//= require jquery.ba-bbq //= require jquery.url /* * AJAX Pagination v<%= AjaxPagination::VERSION %>: Ajaxifying your navigation * https://github.com/ronalchn/ajax_pagination * * Copyright (c) 2012 Ronald Ping Man Chan * Distributed under the LGPL license * * Although the ajax_pagination gem as a whole is distributed under LGPL, I am expressly permitting users to minify and concatenate this javascript file * with other javascript files, as long as it is through an automatic asset management process (eg. Sprockets), and the automatic asset * management process obtains this javascript file as a separate file via dynamically linked means (ie. with this file left in the separately * installed ajax_pagination gem). * ~ Ronald Chan */ jQuery(document).ready(function () { function minVersion(version) { var $vrs = window.jQuery.fn.jquery.split('.'), min = version.split('.'); for (var i=0, len=min.length; i min[i]) return true; } else return false; } return true; } <% minjQuery = '1.7' %> <% if AjaxPagination.warnings %> if (!(History && minVersion('<%= minjQuery %>'))) { // dependencies missing var missing = ""; if (!History) missing += "\nHistory.js not installed"; if (!minVersion('<%= minjQuery %>')) missing += "\njQuery version <%= minjQuery %>+ not installed. Currently installed: jQuery " + window.jQuery.fn.jquery; alert("AJAX Pagination MISSING_DEPENDENCIES:" + missing); } <% end %> (function( $ ) { // on document ready if (History && History.enabled && minVersion('<%= minjQuery %>')) { /////////////////////////////////// ////// $.ajax_pagination API ////// /////////////////////////////////// // selector function for pagination object $.ajax_pagination = function (section_id) { return new ajax_section_object(section_id); }; $.ajax_pagination.version = '<%= AjaxPagination::VERSION %>'; $.ajax_pagination.enabled = true; function ajax_section_object(section_id) { this.get = function(url,options) { if (options === undefined) options = {}; if (options.history === undefined) options.history = true; swapPage(section_id,url,options.history); } this.exists = function() { return $('#' + section_id).length == 1; } } ///////////////////////////// ////// Basic Internals ////// ///////////////////////////// var pagination_loader_state = new Array(); // the page we are waiting for var pagination_url = location.href; // url we came from, so we can see transitions of the url var history_state = {ajax_pagination_set:true}; // current history state function display_pagination_loader(section_id) { var ajax_section = getSection(section_id); if (pagination_loader_state[section_id] === undefined) { // show loader if not already shown // get the ajax_loadzone DOM element var ajax_loadzone; if (ajax_section.hasClass("ajax_loadzone")) ajax_loadzone = ajax_section; // if the whole section is a loading zone else ajax_loadzone = ajax_section.children(".ajax_loadzone").first(); // don't want to support multiple loader images if ($.rails.fire(getSection(section_id),"ajaxp:loading",[ajax_loadzone.get(0)])) { var height = ajax_loadzone.height(); // setup loading look var img = document.createElement("IMG"); if (ajax_section.data("pagination") !== undefined && ajax_section.data("pagination").image !== undefined) img.src = ajax_section.data("pagination").image; else img.src = "<%= asset_path AjaxPagination.loading_image %>"; var margin = Math.round(height>400?50:(height/8)); $(img).addClass('ajaxpagination-loader'); var div = document.createElement("DIV"); $(div).addClass('ajaxpagination-loadzone'); $(div).append("
").append(img); ajax_loadzone.wrapInner("
"); ajax_loadzone.append(div); } } if ($.rails.fire(getSection(section_id),"ajaxp:focus")) { // scroll to top of ajax_section if it is not visible if ($(document).scrollTop() > ajax_section.offset().top - <%= AjaxPagination.scroll_margin %>) { $(document).scrollTop(ajax_section.offset().top - <%= AjaxPagination.scroll_margin %>); } } } function getSection(section_id) { var id = "#" + section_id; // element id we are looking for return $(id); } function getSectionName(section) { var id = section.attr("id"); if (id === undefined) return undefined; // no name return id; // id = section_id } function getSectionNames(sections) { var names = new Array(); sections.each(function () { names.push(getSectionName($(this))); }); return names; } function intersects(a,b) { // do the arrays a and b intersect? var i=0, j=0; while (i < a.length && j < b.length) { if (a[i]b[j]) j++; else return true; // intersects } return false; // doesn't intersect } // whether change of state is a reload function isReload(section_id,from,to) { if (from == to) return true; // same url - always a reload var section = getSection(section_id); if (section.length == 0) return false; // if data-pagination is not defined, then no reload can be detected if (section.data('pagination') === undefined || section.data('pagination').reload === undefined) return false; var reload = section.data('pagination').reload; if (!(reload instanceof Array)) reload = new Array(reload); for (i=0;i=index) frommatch = frommatch[index]; if (tomatch != null && tomatch.length>=index) tomatch = tomatch[index]; if (frommatch !