# Core SVG data for the US Ensign. # # This class should never need to be called directly. # @private class USPSFlags::Core::US def svg @base_hoist = 2000.to_f @base_fly = @base_hoist*1.91 @canton_hoist = @base_hoist*7/13 @canton_fly = @canton_hoist*Math.sqrt(2) @star_offset = 20 # Half of scaled star height svg = defs svg << stripes svg << stars # star_diameter = base_hoist*4/5/13 # svg << <<~SVG # <circle cx="#{@canton_fly*6/12}" cy="#{@canton_hoist*4/10-5}" r="#{star_diameter/2}" fill="#999999" fill-opacity="0.4" /> # SVG svg end private def defs File.read("#{File.dirname(__dir__)}/core/us_defs.svg.partial").gsub('STAR', USPSFlags::Core.star) end def stars rows = { odd: (1..9).step(2).to_a, even: (2..8).step(2).to_a } columns = { odd: (1..11).step(2).to_a, even: (2..10).step(2).to_a } svg = "" %i[odd even].each do |type| rows[type].each do |r| columns[type].each do |c| svg << <<~SVG <g transform="translate(#{@canton_fly*c/12}, #{@star_offset+@canton_hoist*r/10})"><g transform="scale(0.31)"><use href="#star" /></g></g> SVG end end end svg end def stripes s = (0..12).map do |i| color = i.even? ? 'red' : 'white' "<use href=\"##{color}-stripe\" y=\"#{@base_hoist*i/13}\" />" end s.join("\n") + "\n<rect y=\"0\" width=\"#{@canton_fly}\" height=\"#{@canton_hoist}\" fill=\"#{USPSFlags::Config::OLD_GLORY_BLUE}\" />\n" end end