class Fluentd module Setting module Configurable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :_types, :_defaults, :_secrets, :_aliases, :_required class_attribute :_deprecated_params, :_obsoleted_params, :_descriptions class_attribute :_list, :_value_types, :_symbolize_keys class_attribute :_argument_name, :_built_in_params, :_sections, :_section_params self._types = {} self._defaults = {} self._secrets = {} self._aliases = {} self._required = {} self._deprecated_params = {} self._obsoleted_params = {} self._descriptions = {} self._list = {} self._value_types = {} self._symbolize_keys = {} self._argument_name = nil self._built_in_params = [] self._sections = {} self._section_params = {|h, k| h[k] = [] } end def initialize(attributes = {}) # the superclass does not know specific attributes of the model begin super rescue ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError => ex Rails.logger.warn(ex) end self.class._sections.each do |name, klass| klass.init if klass.multi next if attributes.nil? next if attributes[name].nil? attributes[name].each do |attr| next unless attr attr.each do |index, _attr| self._section_params[name] << end end else attr = attributes.dig(name, "0") self._section_params[name] << if attr end end end module ClassMethods # config_param :name, :string, default: "value", secret: true def config_param(name, type =, **options) # NOTE: We cannot overwrite types defined by ActiveModel in config/initializers/types.rb if type == :time type = end if name.to_s.start_with?("@") _name = name.to_s[1..-1] config_param(_name.to_sym, type, **options.merge(alias: name)) self._built_in_params << _name elsif ["id", "type", "log_level"].include?(name.to_s) self._built_in_params << name unless name == "type" attribute(name, type, **options.slice(:precision, :limit, :scale)) end else attribute(name, type, **options.slice(:precision, :limit, :scale)) end self._types[name] = type self._descriptions[name] = options[:desc] if options.key?(:desc) self._defaults[name] = options[:default] if options.key?(:default) self._secrets[name] = options[:secret] if options.key?(:secret) self._aliases[name] = options[:alias] if options.key?(:alias) self._required[name] = options[:required] if options.key?(:required) self._deprecated_params[name] = options[:deprecated] if options.key?(:deprecated) self._obsoleted_params[name] = options[:obsoleted] if options.key?(:obsoleted) self._list[name] = options[:list] if options.key?(:list) self._value_types[name] = options[:value_types] if options.key?(:value_types) self._symbolize_keys = options[:symbolize_keys] if options.key?(:symbolize_keys) end def config_section(name, **options, &block) if self._sections.key?(name) self._sections[name].merge(**options, &block) else attribute(name, :section) section_class = section_class.section_name = name section_class.required = options[:required] section_class.multi = options[:multi] section_class.alias = options[:alias] section_class._block = block self.const_set(name.to_s.classify, section_class) self._sections[name] = section_class end end def config_argument(name, type =, **options) config_param(name, type, **options) self._argument_name = name end def set_argument_name(name) self._argument_name = name end end end end end