require 'edn' require 'json' # required for ruby 1.8 require 'enumerator' require 'calabash-cucumber/utils/logging' module Calabash module Cucumber module UIA include Calabash::Cucumber::Logging def uia(command,options={}) res = http({:method => :post, :path => 'uia'}, {:command => command}.merge(options)) res = JSON.parse(res) if res['outcome'] != 'SUCCESS' raise "uia action failed because: #{res['reason']}\n#{res['details']}" end res['results'].first end def uia_wait_tap(query, options={}) res = http({:method => :post, :path => 'uia-tap'}, {:query => query}.merge(options)) res = JSON.parse(res) if res['outcome'] != 'SUCCESS' raise "uia-tap action failed because: #{res['reason']}\n#{res['details']}" end res['results'].first end def uia_query(*queryparts) #TODO escape '\n etc in query uia_handle_command(:query, queryparts) end def uia_query_el(*queryparts) #TODO escape '\n etc in query uia_handle_command(:queryEl, queryparts) end def uia_query_windows(*queryparts) #TODO escape '\n etc in query uia_handle_command(:queryWindows, queryparts) end def uia_names(*queryparts) #TODO escape '\n etc in query uia_handle_command(:names, queryparts) end def uia_tap(*queryparts) uia_handle_command(:tap, queryparts) end def uia_tap_mark(mark) uia_handle_command(:tapMark, mark) end def uia_tap_offset(offset) uia_handle_command(:tapOffset, offset) end def uia_double_tap(*queryparts) uia_handle_command(:doubleTap, queryparts) end def uia_double_tap_mark(mark) uia_double_tap(:view, {:marked => mark}) end def uia_double_tap_offset(offset) uia_handle_command(:doubleTapOffset, offset) end def uia_two_finger_tap(*queryparts) uia_handle_command(:twoFingerTap, queryparts) end def uia_two_finger_tap_offset(offset) uia_handle_command(:twoFingerTapOffset, offset) end def uia_flick_offset(from, to) uia_handle_command(:flickOffset, from, to) end def uia_touch_hold(duration, *queryparts) uia_handle_command(:touchHold, duration, queryparts) end def uia_touch_hold_offset(duration, offset) uia_handle_command(:touchHoldOffset, duration, offset) end def uia_pan(from_q, to_q) uia_handle_command(:pan, from_q, to_q) end def uia_pan_offset(from, to, options) uia_handle_command(:panOffset, from, to, options) end def uia_swipe(*queryparts) uia_handle_command(:swipe, queryparts) end def uia_swipe_offset(offset, options) uia_handle_command(:swipeOffset, offset, options) end def uia_pinch(*queryparts) uia_handle_command(:pinch, queryparts) end def uia_pinch_offset(in_or_out, offset, duration) uia_handle_command(:pinchOffset, in_or_out, offset, duration) end def uia_scroll_to(*queryparts) uia_handle_command(:scrollTo, queryparts) end def uia_element_exists?(*queryparts) uia_handle_command(:elementExists, queryparts) end def uia_element_does_not_exist?(*queryparts) uia_handle_command(:elementDoesNotExist, queryparts) end def uia_screenshot(name) uia_handle_command(:screenshot, name) end def uia_type_string(string, opt_text_before='', escape=true) if escape && string.index(/\\/) indexes = string.enum_for(:scan,/\\/).map { Regexp.last_match.begin(0) } indexes.reverse.each { |idx| string = string.insert(idx, '\\') } end res = uia_handle_command(:typeString, string, opt_text_before) status = res['status'] if status.eql?('error') value = res['value'] raise "could not type '#{string}' - '#{value}'" end status end def uia_enter uia_handle_command(:enter) end def uia_set_location(options) validate_hash_is_location!(options) if options[:place] place = options[:place] search_results = raise "Got no results for #{place}" if search_results.empty? loc = search_results.first loc_data = {'latitude'=>loc.latitude, 'longitude'=>loc.longitude} elsif options.is_a?(Hash) loc_data = options end uia_handle_command(:setLocation, loc_data) end def uia_send_app_to_background(secs) uia_handle_command(:deactivate, secs) end def uia_call(args_arr, *opts) uia_call_method(:queryEl, args_arr, *opts) end def uia_call_windows(args_arr, *opts) uia_call_method(:queryElWindows, args_arr, *opts) end def uia_call_method(cmd, args_arr, *opts) if opts.empty? return uia_handle_command(cmd, args_arr) end js_cmd = uia_serialize_command(cmd, args_arr) js_args = [] opts.each do |invocation| js_args << case invocation when Symbol "#{invocation}()" when Hash m = invocation.keys.first args = invocation[m] if args.is_a?(Array) serialized_args = ( &:to_json).join(',') else serialized_args = args.to_json end "#{m}(#{serialized_args})" else raise "Invalid invocation spec #{invocation}" end end command = "#{js_cmd}.#{js_args.join('.')}" if debug_logging? puts 'Sending UIA command' puts command end uia_result(uia(command)) end def uia_handle_command(cmd, *query_args) command = uia_serialize_command(cmd, *query_args) if debug_logging? puts 'Sending UIA command' puts command end s = uia(command) uia_result(s) end def uia_serialize_command(cmd, *query_args) args = uia_serialize_arguments(query_args) %Q[uia.#{cmd}(#{args.join(', ')})] end def uia_serialize_arguments(args) do |part| uia_serialize_argument(part) end end def uia_serialize_argument(part) if part.is_a?(String) "'#{escape_uia_string(part)}'" else "'#{escape_uia_string(part.to_edn)}'" end end def escape_uia_string(string) #TODO escape '\n in query escape_quotes string end # <b>DEPRECATED:</b> Use <tt>uia("...javascript..", options)</tt> instead. # deprecated because the method signature is poor def send_uia_command(opts ={}) # TODO formally deprecate send_uia_command with _deprecated function #cmd = opts[:command] #new_opts ={|x| x != :command} #_deprecated('0.9.163', # "use 'uia(#{cmd}, #{new_opts})' instead", # :warn) uia(opts[:command], opts) end private def validate_hash_is_location!(options) return if options[:latitude] and options[:longitude] if (options[:latitude] and not options[:longitude]) || (options[:longitude] and not options[:latitude]) raise 'Both latitude and longitude must be specified if either is.' elsif not options[:place] raise 'Either :place or :latitude and :longitude must be specified.' end end def uia_result(s) if debug_logging? puts 'Result' p s end if s['status'] == 'success' s['value'] else s end end end end end