# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true require "sorbet-runtime" require "bundler" require "bundler/cli" require "bundler/cli/install" require "bundler/cli/update" require "fileutils" require "pathname" require "digest" require "time" require "uri" # This file is a script that will configure a composed bundle for the Ruby LSP. The composed bundle allows developers to use # the Ruby LSP without including the gem in their application's Gemfile while at the same time giving us access to the # exact locked versions of dependencies. Bundler.ui.level = :silent module RubyLsp class SetupBundler extend T::Sig class BundleNotLocked < StandardError; end class BundleInstallFailure < StandardError; end FOUR_HOURS = T.let(4 * 60 * 60, Integer) sig { params(project_path: String, options: T.untyped).void } def initialize(project_path, **options) @project_path = project_path @branch = T.let(options[:branch], T.nilable(String)) @launcher = T.let(options[:launcher], T.nilable(T::Boolean)) patch_thor_to_print_progress_to_stderr! if @launcher # Regular bundle paths @gemfile = T.let( begin Bundler.default_gemfile rescue Bundler::GemfileNotFound nil end, T.nilable(Pathname), ) @lockfile = T.let(@gemfile ? Bundler.default_lockfile : nil, T.nilable(Pathname)) @gemfile_hash = T.let(@gemfile ? Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(@gemfile.read) : nil, T.nilable(String)) @lockfile_hash = T.let(@lockfile&.exist? ? Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(@lockfile.read) : nil, T.nilable(String)) @gemfile_name = T.let(@gemfile&.basename&.to_s || "Gemfile", String) # Custom bundle paths @custom_dir = T.let(Pathname.new(".ruby-lsp").expand_path(@project_path), Pathname) @custom_gemfile = T.let(@custom_dir + @gemfile_name, Pathname) @custom_lockfile = T.let(@custom_dir + (@lockfile&.basename || "Gemfile.lock"), Pathname) @lockfile_hash_path = T.let(@custom_dir + "main_lockfile_hash", Pathname) @last_updated_path = T.let(@custom_dir + "last_updated", Pathname) @error_path = T.let(@custom_dir + "install_error", Pathname) dependencies, bundler_version = load_dependencies @dependencies = T.let(dependencies, T::Hash[String, T.untyped]) @bundler_version = T.let(bundler_version, T.nilable(Gem::Version)) @rails_app = T.let(rails_app?, T::Boolean) @retry = T.let(false, T::Boolean) end # Sets up the composed bundle and returns the `BUNDLE_GEMFILE`, `BUNDLE_PATH` and `BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG` that should be # used for running the server sig { returns(T::Hash[String, String]) } def setup! raise BundleNotLocked if !@launcher && @gemfile&.exist? && !@lockfile&.exist? # Automatically create and ignore the .ruby-lsp folder for users @custom_dir.mkpath unless @custom_dir.exist? ignore_file = @custom_dir + ".gitignore" ignore_file.write("*") unless ignore_file.exist? # Do not set up a composed bundle if LSP dependencies are already in the Gemfile if @dependencies["ruby-lsp"] && @dependencies["debug"] && (@rails_app ? @dependencies["ruby-lsp-rails"] : true) $stderr.puts( "Ruby LSP> Skipping composed bundle setup since LSP dependencies are already in #{@gemfile}", ) return run_bundle_install end write_custom_gemfile unless @gemfile&.exist? && @lockfile&.exist? $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP> Skipping lockfile copies because there's no top level bundle") return run_bundle_install(@custom_gemfile) end if @lockfile_hash && @custom_lockfile.exist? && @lockfile_hash_path.exist? && @lockfile_hash_path.read == @lockfile_hash $stderr.puts( "Ruby LSP> Skipping composed bundle setup since #{@custom_lockfile} already exists and is up to date", ) return run_bundle_install(@custom_gemfile) end FileUtils.cp(@lockfile.to_s, @custom_lockfile.to_s) correct_relative_remote_paths @lockfile_hash_path.write(@lockfile_hash) run_bundle_install(@custom_gemfile) end private sig { returns(T::Hash[String, T.untyped]) } def composed_bundle_dependencies @composed_bundle_dependencies ||= T.let( begin original_bundle_gemfile = ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] if @custom_lockfile.exist? ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = @custom_gemfile.to_s Bundler::LockfileParser.new(@custom_lockfile.read).dependencies else {} end ensure ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = original_bundle_gemfile end, T.nilable(T::Hash[String, T.untyped]), ) end sig { void } def write_custom_gemfile parts = [ "# This custom gemfile is automatically generated by the Ruby LSP.", "# It should be automatically git ignored, but in any case: do not commit it to your repository.", "", ] # If there's a top level Gemfile, we want to evaluate from the composed bundle. We get the source from the top # level Gemfile, so if there isn't one we need to add a default source if @gemfile&.exist? && @lockfile&.exist? parts << "eval_gemfile(File.expand_path(\"../#{@gemfile_name}\", __dir__))" else parts.unshift('source "https://rubygems.org"') end unless @dependencies["ruby-lsp"] ruby_lsp_entry = +'gem "ruby-lsp", require: false, group: :development' ruby_lsp_entry << ", github: \"Shopify/ruby-lsp\", branch: \"#{@branch}\"" if @branch parts << ruby_lsp_entry end unless @dependencies["debug"] # The `mri` platform excludes Windows. We want to install the debug gem only on MRI for any operating system, # but that constraint doesn't yet exist in Bundler. On Windows, we are manually checking if the engine is MRI parts << if Gem.win_platform? 'gem "debug", require: false, group: :development, install_if: -> { RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" }' else 'gem "debug", require: false, group: :development, platforms: :mri' end end if @rails_app && !@dependencies["ruby-lsp-rails"] parts << 'gem "ruby-lsp-rails", require: false, group: :development' end content = parts.join("\n") @custom_gemfile.write(content) unless @custom_gemfile.exist? && @custom_gemfile.read == content end sig { returns([T::Hash[String, T.untyped], T.nilable(Gem::Version)]) } def load_dependencies return [{}, nil] unless @lockfile&.exist? # We need to parse the Gemfile.lock manually here. If we try to do `bundler/setup` to use something more # convenient, we may end up with issues when the globally installed `ruby-lsp` version mismatches the one included # in the `Gemfile` lockfile_parser = Bundler::LockfileParser.new(@lockfile.read) dependencies = lockfile_parser.dependencies # When working on a gem, the `ruby-lsp` might be listed as a dependency in the gemspec. We need to make sure we # check those as well or else we may get version mismatch errors. Notice that bundler allows more than one # gemspec, so we need to make sure we go through all of them Dir.glob("{,*}.gemspec").each do |path| dependencies.merge!(Bundler.load_gemspec(path).dependencies.to_h { |dep| [dep.name, dep] }) end [dependencies, lockfile_parser.bundler_version] end sig { params(bundle_gemfile: T.nilable(Pathname)).returns(T::Hash[String, String]) } def run_bundle_install(bundle_gemfile = @gemfile) env = bundler_settings_as_env env["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = bundle_gemfile.to_s # If the user has a composed bundle path configured, we need to ensure that we will use the absolute and not # relative version of it when running `bundle install`. This is necessary to avoid installing the gems under the # `.ruby-lsp` folder, which is not the user's intention. For example, if the path is configured as `vendor`, we # want to install it in the top level `vendor` and not `.ruby-lsp/vendor` if env["BUNDLE_PATH"] env["BUNDLE_PATH"] = File.expand_path(env["BUNDLE_PATH"], @project_path) end # Set the specific Bundler version used by the main app. This avoids issues with Bundler restarts, which clean the # environment and lead to the `ruby-lsp` executable not being found if @bundler_version env["BUNDLER_VERSION"] = @bundler_version.to_s install_bundler_if_needed end return run_bundle_install_through_command(env) unless @launcher begin run_bundle_install_directly(env) # If no error occurred, then clear previous errors @error_path.delete if @error_path.exist? $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP> Composed bundle installation complete") rescue => e # Write the error object to a file so that we can read it from the parent process @error_path.write(Marshal.dump(e)) end # If either the Gemfile or the lockfile have been modified during the process of setting up the bundle, retry # composing the bundle from scratch if @gemfile && @lockfile current_gemfile_hash = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(@gemfile.read) current_lockfile_hash = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(@lockfile.read) if !