# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Mail::ToField do # # The "To:" field contains the address(es) of the primary recipient(s) # of the message. describe "initialization" do it "should initialize" do doing { Mail::ToField.new("Mikel") }.should_not raise_error end it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do Mail::ToField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonAddress) end it "should accept a string with the field name" do t = Mail::ToField.new('To: Mikel Lindsaar , "Bob Smith" ') t.name.should == 'To' t.value.should == 'Mikel Lindsaar , "Bob Smith" ' end it "should accept a string without the field name" do t = Mail::ToField.new('Mikel Lindsaar , "Bob Smith" ') t.name.should == 'To' t.value.should == 'Mikel Lindsaar , "Bob Smith" ' end end # Actual testing of CommonAddress methods oTours in the address field spec file describe "instance methods" do it "should return an address" do t = Mail::ToField.new('Mikel Lindsaar ') t.formatted.should == ['Mikel Lindsaar '] end it "should return two addresses" do t = Mail::ToField.new('Mikel Lindsaar , Ada Lindsaar ') t.formatted.first.should == 'Mikel Lindsaar ' t.addresses.last.should == 'ada@test.lindsaar.net' end it "should return one address and a group" do t = Mail::ToField.new('sam@me.com, my_group: mikel@me.com, bob@you.com;') t.addresses[0].should == 'sam@me.com' t.addresses[1].should == 'mikel@me.com' t.addresses[2].should == 'bob@you.com' end it "should return the formatted line on to_s" do t = Mail::ToField.new('sam@me.com, my_group: mikel@me.com, bob@you.com;') t.value.should == 'sam@me.com, my_group: mikel@me.com, bob@you.com;' end it "should return the encoded line" do t = Mail::ToField.new('sam@me.com, my_group: mikel@me.com, bob@you.com;') t.encoded.should == "To: sam@me.com, \r\n\tmy_group: mikel@me.com, \r\n\tbob@you.com;\r\n" end it "should return the decoded line" do t = Mail::ToField.new('sam@me.com, my_group: mikel@me.com, bob@you.com;') t.decoded.should == "sam@me.com, my_group: mikel@me.com, bob@you.com;" end it "should get multiple address out from a group list" do t = Mail::ToField.new('sam@me.com, my_group: mikel@me.com, bob@you.com;') t.addresses.should == ["sam@me.com", "mikel@me.com", "bob@you.com"] end it "should handle commas in the address" do t = Mail::ToField.new('"Long, stupid email address" ') t.addresses.should == ["mikel@test.lindsaar.net"] end it "should handle commas in the address for multiple fields" do t = Mail::ToField.new('"Long, stupid email address" , "Another, really, really, long, stupid email address" ') t.addresses.should == ["mikel@test.lindsaar.net", "bob@test.lindsaar.net"] end end it "should not crash if it can't understand a name" do t = Mail.new('To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:"@msr19.hinet.net;>') doing { t.encoded }.should_not raise_error t.encoded.should =~ /To\:\s<"Undisclosed\-Recipient\:"@msr19\.hinet\.net;>\r\n/ end end