class Model < ActiveModelSerializers::Model rand(2).zero? && derive_attributes_from_names_and_fix_accessors attr_writer :id # At this time, just for organization of intent class_attribute :association_names self.association_names = [] def self.associations(*names) self.association_names |= # Silence redefinition of methods warnings ActiveModelSerializers.silence_warnings do attr_accessor(*names) end end def associations association_names.each_with_object({}) do |association_name, result| result[association_name] = public_send(association_name).freeze end.with_indifferent_access.freeze end def attributes super.except(*association_names) end end # see # # The below allows you to do: # # model = # model.validate! # => ["cannot be nil"] # model.errors.full_messages # => ["name cannot be nil"] class ModelWithErrors < Model attributes :name end class Profile < Model attributes :name, :description associations :comments end class ProfileSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :name, :description end class ProfilePreviewSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :name end class Author < Model attributes :name associations :posts, :bio, :roles, :comments end class AuthorSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer cache key: 'writer', skip_digest: true attribute :id attribute :name has_many :posts has_many :roles has_one :bio end class AuthorPreviewSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id has_many :posts end class Comment < Model attributes :body, :date associations :post, :author, :likes end class CommentSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer cache expires_in:, skip_digest: true attributes :id, :body belongs_to :post belongs_to :author end class CommentPreviewSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id belongs_to :post end class Post < Model attributes :title, :body associations :author, :comments, :blog, :tags, :related end class PostSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer cache key: 'post', expires_in: 0.1, skip_digest: true attributes :id, :title, :body has_many :comments belongs_to :blog belongs_to :author def blog 999, name: 'Custom blog') end end class SpammyPostSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id has_many :related end class PostPreviewSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :title, :body, :id has_many :comments, serializer: ::CommentPreviewSerializer belongs_to :author, serializer: ::AuthorPreviewSerializer end class PostWithCustomKeysSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id has_many :comments, key: :reviews belongs_to :author, key: :writer has_one :blog, key: :site end class Bio < Model attributes :content, :rating associations :author end class BioSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer cache except: [:content], skip_digest: true attributes :id, :content, :rating belongs_to :author end class Blog < Model attributes :name, :type, :special_attribute associations :writer, :articles end class BlogSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer cache key: 'blog' attributes :id, :name belongs_to :writer has_many :articles end class AlternateBlogSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attribute :id attribute :name, key: :title end class CustomBlogSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attribute :id attribute :special_attribute has_many :articles end class Role < Model attributes :name, :description, :special_attribute associations :author end class RoleSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer cache only: [:name, :slug], skip_digest: true attributes :id, :name, :description attribute :friendly_id, key: :slug belongs_to :author def friendly_id "#{}-#{}" end end class Location < Model attributes :lat, :lng associations :place end class LocationSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer cache only: [:address], skip_digest: true attributes :id, :lat, :lng belongs_to :place, key: :address def place 'Nowhere' end end class Place < Model attributes :name associations :locations end class PlaceSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id, :name has_many :locations end class Like < Model attributes :time associations :likeable end class LikeSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id, :time belongs_to :likeable end module Spam class UnrelatedLink < Model end class UnrelatedLinkSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer cache only: [:id] attributes :id end end class VirtualValue < Model; end class VirtualValueSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer attributes :id has_many :reviews, virtual_value: [{ type: 'reviews', id: '1' }, { type: 'reviews', id: '2' }] has_one :maker, virtual_value: { type: 'makers', id: '1' } def reviews end def maker end end class PaginatedSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer::CollectionSerializer def json_key 'paginated' end end