@retry && (current_gemfile_hash != @gemfile_hash || current_lockfile_hash != @lockfile_hash) @gemfile_hash = current_gemfile_hash @lockfile_hash = current_lockfile_hash @retry = true @custom_dir.rmtree $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP> Bundle was modified during setup. Retrying from scratch...") return setup! end end env end sig { params(env: T::Hash[String, String], force_install: T::Boolean).returns(T::Hash[String, String]) } def run_bundle_install_directly(env, force_install: false) RubyVM::YJIT.enable if defined?(RubyVM::YJIT.enable) # The ENV can only be merged after checking if an update is required because we depend on the original value of # ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"], which gets overridden after the merge should_update = should_bundle_update? T.unsafe(ENV).merge!(env) unless should_update && !force_install Bundler::CLI::Install.new({}).run correct_relative_remote_paths if @custom_lockfile.exist? return env end # Try to auto upgrade the gems we depend on, unless they are in the Gemfile as that would result in undesired # source control changes gems = ["ruby-lsp", "debug", "prism"].reject { |dep| @dependencies[dep] } gems << "ruby-lsp-rails" if @rails_app && !@dependencies["ruby-lsp-rails"] Bundler::CLI::Update.new({ conservative: true }, gems).run correct_relative_remote_paths if @custom_lockfile.exist? @last_updated_path.write(Time.now.iso8601) env rescue Bundler::GemNotFound, Bundler::GitError # If a gem is not installed, skip the upgrade and try to install it with a single retry @retry ? env : run_bundle_install_directly(env, force_install: true) end sig { params(env: T::Hash[String, String]).returns(T::Hash[String, String]) } def run_bundle_install_through_command(env) # If `ruby-lsp` and `debug` (and potentially `ruby-lsp-rails`) are already in the Gemfile, then we shouldn't try # to upgrade them or else we'll produce undesired source control changes. If the composed bundle was just created # and any of `ruby-lsp`, `ruby-lsp-rails` or `debug` weren't a part of the Gemfile, then we need to run `bundle # install` for the first time to generate the Gemfile.lock with them included or else Bundler will complain that # they're missing. We can only update if the custom `.ruby-lsp/Gemfile.lock` already exists and includes all gems # When not updating, we run `(bundle check || bundle install)` # When updating, we run `((bundle check && bundle update ruby-lsp debug) || bundle install)` bundler_path = File.join(Gem.default_bindir, "bundle") base_command = (!Gem.win_platform? && File.exist?(bundler_path) ? "#{Gem.ruby} #{bundler_path}" : "bundle").dup if env["BUNDLER_VERSION"] base_command << " _#{env["BUNDLER_VERSION"]}_" end command = +"(#{base_command} check" if should_bundle_update? # If any of `ruby-lsp`, `ruby-lsp-rails` or `debug` are not in the Gemfile, try to update them to the latest # version command.prepend("(") command << " && #{base_command} update " command << "ruby-lsp " unless @dependencies["ruby-lsp"] command << "debug " unless @dependencies["debug"] command << "ruby-lsp-rails " if @rails_app && !@dependencies["ruby-lsp-rails"] command.delete_suffix!(" ") command << ")" @last_updated_path.write(Time.now.iso8601) end command << " || #{base_command} install) " # Redirect stdout to stderr to prevent going into an infinite loop. The extension might confuse stdout output with # responses command << "1>&2" # Add bundle update $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP> Running bundle install for the composed bundle. This may take a while...") $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP> Command: #{command}") # Try to run the bundle install or update command. If that fails, it normally means that the composed lockfile is # in a bad state that no longer reflects the top level one. In that case, we can remove the whole directory, try # another time and give up if it fails again if !system(env, command) && !