module Spotlight ## # Expose Solr index metadata about fields class FieldMetadata FACET_LIMIT = 20 attr_reader :exhibit, :repository, :blacklight_config def initialize(exhibit, repository, blacklight_config) @exhibit = exhibit @repository = repository @blacklight_config = blacklight_config end def field(key) { document_count: document_counts.fetch(field_name(key), 0), value_count: terms.fetch(field_name(key), []).length, terms: terms.fetch(field_name(key), []) } end def search_params search_builder.merge(rows: 0, 'facet.limit' => FACET_LIMIT + 1) end private def field_name(key) if blacklight_config.facet_fields[key] blacklight_config.facet_fields[key].field else key end end def search_builder_class blacklight_config.search_builder_class end def search_builder end def solr_response @solr_response ||='facet.query' => { |_key, fields| "#{fields.field}:[* TO *]" }, 'rows' => 0, 'facet' => true)) end # This gets the number of *documents* with a field def document_counts @document_count ||= begin solr_response.facet_queries.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h| h[k.split(/:/).first] = v end end end def terms @terms ||= begin solr_response.aggregations.each_with_object({}) do |(facet_name, facet), h| h[facet_name] = end end end def facet_fields blacklight_config.facet_fields.reject { |_k, v| v.pivot || v.query } end alias current_exhibit exhibit end end