import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FunSuite} class SayTest extends FunSuite with Matchers { test("zero") { Say.inEnglish(0) should be (Some("zero")) } test("one") { pending Say.inEnglish(1) should be (Some("one")) } test("fourteen") { pending Say.inEnglish(14) should be (Some("fourteen")) } test("twenty") { pending Say.inEnglish(20) should be (Some("twenty")) } test("twenty-two") { pending Say.inEnglish(22) should be (Some("twenty-two")) } test("fifty") { pending Say.inEnglish(50) should be (Some("fifty")) } test("ninety-eight") { pending Say.inEnglish(98) should be (Some("ninety-eight")) } test("one hundred") { pending Say.inEnglish(100) should be (Some("one hundred")) } test("one hundred twenty-three") { pending Say.inEnglish(123) should be (Some("one hundred twenty-three")) } test("one thousand") { pending Say.inEnglish(1000) should be (Some("one thousand")) } test("one thousand two hundred thirty-four") { pending Say.inEnglish(1234) should be (Some("one thousand two hundred thirty-four")) } test("one million") { pending Say.inEnglish(1000000) should be (Some("one million")) } test("one million two") { pending Say.inEnglish(1000002) should be (Some("one million two")) } test("one million two thousand three hundred forty-five") { pending Say.inEnglish(1002345) should be (Some("one million two thousand three hundred forty-five")) } test("one billion") { pending Say.inEnglish(1000000000) should be (Some("one billion")) } test("A big number") { pending Say.inEnglish(987654321123L) should be (Some("nine hundred eighty-seven billion " + "six hundred fifty-four million three hundred twenty-one thousand one hundred twenty-three")) } test("Lower bound") { pending Say.inEnglish(-1) should be (None) } test("Upper bound") { pending Say.inEnglish(1000000000000L) should be (None) } }