not # (in which case the line is either: a comment beginning with '#', empty, or # contains 'gamedef'). # # @return [String] line The line to check. # @return [Boolean] +true+ if the line is not informative, +false+ otherwise. def self.game_def_line_not_informative?(line) GameDefinition.line_is_comment_or_empty?(line) || line.match(/\s*gamedef\s*/i) end # @param [String] game_definition_file_name The name of the game definition file that this instance should parse. # @raise (see #initialize) def self.parse_file(game_definition_file_name), 'r') { |file| GameDefinition.parse file } end alias_new :parse # @raise GameDefinitionParseError def initialize(definitions) initialize_members! begin parse_definitions! definitions rescue => unable_to_read_or_open_file_error raise GameDefinitionParseError, unable_to_read_or_open_file_error.message end @chip_stacks = GameDefinition.default_chip_stacks(@number_of_players) if @chip_stacks.empty? @min_wagers = default_min_wagers(@number_of_rounds) if @min_wagers.empty? unless @first_player_positions.any? { |pos| pos <= 0 }! { |position| position - 1 } end sanity_check_game_definitions! end def to_s to_a.join("\n") end alias_method :to_str, :to_s def to_a list_of_lines = [] list_of_lines << BETTING_TYPES[@betting_type] if @betting_type list_of_lines << "stack = #{@chip_stacks.join(' ')}" unless @chip_stacks.empty? list_of_lines << "numPlayers = #{@number_of_players}" if @number_of_players list_of_lines << "blind = #{@blinds.join(' ')}" unless @blinds.empty? list_of_lines << "raiseSize = #{@min_wagers.join(' ')}" unless @min_wagers.empty? list_of_lines << "numRounds = #{@number_of_rounds}" if @number_of_rounds list_of_lines << "firstPlayer = #{({|p| p + 1}).join(' ')}" unless @first_player_positions.empty? list_of_lines << "maxRaises = #{@max_number_of_wagers.join(' ')}" unless @max_number_of_wagers.empty? list_of_lines << "numSuits = #{@number_of_suits}" if @number_of_suits list_of_lines << "numRanks = #{@number_of_ranks}" if @number_of_ranks list_of_lines << "numHoleCards = #{@number_of_hole_cards}" if @number_of_hole_cards list_of_lines << "numBoardCards = #{@number_of_board_cards.join(' ')}" unless @number_of_board_cards.empty? list_of_lines end def ==(other_game_definition) == end private def initialize_members! @betting_type = BETTING_TYPES[:limit] @number_of_players = MIN_VALUES[:@number_of_players] @blinds = @number_of_players.times.inject([]) { |blinds, i| blinds << 0 } @number_of_rounds = MIN_VALUES[:@number_of_rounds] @number_of_board_cards = @number_of_rounds.times.inject([]) { |cards, i| cards << 0 } @min_wagers = @number_of_rounds.times.inject([]) { |wagers, i| wagers << @blinds.max } @first_player_positions = GameDefinition.default_first_player_positions @number_of_rounds @max_number_of_wagers = GameDefinition.default_max_number_of_wagers @number_of_rounds @chip_stacks = GameDefinition.default_chip_stacks @number_of_players @number_of_suits = MIN_VALUES[:@number_of_suits] @number_of_ranks = MIN_VALUES[:@number_of_ranks] @number_of_hole_cards = MIN_VALUES[:@number_of_hole_cards] self end def set_defintion_if_present!(definition_symbol, line, definition_label_in_line) new_definition = GameDefinition.check_game_def_line_for_definition line, definition_label_in_line if new_definition instance_variable_set(definition_symbol, new_definition) true else false end end def parse_definitions!(definitions) definitions.each do |line| break if line.match(/\bend\s*gamedef\b/i) next if ( GameDefinition.game_def_line_not_informative?(line) || BETTING_TYPES.any? do |type_and_name| type = type_and_name.first name = type_and_name[1] if line.match(/\b#{name}\b/i) @betting_type = type true else false end end || DEFINITIONS.any? do |symbol, string| set_defintion_if_present!(symbol, line, string) end ) end self end # @raise GameDefinitionParseError def sanity_check_game_definitions! adjust_definitions_if_necessary! raise GameDefinitionParseError, "list of player stacks not specified" unless @chip_stacks raise GameDefinitionParseError, "list of blinds not specified" unless @blinds raise GameDefinitionParseError, "raise size in each round not specified" unless @min_wagers raise GameDefinitionParseError, "first player position in each round not specified" unless @first_player_positions raise GameDefinitionParseError, "maximum raise in each round not specified" unless @max_number_of_wagers raise GameDefinitionParseError, "number of board cards in each round not specified" unless @number_of_board_cards MIN_VALUES.each do |symbol, min_value| if instance_variable_get(symbol) < min_value raise( GameDefinitionParseError, "Invalid definition, #{DEFINITION[symbol]} must be greater than #{min_value} but was set to #{instance_variable_get(symbol)}" ) end end (0..@number_of_players-1).each do |i| if @blinds[i] > @chip_stacks[i] raise( GameDefinitionParseError, "Blind for player #{i+1} (#{@blinds[i]}) is greater than stack size (#{@chip_stacks[i]})" ) end end @number_of_rounds.times do |i| unless @first_player_positions[i].seat_in_bounds? @number_of_players raise( GameDefinitionParseError, "Invalid first player #{@first_player_positions[i]} on round #{i+1}" ) end end MAX_VALUES.each do |symbol, max_value| if instance_variable_get(symbol) > max_value raise( GameDefinitionParseError, "Invalid definition, #{DEFINITIONS[symbol]} must be less than #{max_value} but was set to #{instance_variable_get(symbol)}" ) end end number_of_cards_required = (@number_of_hole_cards * @number_of_players) + @number_of_board_cards.sum if number_of_cards_required > (@number_of_suits * @number_of_ranks) raise( GameDefinitionParseError, "Too many hole and board cards (#{number_of_cards_required}) for specified deck (#{(@number_of_suits * @number_of_ranks)})" ) end end def adjust_definitions_if_necessary! @number_of_players.times do |i| @blinds << 0 unless @blinds.length > i @chip_stacks << DEFAULT_CHIP_STACK unless @chip_stacks.length > i end @number_of_rounds.times do |i| @first_player_positions << 0 unless @first_player_positions.length > i @number_of_board_cards << 0 unless @number_of_board_cards.length > i @min_wagers << @blinds.max unless @min_wagers.length > i end end end