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Returns `nil` if no such link were found. #### Pagination (see [Automatic Pagination][automatic_pagination] for examples) - `response.each_page { |response| ... }` - iterates over each page in response - `response.each_page_item(items_field) { |item| ... }` - iterates over each page item ## Configuration options PaypalAPI client accepts this additional options: - `:live` - `:retries`, - `:http_opts` - `:cache` ### Option `:live` PaypalAPI client can be defined with `live` option which is `false` by default. When `live` is `false` all requests will be send to the sandbox endpoints. ```ruby client = PaypalAPI::Client.new( live: true # ... ) ``` ### Option `:retries` This is a Hash with retries configuration. By default retries are enabled, 4 retries with 0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.5 seconds delay. Default config: `{enabled: true, count: 4, sleep: [0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.5]}`. New options are merged with defaults. Please keep `sleep` array same size as `count`. Retries happen on any network error, on 409, 429, 5xx response status code. ```ruby client = PaypalAPI::Client.new( retries: {enabled: !Rails.env.test?, count: 5, sleep: [0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.5, 2]} # ... ) ``` ### Option `:http_opts` This are the options that are provided to the `Net::HTTP.start` method, like `:read_timeout`, `:write_timeout`, etc. You can find full list of available options here (Please choose you version of ruby). By default it is an empty hash. ```ruby client = PaypalAPI::Client.new( http_opts: {read_timeout: 30, write_timeout: 30, open_timeout: 30} # ... ) ``` ### Option `:cache` This option can be added to save certificates to between redeploys to validate webhooks offline. By default this gem has only in-memory caching. Cache object must response to standard caching `#fetch(key, &block)` method. By default it is `nil`, so downloaded certificates will be downloaded again after redeploys. ```ruby client = PaypalAPI::Client.new( cache: Rails.cache # ... ) ``` ## Automatic pagination PayPal provides HATEOAS links in responses. This links can contain items with `rel=next` attribute. We request next pages using this links. We have two specific methods: - `Response#each_page` - iterates over each page `Response` object - `Response#each_page_item(items_field_name)` - iterates over items on each page Example: ```ruby PaypalAPI::WebhookEvents.list(page_size: 25).each_page do |response| # ... end PaypalAPI::WebhookEvents.list(page_size: 25).each_page_item(:events) do |hash| # ... end ``` ## Webhoooks verification Webhooks can be verified [offline](https://developer.paypal.com/api/rest/webhooks/rest/#link-selfverificationmethod) or [online](https://developer.paypal.com/api/rest/webhooks/rest/#link-postbackmethod). Method `PaypalAPI.verify_webhook(webhook_id:, headers:, raw_body:)` verifies webhook. It verifies webhook OFFLINE and fallbacks to ONLINE if initial verification returns false to be sure you don't miss a valid webhook. When some required header is missing the `PaypalAPI::WebhooksVerifier::MissingHeader` error will be raised. Example of Rails controller with webhook verification: ```ruby class Webhooks::PaypalController < ApplicationController def create # PayPal registered webhook ID for current URL webhook_id = ENV['PAYPAL_WEBHOOK_ID'] headers = request.headers # must be a Hash raw_body = request.raw_post # must be a raw String body webhook_is_valid = PaypalAPI.verify_webhook( webhook_id: webhook_id, headers: headers, raw_body: raw_body ) if webhook_is_valid handle_valid_webhook_event(body) else handle_invalid_webhook_event(webhook_id, headers, body) end head :no_content end end ``` ## Callbacks Callbacks list: - `:before` - Runs before request - `:after_success` - Runs after getting successful response - `:after_fail` - Runs after getting failed response (non-2xx) status code - `:after_network_error` - Runs after getting network error Callbacks are registered on `client` object. Each callback receive `request` and `context` variables. `context` can be modified manually to save state between callbacks. Arguments: - `:before` - (request, context) - `:after_success` - (request, context, response) - `:after_fail` - (request, context, response) - `:after_network_error` - (request, context, error) `Context` argument contains `retries_enabled` and `retries_count` and `retry_number` keys by default. Examples: ```ruby PaypalAPI.client.add_callback(:before) do |request, context| context[:request_id] = SecureRandom.hex(3) context[:starts_at] = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) end PaypalAPI.client.add_callback(:after_success) do |request, context, response| ends_at = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) duration = ends_at - context[:starts_at] SomeLogger.debug( 'PaypalAPI success request', method: request.method, uri: request.uri.to_s, duration: duration ) end PaypalAPI.client.add_callback(:after_fail) do |request, context, response| SomeLogger.error( 'PaypalAPI request failed', method: request.method, uri: request.uri.to_s, response_status: response.http_status, response_body: response.http_body, will_retry: context[:will_retry], retry_number: context[:retry_number], retry_count: context[:retry_count] ) end PaypalAPI.client.add_callback(:after_network_error) do |request, context, error| SomeLogger.error( 'PaypalAPI network connection error', method: request.method, uri: request.uri.to_s, error: error.message, paypal_request_id: request.headers['paypal-request-id'], will_retry: context[:will_retry], retry_number: context[:retry_number], retry_count: context[:retry_count] ) end ``` ## Errors All APIs can raise error in case of network error or non-2xx response status code. Errors structure: - `PaypalAPI::Error` - `PaypalAPI::Errors::NetworkError` - any network error - `PaypalAPI::Errors::FailedRequest` - any non-2xx code error - 400 - `PaypalAPI::Errors::BadRequest` - 401 - `PaypalAPI::Errors::Unauthorized` - 403 - `PaypalAPI::Errors::Forbidden` - 404 - `PaypalAPI::Errors::NotFound` - 405 - `PaypalAPI::Errors::MethodNotAllowed` - 406 - `PaypalAPI::Errors::NotAcceptable` - 409 - `PaypalAPI::Errors::Conflict` - 415 - `PaypalAPI::Errors::UnsupportedMediaType` - 422 - `PaypalAPI::Errors::UnprocessableEntity` - 429 - `PaypalAPI::Errors::TooManyRequests` - 5xx - `PaypalAPI::Errors::FatalError` - 500 - `PaypalAPI::Errors::InternalServerError` - 503 - `PaypalAPI::Errors::ServiceUnavailable` All errors have additional methods: - `#paypal_request_id` - PayPal-Request-Id header sent with request - `#response` - Original response object, can be nil in case of NetworkError - `#request` - Original request object - `#error_name` - Original error name - `#error_message` - Original PayPal error `:message` or error `:description` - `#error_debug_id` - Paypal debug_id found in response - `#error_details` - Parsed PayPal error details found in parsed response (with symbolized keys) ```ruby begin response = PaypalAPI.authorized_payments.capture(authorization_id, body: body) rescue PaypalAPI::Error => error YourLogger.error( error, context: { paypal_request_id: error.paypal_request_id, error_name: error.error_name, error_message: error.error_message, error_debug_id: error.error_debug_id, error_details: error.error_details } ) # `error.request` and `error.response` methods can be used also end ``` ## APIs All API endpoints accept this parameters: - `resource_id` - Resource ID (Unless `create`/`list` endpoint) - `query` - Hash with request query params - `body` - Hash with request body params - `headers` - Hash with request headers ### Orders - `PaypalAPI::Orders.create` - `PaypalAPI::Orders.show` - `PaypalAPI::Orders.update` - `PaypalAPI::Orders.confirm` - `PaypalAPI::Orders.authorize` - `PaypalAPI::Orders.capture` - `PaypalAPI::Orders.track` - `PaypalAPI::Orders.update_tracker` ### Payment Tokens - `PaypalAPI::PaymentTokens.create` - `PaypalAPI::PaymentTokens.list` - `PaypalAPI::PaymentTokens.show` - `PaypalAPI::PaymentTokens.delete` - `PaypalAPI::SetupTokens.create` - `PaypalAPI::SetupTokens.show` ### Payments - `PaypalAPI::AuthorizedPayments.show` - `PaypalAPI::AuthorizedPayments.capture` - `PaypalAPI::AuthorizedPayments.reauthorize` - `PaypalAPI::AuthorizedPayments.void` - `PaypalAPI::CapturedPayments.show` - `PaypalAPI::CapturedPayments.refund` - `PaypalAPI::Refunds.show` ### Webhooks - `PaypalAPI::Webhooks.create` - `PaypalAPI::Webhooks.list` - `PaypalAPI::Webhooks.show` - `PaypalAPI::Webhooks.update` - `PaypalAPI::Webhooks.delete` - `PaypalAPI::Webhooks.event_types` - `PaypalAPI::Webhooks.verify` - `PaypalAPI::WebhookEvents.available` - `PaypalAPI::WebhookEvents.list` - `PaypalAPI::WebhookEvents.show` - `PaypalAPI::WebhookEvents.resend` - `PaypalAPI::WebhookEvents.simulate` - `PaypalAPI::WebhookLookups.create` - `PaypalAPI::WebhookLookups.list` - `PaypalAPI::WebhookLookups.show` - `PaypalAPI::WebhookLookups.delete` ### Subscriptions - `PaypalAPI::Subscriptions.create` - `PaypalAPI::Subscriptions.show` - `PaypalAPI::Subscriptions.update` - `PaypalAPI::Subscriptions.revise` - `PaypalAPI::Subscriptions.suspend` - `PaypalAPI::Subscriptions.cancel` - `PaypalAPI::Subscriptions.activate` - `PaypalAPI::Subscriptions.capture` - `PaypalAPI::Subscriptions.transactions` - `PaypalAPI::SubscriptionPlans.create` - `PaypalAPI::SubscriptionPlans.list` - `PaypalAPI::SubscriptionPlans.show` - `PaypalAPI::SubscriptionPlans.update` - `PaypalAPI::SubscriptionPlans.activate` - `PaypalAPI::SubscriptionPlans.deactivate` - `PaypalAPI::SubscriptionPlans.update_pricing` ### Shipment Tracking - `PaypalAPI::ShipmentTracking.add` - `PaypalAPI::ShipmentTracking.update` - `PaypalAPI::ShipmentTracking.show` ### Catalog Products - `PaypalAPI::CatalogProducts.create` - `PaypalAPI::CatalogProducts.list` - `PaypalAPI::CatalogProducts.show` - `PaypalAPI::CatalogProducts.update` ### Disputes - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.appeal` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.make_offer` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.show` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.update` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.send_message` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.provide_supporting_info` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.update_status` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.deny_offer` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.provide_evidence` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.settle` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.acknowledge_return_item` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.accept_claim` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.list` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.escalate` - `PaypalAPI::Disputes.accept_offer` ### UserInfo - `PaypalAPI::UserInfo.show` ### Users - `PaypalAPI::Users.create` - `PaypalAPI::Users.list` - `PaypalAPI::Users.show` - `PaypalAPI::Users.update` - `PaypalAPI::Users.delete` ### Invoices - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.create` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.list` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.show` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.update` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.delete` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.search` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.remind` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.delete_refund` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.delete_payment` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.record_refund` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.record_payment` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.send_invoice` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.cancel` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.generate_qr_code` - `PaypalAPI::Invoices.generate_invoice_number` ### InvoiceTemplates - `PaypalAPI::InvoiceTemplates.create` - `PaypalAPI::InvoiceTemplates.list` - `PaypalAPI::InvoiceTemplates.show` - `PaypalAPI::InvoiceTemplates.update` - `PaypalAPI::InvoiceTemplates.delete` ### Payouts - `PaypalAPI::Payouts.create` - `PaypalAPI::Payouts.show` - `PaypalAPI::PayoutItems.show` - `PaypalAPI::PayoutItems.cancel` ### ReferencedPayouts - `PaypalAPI::ReferencedPayouts.create` - `PaypalAPI::ReferencedPayouts.show` - `PaypalAPI::ReferencedPayoutItems.create` - `PaypalAPI::ReferencedPayoutItems.show` ### PartnerReferrals - `PaypalAPI::PartnerReferrals.create` - `PaypalAPI::PartnerReferrals.show` ### PaymentExperienceWebProfiles - `PaypalAPI::PaymentExperienceWebProfiles.create` - `PaypalAPI::PaymentExperienceWebProfiles.list` - `PaypalAPI::PaymentExperienceWebProfiles.show` - `PaypalAPI::PaymentExperienceWebProfiles.replace` - `PaypalAPI::PaymentExperienceWebProfiles.update` - `PaypalAPI::PaymentExperienceWebProfiles.delete` ### TransactionSearch - `PaypalAPI::TransactionSearch.list_transactions` - `PaypalAPI::TransactionSearch.list_all_balances` ## Development ```bash rubocop rspec mdl README.md CHANGELOG.md RELEASE.md ``` ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at . ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). [automatic_pagination]: #automatic-pagination