# Mixlib::Versioning Versioning is hard! `mixlib-versioning` is a general Ruby library that allows you to parse, compare and manipulate version numbers in multiple formats. Currently the following version string formats are supported: ### SemVer 2.0.0-rc.1 **Specification:** http://semver.org/ **Supported Formats:** ```text MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-PRERELEASE MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-PRERELEASE+BUILD ``` Not much to say here except: *YUNO USE SEMVER!* The specification is focused and brief, do yourself a favor and go read it. ### Opscode SemVer **Supported Formats:** ```text MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-alpha.INDEX MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-beta.INDEX MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-rc.INDEX MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-alpha.INDEX+YYYYMMDDHHMMSS MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-beta.INDEX+YYYYMMDDHHMMSS MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-rc.INDEX+YYYYMMDDHHMMSS MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-alpha.INDEX+YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.git.COMMITS_SINCE.SHA1 MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-beta.INDEX+YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.git.COMMITS_SINCE.SHA1 MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-rc.INDEX+YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.git.COMMITS_SINCE.SHA1 ``` All the fun of regular SemVer with some extra limits around what constitutes a valid pre-release or build version string. Valid prerelease version strings use the format: `PRERELEASE_STAGE.INDEX`. Valid prerelease stages include: `alpha`, `beta` and `rc`. All of the following are acceptable Opscode SemVer pre-release versions: ```text 11.0.8-alpha.0 11.0.8-alpha.1 11.0.8-beta.7 11.0.8-beta.8 11.0.8-rc.1 11.0.8-rc.2 ``` Build version strings are limited to timestamps (`YYYYMMDDHHMMSS`), git describe strings (`git.COMMITS_SINCE.SHA1`) or a combination of the two (`YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.git.COMMITS_SINCE.SHA1`). All of the following are acceptable Opscode build versions: ```text 11.0.8+20130308110833 11.0.8+git.2.g94a1dde 11.0.8+20130308110833.git.2.94a1dde ``` And as is true with regular SemVer you can mix pre-release and build versions: ```text 11.0.8-rc.1+20130308110833 11.0.8-alpha.2+20130308110833.git.2.94a1dde ``` ### Rubygems **specification:** http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/7 http://guides.rubygems.org/patterns/ **Supported Formats:** ```text MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.PRERELEASE ``` Rubygems is *almost* SemVer compliant but it separates the main version from the pre-release version using a "dot". It also does not have the notion of a build version like SemVer. Examples of valid Rubygems version strings: ```text 10.1.1 10.1.1 10.1.1.alpha.1 10.1.1.beta.1 10.1.1.rc.0 ``` ### Git Describe **Specification:** http://git-scm.com/docs/git-describe **Supported Formats:** ```text MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-COMMITS_SINCE-gGIT_SHA1 MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-COMMITS_SINCE-gGIT_SHA1-ITERATION MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-PRERELEASE-COMMITS_SINCE-gGIT_SHA1 MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-PRERELEASE-COMMITS_SINCE-gGIT_SHA1-ITERATION ``` Examples of valid Git Describe version strings: ```text 10.16.2-49-g21353f0-1 10.16.2.rc.1-49-g21353f0-1 11.0.0-alpha-10-g642ffed 11.0.0-alpha.1-1-gcea071e ``` ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'mixlib-versioning' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install mixlib-semver ## Usage ### Basic Version String Parsing ```irb >> require 'mixlib/versioning' true >> v1 = Mixlib::Versioning.parse("11.0.3") # >> v1.release? true >> v1.prerelease? false >> v1.build? false >> v1.prerelease_build? false >> v2 = Mixlib::Versioning.parse("11.0.0-beta.1") # >> v2.release? false >> v2.prerelease? true >> v2.build? false >> v2.prerelease_build? false >> v3 = Mixlib::Versioning.parse("11.0.6+20130216075209") # >> v3.release? false >> v3.prerelease? false >> v3.build? true >> v3.prerelease_build? false >> v4 = Mixlib::Versioning.parse("11.0.8-rc.1+20130302083119") # >> v4.release? false >> v4.prerelease? false >> v4.build? true >> v4.prerelease_build? true >> v5 = Mixlib::Versioning.parse("10.16.8.alpha.0") # >> v5.major 10 >> v5.minor 16 >> v5.patch 8 >> v5.prerelease "alpha.0" >> v5.release? false >> v5.prerelease? true ``` ### Version Comparison and Sorting ```irb >> require 'mixlib/versioning' true >> v1 = Mixlib::Versioning.parse("11.0.0-beta.1") # >> v2 = Mixlib::Versioning.parse("11.0.0-rc.1") # >> v3 = Mixlib::Versioning.parse("11.0.0") # >> v1 < v2 true >> v3 < v1 false >> v1 == v2 false >> [v3, v1, v2].sort [ [0] #, [1] #, [2] # ] >> [v3, v1, v2].map{|v| v.to_s}.sort [ [0] "11.0.0", [1] "11.0.0-beta.1", [2] "11.0.0-rc.1" ] ``` ### Target Version Selection Basic usage: ```ruby >> require 'mixlib/versioning' true >> all_versions = %w{ 11.0.0-alpha.1 11.0.0-alpha.1-1-gcea071e 11.0.0-alpha.3+20130103213604.git.11.3fe70b5 11.0.0-alpha.3+20130129075201.git.38.3332a80 11.0.0-alpha.3+20130130075202.git.38.3332a80 11.0.0-beta.0+20130131044557 11.0.0-beta.1+20130201023059.git.5.c9d3320 11.0.0-beta.2+20130201035911 11.0.0-beta.2+20130201191308.git.4.9aa4cb2 11.0.0-rc.1 11.0.0+20130204053034.git.1.1802643 11.0.4 11.0.6-alpha.0+20130208045134.git.2.298c401 11.0.6-alpha.0+20130214075209.git.11.5d72e1c 11.0.6-alpha.0+20130215075208.git.11.5d72e1c 11.0.6-rc.0 11.0.6 11.0.6+20130216075209 11.0.6+20130221075213 11.0.8-rc.1 11.0.8-rc.1+20130302083119 11.0.8-rc.1+20130304083118 11.0.8-rc.1+20130305083118 11.0.8-rc.1+20130305195925.git.2.94a1dde 11.0.8-rc.1+20130306083036.git.2.94a1dde 11.0.8-rc.1+20130319083111.git.6.dc8613e };'' "" >> Mixlib::Versioning.find_target_version(all_versions, "11.0.6", false, false) # >> target = Mixlib::Versioning.find_target_version(all_versions, "11.0.6", false, false) # >> target.to_s "11.0.6" ``` Select latest release version: ```irb >> target = Mixlib::Versioning.find_target_version(all_versions, nil, false, false) # >> target.to_s "11.0.6" ``` Select latest pre-release version: ```irb >> target = Mixlib::Versioning.find_target_version(all_versions, nil, true, false) # >> target.to_s "11.0.8-rc.1" ``` Select the latest release build version: ```irb >> target = Mixlib::Versioning.find_target_version(all_versions, nil, false, true) # >> target.to_s "11.0.6+20130221075213" ``` Select the latest pre-release build version: ```irb >> target = Mixlib::Versioning.find_target_version(all_versions, nil, true, true) # >> target.to_s "11.0.8-rc.1+20130319083111.git.6.dc8613e" ``` ## How to Run the Tests To run the unit tests, run ``` rake spec ``` ## Documentation All documentation is written using YARD. You can generate a by running: ``` rake yard ``` ## Contributing See the [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) document. ## Reporting Bugs You can search for known issues in [Opscode's bug tracker][jira]. Tickets should be filed under the **MIXLIB** project with the component set to **"mixlib-versioning"**. ## License | | | |:---------------------|:-----------------------------------------| | **Author:** | Seth Chisamore (schisamo@opscode.com) | **Copyright:** | Copyright (c) 2013 Opscode, Inc. | **License:** | Apache License, Version 2.0 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. [jira]: http://tickets.opscode.com/browse/MIXLIB