# Various non-GUI helper functions for wxRuby3 # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands module Wx # A named parameter in a Wx named-arg parameter list Parameter = Struct.new( :name, :default_or_proc ) # Convert mixed positional / named args into a list to be passed to # an underlying API method. +param_spec+ is an Array of Parameter # structs containing the keyword name and default value for each # possible argument. +mixed_args+ is an array which may optionally end # with a set of named arguments def self.args_as_list(param_spec, *mixed_args) begin # get keyword arguments from mixed args if supplied, else empty kwa = mixed_args.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? mixed_args.pop : {} out_args = [] param_spec.each_with_index do | param, i | # has supplied list arg or the keyword arg? if (arg = mixed_args[i]) || kwa.key?(param.name) arg = kwa.delete(param.name) unless arg end if Proc === param.default_or_proc arg = param.default_or_proc.call(arg) # provides default or converts arg elsif arg.nil? arg = param.default_or_proc # simple default value end out_args << arg end rescue Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Bad arg composition of #{mixed_args.inspect}" end unless kwa.empty? Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Unknown keyword argument(s) : #{kwa.keys.inspect}" end out_args end # Given an integer constant +int_const+, returns an array Wx constant # names which have this value. If a string +prefix+ is supplied, find # only constants whose names begin with this prefix. For example, # passing "EVT" would return only constants with a name like # Wx::EVT_XXX # # This is primarily useful for debugging, when an unknown constant is # returned, eg as an event type id. def self.find_const(sought, prefix = "") consts = constants.grep(/\A#{prefix}/) consts.find_all do | c | c_val = const_get(c) c_val.instance_of?(Fixnum) and c_val == sought end end def self.has_feature?(featsym) Wx::Setup.const_defined?(featsym) && !!Wx::Setup.const_get(featsym) end end