Running with gitlab-runner 15.4.0 (43b2dc3d)  on 7171d2237404 41ce2754 section_start:1664803959:prepare_executor Preparing the "docker" executor Using Docker executor with image busybox:latest ... Pulling docker image busybox:latest ... Using docker image sha256:2bd29714875d9206777f9e8876033cbcd58edd14f2c0f1203435296b3f31c5f7 for busybox:latest with digest busybox@sha256:ad9bd57a3a57cc95515c537b89aaa69d83a6df54c4050fcf2b41ad367bec0cd5 ... section_end:1664803963:prepare_executor section_start:1664803963:prepare_script Preparing environment Running on runner-41ce2754-project-216-concurrent-0 via 0e9c9113aa94... section_end:1664803963:prepare_script section_start:1664803963:get_sources Getting source from Git repository Fetching changes with git depth set to 20... Reinitialized existing Git repository in /builds/username/danger-test-repo/.git/ Checking out c54d9bac as main... Skipping Git submodules setup section_end:1664803965:get_sources section_start:1664803965:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script Using docker image sha256:2bd29714875d9206777f9e8876033cbcd58edd14f2c0f1203435296b3f31c5f7 for busybox:latest with digest busybox@sha256:ad9bd57a3a57cc95515c537b89aaa69d83a6df54c4050fcf2b41ad367bec0cd5 ... $ echo "Before script section" Before script section $ echo "For example you might run an update here or install a build dependency" For example you might run an update here or install a build dependency $ echo "Or perhaps you might print out some debugging details" Or perhaps you might print out some debugging details $ echo "Do a test here" Do a test here $ echo "For example run a test suite" For example run a test suite $ echo "Test took $((1 + $RANDOM % 10))s" Test took 16s Test slept 4s section_end:1664803966:step_script section_start:1664803966:after_script Running after_script Running after script... $ echo "After script section" After script section $ echo "For example you might do some cleanup here" For example you might do some cleanup here section_end:1664803967:after_script section_start:1664803967:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables section_end:1664803967:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded