<%= (@test_run.duration / 1000.0).round(2) %>s Duration
<%= (@test_run.covered_percent * 100.0).round(1) %>% Coverage
<% if @test_run.real_fail_count.zero? %><%= @test_run.total_count %> <%= @test_run.total_count == 1 ? "Test" : "Tests" %>
<% else %><%= @test_run.real_fail_count %> <%= @test_run.real_fail_count == 1 ? "Fail" : "Fails" %>
<% end %><% stats = TestRunStatistics.new(@project) %> <% runs, width, height = 15, 188, 75 %> <%= area_graph( data: stats.tests(runs), colors: ["FFFFFF", "AA0000", "E24E32", "5DB64C"], width: width, height: height, retina: true, bg: "FFFFFF00", title: "Results (count)" ) %> | <%= area_graph( data: [stats.coverage(runs)], colors: ["445599"], width: width, height: height, retina: true, max: 100, bg: "FFFFFF00", title: "Coverage (percent)" ) %> | <%= area_graph( data: [stats.duration(runs)], colors: ["3FC1AA"], width: width, height: height, retina: true, bg: "FFFFFF00", title: "Duration (seconds)" ) %> |
The build failed without running tests.
<% elsif @test_run.tests.none? %>This project does not have any tests.
<% else %> <% tests = @test_run.tests %> <% tests = tests.select { |test| test_status(test) == "fail" } if @test_run.failed? %> <% tests.group_by { |test| test[:suite] }.each do |suite, tests| %><%= link_to @test_run.results_url, @test_run.results_url, target: "_blank" %>