// Copyright (C) 2009 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_PEGASoS_ #define DLIB_PEGASoS_ #include "pegasos_abstract.h" #include <cmath> #include "../algs.h" #include "function.h" #include "kernel.h" #include "kcentroid.h" #include <iostream> #include "../smart_pointers.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename K > class svm_pegasos { typedef kcentroid<offset_kernel<K> > kc_type; public: typedef K kernel_type; typedef typename kernel_type::scalar_type scalar_type; typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type; typedef typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type; typedef decision_function<kernel_type> trained_function_type; template <typename K_> struct rebind { typedef svm_pegasos<K_> other; }; svm_pegasos ( ) : max_sv(40), lambda_c1(0.0001), lambda_c2(0.0001), tau(0.01), tolerance(0.01), train_count(0), w(offset_kernel<kernel_type>(kernel,tau),tolerance, max_sv, false) { } svm_pegasos ( const kernel_type& kernel_, const scalar_type& lambda_, const scalar_type& tolerance_, unsigned long max_num_sv ) : max_sv(max_num_sv), kernel(kernel_), lambda_c1(lambda_), lambda_c2(lambda_), tau(0.01), tolerance(tolerance_), train_count(0), w(offset_kernel<kernel_type>(kernel,tau),tolerance, max_sv, false) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(lambda_ > 0 && tolerance > 0 && max_num_sv > 0, "\tsvm_pegasos::svm_pegasos(kernel,lambda,tolerance)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t lambda_: " << lambda_ << "\n\t max_num_sv: " << max_num_sv ); } void clear ( ) { // reset the w vector back to its initial state w = kc_type(offset_kernel<kernel_type>(kernel,tau),tolerance, max_sv, false); train_count = 0; } void set_kernel ( kernel_type k ) { kernel = k; clear(); } void set_max_num_sv ( unsigned long max_num_sv ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(max_num_sv > 0, "\tvoid svm_pegasos::set_max_num_sv(max_num_sv)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t max_num_sv: " << max_num_sv ); max_sv = max_num_sv; clear(); } unsigned long get_max_num_sv ( ) const { return max_sv; } void set_tolerance ( double tol ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(0 < tol, "\tvoid svm_pegasos::set_tolerance(tol)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t tol: " << tol ); tolerance = tol; clear(); } void set_lambda ( scalar_type lambda_ ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(0 < lambda_, "\tvoid svm_pegasos::set_lambda(lambda_)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t lambda_: " << lambda_ ); lambda_c1 = lambda_; lambda_c2 = lambda_; max_wnorm = 1/std::sqrt(std::min(lambda_c1, lambda_c2)); clear(); } void set_lambda_class1 ( scalar_type lambda_ ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(0 < lambda_, "\tvoid svm_pegasos::set_lambda_class1(lambda_)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t lambda_: " << lambda_ ); lambda_c1 = lambda_; max_wnorm = 1/std::sqrt(std::min(lambda_c1, lambda_c2)); clear(); } void set_lambda_class2 ( scalar_type lambda_ ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(0 < lambda_, "\tvoid svm_pegasos::set_lambda_class2(lambda_)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t lambda_: " << lambda_ ); lambda_c2 = lambda_; max_wnorm = 1/std::sqrt(std::min(lambda_c1, lambda_c2)); clear(); } const scalar_type get_lambda_class1 ( ) const { return lambda_c1; } const scalar_type get_lambda_class2 ( ) const { return lambda_c2; } const scalar_type get_tolerance ( ) const { return tolerance; } const kernel_type get_kernel ( ) const { return kernel; } unsigned long get_train_count ( ) const { return static_cast<unsigned long>(train_count); } scalar_type train ( const sample_type& x, const scalar_type& y ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(y == -1 || y == 1, "\tscalar_type svm_pegasos::train(x,y)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t y: " << y ); const double lambda = (y==+1)? lambda_c1 : lambda_c2; ++train_count; const scalar_type learning_rate = 1/(lambda*train_count); // if this sample point is within the margin of the current hyperplane if (y*w.inner_product(x) < 1) { // compute: w = (1-learning_rate*lambda)*w + y*learning_rate*x w.train(x, 1 - learning_rate*lambda, y*learning_rate); scalar_type wnorm = std::sqrt(w.squared_norm()); scalar_type temp = max_wnorm/wnorm; if (temp < 1) w.scale_by(temp); } else { w.scale_by(1 - learning_rate*lambda); } // return the current learning rate return 1/(std::min(lambda_c1,lambda_c2)*train_count); } scalar_type operator() ( const sample_type& x ) const { return w.inner_product(x); } const decision_function<kernel_type> get_decision_function ( ) const { distance_function<offset_kernel<kernel_type> > df = w.get_distance_function(); return decision_function<kernel_type>(df.get_alpha(), -tau*sum(df.get_alpha()), kernel, df.get_basis_vectors()); } void swap ( svm_pegasos& item ) { exchange(max_sv, item.max_sv); exchange(kernel, item.kernel); exchange(lambda_c1, item.lambda_c1); exchange(lambda_c2, item.lambda_c2); exchange(max_wnorm, item.max_wnorm); exchange(tau, item.tau); exchange(tolerance, item.tolerance); exchange(train_count, item.train_count); exchange(w, item.w); } friend void serialize(const svm_pegasos& item, std::ostream& out) { serialize(item.max_sv, out); serialize(item.kernel, out); serialize(item.lambda_c1, out); serialize(item.lambda_c2, out); serialize(item.max_wnorm, out); serialize(item.tau, out); serialize(item.tolerance, out); serialize(item.train_count, out); serialize(item.w, out); } friend void deserialize(svm_pegasos& item, std::istream& in) { deserialize(item.max_sv, in); deserialize(item.kernel, in); deserialize(item.lambda_c1, in); deserialize(item.lambda_c2, in); deserialize(item.max_wnorm, in); deserialize(item.tau, in); deserialize(item.tolerance, in); deserialize(item.train_count, in); deserialize(item.w, in); } private: unsigned long max_sv; kernel_type kernel; scalar_type lambda_c1; scalar_type lambda_c2; scalar_type max_wnorm; scalar_type tau; scalar_type tolerance; scalar_type train_count; kc_type w; }; // end of class svm_pegasos template < typename K > void swap ( svm_pegasos<K>& a, svm_pegasos<K>& b ) { a.swap(b); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T, typename U > void replicate_settings ( const svm_pegasos<T>& source, svm_pegasos<U>& dest ) { dest.set_tolerance(source.get_tolerance()); dest.set_lambda_class1(source.get_lambda_class1()); dest.set_lambda_class2(source.get_lambda_class2()); dest.set_max_num_sv(source.get_max_num_sv()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename trainer_type > class batch_trainer { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template < typename K, typename sample_vector_type > class caching_kernel { public: typedef typename K::scalar_type scalar_type; typedef long sample_type; //typedef typename K::sample_type sample_type; typedef typename K::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type; caching_kernel () : samples(0), counter(0), counter_threshold(0) {} caching_kernel ( const K& kern, const sample_vector_type& samps, long cache_size_ ) : real_kernel(kern), samples(&samps), counter(0) { cache_size = std::min<long>(cache_size_, samps.size()); cache.reset(new cache_type); cache->frequency_of_use.resize(samps.size()); for (long i = 0; i < samps.size(); ++i) cache->frequency_of_use[i] = std::make_pair(0, i); // Set the cache build/rebuild threshold so that we have to have // as many cache misses as there are entries in the cache before // we build/rebuild. counter_threshold = samps.size()*cache_size; cache->sample_location.assign(samples->size(), -1); } scalar_type operator() ( const sample_type& a, const sample_type& b ) const { // rebuild the cache every so often if (counter > counter_threshold ) { build_cache(); } const long a_loc = cache->sample_location[a]; const long b_loc = cache->sample_location[b]; cache->frequency_of_use[a].first += 1; cache->frequency_of_use[b].first += 1; if (a_loc != -1) { return cache->kernel(a_loc, b); } else if (b_loc != -1) { return cache->kernel(b_loc, a); } else { ++counter; return real_kernel((*samples)(a), (*samples)(b)); } } bool operator== ( const caching_kernel& item ) const { return item.real_kernel == real_kernel && item.samples == samples; } private: K real_kernel; void build_cache ( ) const { std::sort(cache->frequency_of_use.rbegin(), cache->frequency_of_use.rend()); counter = 0; cache->kernel.set_size(cache_size, samples->size()); cache->sample_location.assign(samples->size(), -1); // loop over all the samples in the cache for (long i = 0; i < cache_size; ++i) { const long cur = cache->frequency_of_use[i].second; cache->sample_location[cur] = i; // now populate all possible kernel products with the current sample for (long j = 0; j < samples->size(); ++j) { cache->kernel(i, j) = real_kernel((*samples)(cur), (*samples)(j)); } } // reset the frequency of use metrics for (long i = 0; i < samples->size(); ++i) cache->frequency_of_use[i] = std::make_pair(0, i); } struct cache_type { matrix<scalar_type> kernel; std::vector<long> sample_location; // where in the cache a sample is. -1 means not in cache std::vector<std::pair<long,long> > frequency_of_use; }; const sample_vector_type* samples; shared_ptr<cache_type> cache; mutable unsigned long counter; unsigned long counter_threshold; long cache_size; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public: typedef typename trainer_type::kernel_type kernel_type; typedef typename trainer_type::scalar_type scalar_type; typedef typename trainer_type::sample_type sample_type; typedef typename trainer_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type; typedef typename trainer_type::trained_function_type trained_function_type; batch_trainer ( ) : min_learning_rate(0.1), use_cache(false), cache_size(100) { } batch_trainer ( const trainer_type& trainer_, const scalar_type min_learning_rate_, bool verbose_, bool use_cache_, long cache_size_ = 100 ) : trainer(trainer_), min_learning_rate(min_learning_rate_), verbose(verbose_), use_cache(use_cache_), cache_size(cache_size_) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(0 < min_learning_rate_ && cache_size_ > 0, "\tbatch_trainer::batch_trainer()" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t min_learning_rate_: " << min_learning_rate_ << "\n\t cache_size_: " << cache_size_ ); trainer.clear(); } const scalar_type get_min_learning_rate ( ) const { return min_learning_rate; } template < typename in_sample_vector_type, typename in_scalar_vector_type > const decision_function<kernel_type> train ( const in_sample_vector_type& x, const in_scalar_vector_type& y ) const { if (use_cache) return do_train_cached(mat(x), mat(y)); else return do_train(mat(x), mat(y)); } private: template < typename in_sample_vector_type, typename in_scalar_vector_type > const decision_function<kernel_type> do_train ( const in_sample_vector_type& x, const in_scalar_vector_type& y ) const { dlib::rand rnd; trainer_type my_trainer(trainer); scalar_type cur_learning_rate = min_learning_rate + 10; unsigned long count = 0; while (cur_learning_rate > min_learning_rate) { const long i = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%x.size(); // keep feeding the trainer data until its learning rate goes below our threshold cur_learning_rate = my_trainer.train(x(i), y(i)); if (verbose) { if ( (count&0x7FF) == 0) { std::cout << "\rbatch_trainer(): Percent complete: " << 100*min_learning_rate/cur_learning_rate << " " << std::flush; } ++count; } } if (verbose) { decision_function<kernel_type> df = my_trainer.get_decision_function(); std::cout << "\rbatch_trainer(): Percent complete: 100 " << std::endl; std::cout << " Num sv: " << df.basis_vectors.size() << std::endl; std::cout << " bias: " << df.b << std::endl; return df; } else { return my_trainer.get_decision_function(); } } template < typename in_sample_vector_type, typename in_scalar_vector_type > const decision_function<kernel_type> do_train_cached ( const in_sample_vector_type& x, const in_scalar_vector_type& y ) const { dlib::rand rnd; // make a caching kernel typedef caching_kernel<kernel_type, in_sample_vector_type> ckernel_type; ckernel_type ck(trainer.get_kernel(), x, cache_size); // now rebind the trainer to use the caching kernel typedef typename trainer_type::template rebind<ckernel_type>::other rebound_trainer_type; rebound_trainer_type my_trainer; my_trainer.set_kernel(ck); replicate_settings(trainer, my_trainer); scalar_type cur_learning_rate = min_learning_rate + 10; unsigned long count = 0; while (cur_learning_rate > min_learning_rate) { const long i = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%x.size(); // keep feeding the trainer data until its learning rate goes below our threshold cur_learning_rate = my_trainer.train(i, y(i)); if (verbose) { if ( (count&0x7FF) == 0) { std::cout << "\rbatch_trainer(): Percent complete: " << 100*min_learning_rate/cur_learning_rate << " " << std::flush; } ++count; } } if (verbose) { decision_function<ckernel_type> cached_df; cached_df = my_trainer.get_decision_function(); std::cout << "\rbatch_trainer(): Percent complete: 100 " << std::endl; std::cout << " Num sv: " << cached_df.basis_vectors.size() << std::endl; std::cout << " bias: " << cached_df.b << std::endl; return decision_function<kernel_type> ( cached_df.alpha, cached_df.b, trainer.get_kernel(), rowm(x, cached_df.basis_vectors) ); } else { decision_function<ckernel_type> cached_df; cached_df = my_trainer.get_decision_function(); return decision_function<kernel_type> ( cached_df.alpha, cached_df.b, trainer.get_kernel(), rowm(x, cached_df.basis_vectors) ); } } trainer_type trainer; scalar_type min_learning_rate; bool verbose; bool use_cache; long cache_size; }; // end of class batch_trainer // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename trainer_type > const batch_trainer<trainer_type> batch ( const trainer_type& trainer, const typename trainer_type::scalar_type min_learning_rate = 0.1 ) { return batch_trainer<trainer_type>(trainer, min_learning_rate, false, false); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename trainer_type > const batch_trainer<trainer_type> verbose_batch ( const trainer_type& trainer, const typename trainer_type::scalar_type min_learning_rate = 0.1 ) { return batch_trainer<trainer_type>(trainer, min_learning_rate, true, false); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename trainer_type > const batch_trainer<trainer_type> batch_cached ( const trainer_type& trainer, const typename trainer_type::scalar_type min_learning_rate = 0.1, long cache_size = 100 ) { return batch_trainer<trainer_type>(trainer, min_learning_rate, false, true, cache_size); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename trainer_type > const batch_trainer<trainer_type> verbose_batch_cached ( const trainer_type& trainer, const typename trainer_type::scalar_type min_learning_rate = 0.1, long cache_size = 100 ) { return batch_trainer<trainer_type>(trainer, min_learning_rate, true, true, cache_size); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_PEGASoS_