@retry && @custom_gemfile.exist? @retry = true @custom_dir.rmtree $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP> Running bundle install failed. Trying to re-generate the composed bundle from scratch") return setup! end env end # Gather all Bundler settings (global and local) and return them as a hash that can be used as the environment sig { returns(T::Hash[String, String]) } def bundler_settings_as_env local_config_path = File.join(@project_path, ".bundle") # If there's no Gemfile or if the local config path does not exist, we return an empty setting set (which has the # global settings included). Otherwise, we also load the local settings settings = begin Dir.exist?(local_config_path) ? Bundler::Settings.new(local_config_path) : Bundler::Settings.new rescue Bundler::GemfileNotFound Bundler::Settings.new end # Map all settings to their environment variable names with `key_for` and their values. For example, the if the # setting name `e` is `path` with a value of `vendor/bundle`, then it will return `"BUNDLE_PATH" => # "vendor/bundle"` settings.all.to_h do |e| key = Bundler::Settings.key_for(e) value = Array(settings[e]).join(":").tr(" ", ":") [key, value] end end sig { void } def install_bundler_if_needed # Try to find the bundler version specified in the lockfile in installed gems. If not found, install it requirement = Gem::Requirement.new(@bundler_version.to_s) return if Gem::Specification.any? { |s| s.name == "bundler" && requirement =~ s.version } Gem.install("bundler", @bundler_version.to_s) end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def should_bundle_update? # If `ruby-lsp`, `ruby-lsp-rails` and `debug` are in the Gemfile, then we shouldn't try to upgrade them or else it # will produce version control changes if @rails_app return false if @dependencies.values_at("ruby-lsp", "ruby-lsp-rails", "debug").all? # If the composed lockfile doesn't include `ruby-lsp`, `ruby-lsp-rails` or `debug`, we need to run bundle # install before updating return false if composed_bundle_dependencies.values_at("ruby-lsp", "debug", "ruby-lsp-rails").any?(&:nil?) else return false if @dependencies.values_at("ruby-lsp", "debug").all? # If the composed lockfile doesn't include `ruby-lsp` or `debug`, we need to run bundle install before updating return false if composed_bundle_dependencies.values_at("ruby-lsp", "debug").any?(&:nil?) end # If the last updated file doesn't exist or was updated more than 4 hours ago, we should update !@last_updated_path.exist? || Time.parse(@last_updated_path.read) < (Time.now - FOUR_HOURS) end # When a lockfile has remote references based on relative file paths, we need to ensure that they are pointing to # the correct place since after copying the relative path is no longer valid sig { void } def correct_relative_remote_paths content = @custom_lockfile.read content.gsub!(/remote: (.*)/) do |match| path = T.must(Regexp.last_match)[1] # We should only apply the correction if the remote is a relative path. It might also be a URI, like # `https://rubygems.org` or an absolute path, in which case we shouldn't do anything if path && !URI(path).scheme "remote: #{File.expand_path(path, T.must(@gemfile).dirname)}" else match end rescue URI::InvalidURIError, URI::InvalidComponentError # If the path raises an invalid error, it might be a git ssh path, which indeed isn't a URI match end @custom_lockfile.write(content) end # Detects if the project is a Rails app by looking if the superclass of the main class is `Rails::Application` sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def rails_app? config = Pathname.new("config/application.rb").expand_path application_contents = config.read(external_encoding: Encoding::UTF_8) if config.exist? return false unless application_contents /class .* < (::)?Rails::Application/.match?(application_contents) end sig { void } def patch_thor_to_print_progress_to_stderr! return unless defined?(Bundler::Thor::Shell::Basic) Bundler::Thor::Shell::Basic.prepend(Module.new do extend T::Sig sig { returns(IO) } def stdout $stderr end end) Bundler.ui.level = :info end end end