== tomatch) return false; } } return true; } // when this function is used beforeSend of an AJAX request, will use the resulting content in a section of the page // this event handler has the same arguments as for jquery and jquery-ujs, except it also takes the name of the section to put the content into as first argument // adapter functions will be used to reconcile the differences in arguments, this is required because jquery and jquery-ujs has different ways to get the section_id argument function beforeSendHandler(section_id,jqXHR,settings) { var id = "#" + section_id; // element id we are looking for var requesturl = settings.url; var countid = $('[id="' + section_id + '"]').length; if (countid != 1) { // something wrong, cannot find unique section to load page into <% if AjaxPagination.warnings %> alert("AJAX Pagination UNIQUE_SECTION_NOT_FOUND:\nExpected one section with id of " + section_id + ", found " + countid); <% end %> return false; // continue AJAX normally } if (!$.rails.fire(getSection(section_id),"ajaxp:beforeSend",[jqXHR,settings])) return false; display_pagination_loader(section_id); // register callbacks for other events jqXHR.done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (requesturl != pagination_loader_state[section_id]) return; // ignore stale content if (jqXHR.status == 200 && jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Location') !== null) { // special AJAX redirect var redirecturl = jqXHR.getResponseHeader('Location'); swapPage(section_id,redirecturl); pagination_url = redirecturl; History.replaceState(history_state,document.title,redirecturl); // state not changed return; } // find matching element id in data, after removing script tags var page = $("
"); page[0].innerHTML = data; // put response in DOM without executing scripts // if page contains a title, use it var title = page.find("title"); if (title.length>0) History.replaceState(history_state,title.html(),location.href); // get page contents var content = page.find(id); if (content.length>0) { content = content.html(); <% if AjaxPagination.warnings %> alert("AJAX Pagination EXTRA_CONTENT_DISCARDED:\nExtra content returned by AJAX request ignored. Only a portion of the page content returned by the server was required. To fix this, explicitly call ajax_respond :section_id => \"" + section_id + "\" to render only the partial view required. This warning can be turned off in the ajax_pagination initializer file."); <% end %> } else { // otherwise use all the content, including any scripts - we consider scripts specifically returned in the partial probably should be re-run content = page.find("body"); // does not tend to work since browsers strip out the html, head, body tags if (content.length>0) content = content.html(); // if it has a body tag, only include its contents (for full html structure), leaving out etc sections. else content = page.html(); // otherwise include the whole html snippet } if ($.rails.fire(getSection(section_id),"ajaxp:done",[content])) $(id).html(content); delete pagination_loader_state[section_id]; // not waiting for page anymore $.rails.fire(getSection(section_id),"ajaxp:loaded"); }); jqXHR.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (requesturl != pagination_loader_state[section_id]) return; // ignore stale content if ($.rails.fire(getSection(section_id),"ajaxp:fail",[jqXHR.responseText])) $(id).html(jqXHR.responseText); delete pagination_loader_state[section_id]; // not waiting for page anymore $.rails.fire(getSection(section_id),"ajaxp:loaded"); }); return true; } function swapPage(section_id, requesturl, history) { // swaps the page at section_id to that from requesturl (used by History.popState, therefore no remote link has been clicked) if (history === undefined) history = false; // send our own ajax request, and tie it into the beforeSendHandler used for jquery-ujs as well if (!$.rails.fire(getSection(section_id),"ajaxp:before",[requesturl,undefined])) return false; $.ajax({url: requesturl, data: {ajax_section:section_id}, dataType: 'html', beforeSend: function (jqXHR,settings) { var result = beforeSendHandler(section_id,jqXHR,settings); if (result) { if (history) pushHistory(section_id,settings.url); pagination_loader_state[section_id] = settings.url; // remember which page number we are waiting for } return result; } }); } function pushHistory(section_id,url) { var data = $("#" + section_id).data("pagination"); if (data === undefined || data.history === undefined || data.history) { // check that history is not disabled // construct visible url var data = $.deparam.querystring($.url(url).attr('query')); delete data['ajax_section']; pagination_url = $.param.querystring(url,data,2); if (isReload(section_id,url,location.href)) History.replaceState(history_state,document.title,pagination_url); else { // not just a reload of current page, so do actual pushState // change current history state, and push it on if (history_state.ajax_pagination === undefined) history_state.ajax_pagination = new Array(); var fieldname = "_" + section_id; if (history_state.ajax_pagination[fieldname] === undefined) history_state.ajax_pagination[fieldname]=1; else history_state.ajax_pagination[fieldname]++; History.pushState(history_state,document.title,pagination_url); // push state } } } // these special containers are for convenience only, to apply the required data-remote, data-ajax_section_id attributes to all links inside $(document).on("click", ".ajaxpagination a", function(e) { // ignore if already selected by jquery-ujs if ($(this).filter($.rails.linkClickSelector).length>0) return true; // continue with jquery-ujs - this behaviour is necessary because we do not know if the jquery-ujs handler executes before or after this handler // find out what data-ajax_section_id should be set to var pagination_container = $(this).closest(".ajaxpagination"); // container of links (use to check for data-pagination first) var