# <%= program %> configuration initially generated <%= Time.now %> # Go ahead and customize this file to your heart's content! The content is Ruby # code, and all code is evaluated in the context of a Firetower::Session object. # CONNECTIONS # You can connect to as many Campfire accounts as you like :-) account '<%= subdomain %>', '<%= token %>', :ssl => <%= use_ssl %> # ROOMS # Activity in these rooms will tracked by the <%= program %> server <% room_names.each do |room_name| %> join '<%= subdomain %>', '<%= room_name %>' <% end %> # DEFAULT ROOM default '<%= subdomain %>', '<%= room_names.first %>' # Plugins <% if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ %> use GrowlPlugin <% else %> use NotifyPlugin <% end %>