layout: page
title: Devlog
date: 2025-01-22
permalink: devlog
10:08 PM
Starting the theme by modifying some of the old code I had set up in the old Github repo last year.
03:21 AM
Defining the CSS variables for the theme.
03:55 AM
Leaving myself a reminder to support Jekyll tags first, then categories.
03:59 AM
I don't like how Jekyll embeds code blocks surrounded by Liquid tags within a `` element, so I've removed support for it, as figure elements are being used for images with captions.
04:45 AM
Added monokai theme for code blocks, and moved some navigation elements around.
04:52 AM
Still have to rethink footnotes.
05:27 AM
Now I'm working on installing a local version of the gem after pushing it to Github. I guess first I should update the links.
05:50 AM
Note: To include default index.md, posts.md, and devlog.md, I had to update the `spec.files` line to this:
spec.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").select { |f| f.match(%r!^(assets|_data|_layouts|_includes|_sass|LICENSE|README|_config\.yml|Devlog\.md|index\.md|posts\.md)!i) }
06:32 AM
**Update**: These files are not automatically included, so I will make sure to note that in the README.md
## Building Gem
$ gem build Arrow.gemspec
## Installing locally for testing
$ gem install ./arrow-jekyll-theme-0.1.0.gem
## Removing local gem
$ gem uninstall arrow-jekyll-theme
## Installing on new blog
After creating a new site (possibly with `$ jekyll new site-name`), update the `_config.yml` file with this line:
theme: arrow-jekyll-theme
Also update your Gemfile:
gem "arrow-jekyll-theme"
And then execute:
$ bundle install
## Finding where gem was installed
$ bundle info arrow-jekyll-theme
## Build Your Site
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
07:03 AM
I just published the gem to RubyGems [here](https://rubygems.org/gems/arrow-jekyll-theme)
07:22 AM
I just noticed I forgot to update the link to the RSS feed. Fixing and pushing an update right now.