section_id = pagination_container.data('ajax_section_id'); // set data-remote, data-ajax_section_id $(this).attr({'data-remote':'true'}); // needs to be set so that the jquery-ujs selectors work $(this).data({'remote':'true','ajax_section_id':section_id}); // needs to be set because attributes only read into jquery's data memory once if ($(this).data('type') === undefined) { // to be moved to ajax:before filter when https://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs/pull/241 is successful, and jquery-rails minimum version updated $(this).data('type','html'); // AJAX Pagination requests return html be default } // stop this event from having further effect (because we do not know if jquery-ujs's event handler executed before or after us) e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); // pass it on the jquery-ujs $.rails.handleRemote($(this)); return false; }); $(document).on("ajax:before","a, " + $.rails.inputChangeSelector, function() { var section_id = $(this).data('ajax_section_id'); if (section_id === undefined) return true; // this is not an AJAX Pagination AJAX request $(this).data('params',$.extend($(this).data('params'),{'ajax_section':section_id})); // add data-pagination to the params data return $.rails.fire(getSection(section_id),"ajaxp:before",[this.href,$(this).data('method')]); }); $(document).on("ajax:before","form", function() { var section_id = $(this).data('ajax_section_id'); if (section_id === undefined) return true; // this is not an AJAX Pagination AJAX request // alter action to include pagination parameter in the GET part of the action url $(this).attr('action',$.param.querystring($(this).attr('action'),{ajax_section:section_id})); return $.rails.fire(getSection(section_id),"ajaxp:before",[$(this).attr('action'),$(this).data('method')]); }); $(document).on("ajax:beforeSend","a, form, " + $.rails.inputChangeSelector, function (e,jqXHR,settings) { var section_id = $(this).data('ajax_section_id'); if (section_id === undefined) return true; // this is not an AJAX Pagination AJAX request if (beforeSendHandler(section_id,jqXHR,settings)) { pushHistory(section_id,settings.url); pagination_loader_state[section_id] = settings.url; } return true; }); History.Adapter.bind(window,'popstate',function(e){ // popstate, but can work with hash changes as well //var from = pagination_url, to = location.href; // from what state to what other state var state = History.getState().data || {}; state.ajax_pagination = state.ajax_pagination || {}; history_state.ajax_pagination = history_state.ajax_pagination || {}; if (!state.ajax_pagination_set) { // page first visited (if refresh, state remains) state.ajax_pagination = history_state.ajax_pagination; // put current known state in state.ajax_pagination_set = true; // special flag so that we know its touched History.replaceState(state,document.title,location.href); return; } var allsections = {}; for (var field in state.ajax_pagination) { //if (getSection(field.substr(1)).length == 0) delete state.ajax_pagination[field]; // section no longer exists in current page, so can be deleted // edit it cannot be deleted anymore, because if history changes, section tree node not necessarily reloaded allsections[field] = true; } for (var field in history_state.ajax_pagination) allsections[field] = true; var changedsections = new Array(); for (var section in allsections) { var from = history_state.ajax_pagination[section] || 0; var to = state.ajax_pagination[section] || 0; if (from != to) { // schedule for loading only if not a refresh (changing browser history does not cause a refresh unless it is explicitly requested) //alert('testing ' + section); if (!isReload(section.substr(1),location.href,pagination_url)) changedsections.push(section.substr(1)); // this section changed } } history_state = state; // we can update our view of the state now changedsections.sort(); // sort the section_ids stored in array for (var i = 0; i < changedsections.length; i++) { var section = getSection(changedsections[i]); if (section.length == 0) continue; // no longer exists on page (meaning it does not need reloading) var parentsections = getSectionNames(section.parents(".ajax_section")); parentsections.sort(); // check for intersection if (!intersects(changedsections,parentsections)) { // no intersection, load new content in this section swapPage(changedsections[i],location.href); } } pagination_url = location.href; // update url (new url recognised) }); History.Adapter.trigger(window,"popstate"); // update stuff on page load // trigger a loaded event on each section on initial page load $.rails.fire($(".ajax_section"),"ajaxp:loaded"); } else { // AJAX Pagination is disabled, we need to tidy up a few things to keep things working // remove remote attribute globally $("a[data-ajax_section_id]").removeData('remote'); $("a[data-ajax_section_id]").removeAttr('data-remote'); $("form[data-ajax_section_id]").removeData('remote'); $("form[data-ajax_section_id]").removeAttr('data-remote'); // set an event handler to remove the remote attribute if new content is loaded with AJAX Pagination $(document).children().add(".ajax_section").delegate("a, input, form","click.rails change.rails submit.rails", function(event) { var element = $(event.target); if (element.data('ajax_section_id') === undefined) return true; else { element.removeData('remote'); element.removeAttr('data-remote'); } }); // note using delegate for this instance for backwards compatibility, since might be disabled due to old jQuery version } })( jQuery ); });