"en": {
"admin": {
"breadcrumbs": {
"home": "Home"
"buttons": {
"delete": "Delete %{model_name}",
"edit": "Edit %{model_name}",
"new": "New %{model_name}",
"ok": "OK",
"save": "Save %{model_name}",
"show": "Show %{model_name}"
"datepicker": {
"formats": {
"date": "m/d/Y",
"datetime": "m/d/Y h:i K",
"time": "h:i K"
"flash": {
"create": {
"failure": {
"message": "Please correct the errors below.",
"title": "Warning!"
"success": {
"message": "The %{lowercase_model_name} was successfully created.",
"title": "Success!"
"destroy": {
"failure": {
"message": "Could not delete %{lowercase_model_name}.",
"title": "Warning!"
"success": {
"message": "The %{lowercase_model_name} was successfully deleted.",
"title": "Success!"
"update": {
"failure": {
"message": "Please correct the errors below.",
"title": "Warning!"
"success": {
"message": "The %{lowercase_model_name} was successfully updated.",
"title": "Success!"
"form": {
"select": {
"prompt": "- Select %{attribute_name} -"
"format": {
"blank": "None"
"table": {
"headers": {
"id": "ID"
"titles": {
"edit": "Editing %{model_name}",
"index": "Listing %{pluralized_model_name}",
"new": "New %{model_name}"
"date": {
"abbr_day_names": [
"abbr_month_names": [
"day_names": [
"formats": {
"default": "%Y-%m-%d",
"long": "%B %d, %Y",
"short": "%b %d"
"month_names": [
"order": [
"datetime": {
"distance_in_words": {
"about_x_hours": {
"one": "about 1 hour",
"other": "about %{count} hours"
"about_x_months": {
"one": "about 1 month",
"other": "about %{count} months"
"about_x_years": {
"one": "about 1 year",
"other": "about %{count} years"
"almost_x_years": {
"one": "almost 1 year",
"other": "almost %{count} years"
"half_a_minute": "half a minute",
"less_than_x_minutes": {
"one": "less than a minute",
"other": "less than %{count} minutes"
"less_than_x_seconds": {
"one": "less than 1 second",
"other": "less than %{count} seconds"
"over_x_years": {
"one": "over 1 year",
"other": "over %{count} years"
"x_days": {
"one": "1 day",
"other": "%{count} days"
"x_minutes": {
"one": "1 minute",
"other": "%{count} minutes"
"x_months": {
"one": "1 month",
"other": "%{count} months"
"x_seconds": {
"one": "1 second",
"other": "%{count} seconds"
"prompts": {
"day": "Day",
"hour": "Hour",
"minute": "Minute",
"month": "Month",
"second": "Seconds",
"year": "Year"
"helpers": {
"select": {
"prompt": "Please select"
"submit": {
"create": "Create %{model}",
"submit": "Save %{model}",
"update": "Update %{model}"
"number": {
"currency": {
"format": {
"delimiter": ",",
"format": "%u%n",
"negative_format": "-%u%n",
"precision": 2,
"separator": ".",
"significant": false,
"strip_insignificant_zeros": false,
"unit": "$"
"format": {
"delimiter": ",",
"precision": 3,
"round_mode": "default",
"separator": ".",
"significant": false,
"strip_insignificant_zeros": false
"human": {
"decimal_units": {
"format": "%n %u",
"units": {
"billion": "Billion",
"million": "Million",
"quadrillion": "Quadrillion",
"thousand": "Thousand",
"trillion": "Trillion",
"unit": ""
"format": {
"delimiter": "",
"precision": 3,
"significant": true,
"strip_insignificant_zeros": true
"storage_units": {
"format": "%n %u",
"units": {
"byte": {
"one": "Byte",
"other": "Bytes"
"eb": "EB",
"gb": "GB",
"kb": "KB",
"mb": "MB",
"pb": "PB",
"tb": "TB",
"zb": "ZB"
"nth": {
"percentage": {
"format": {
"delimiter": "",
"format": "%n%"
"precision": {
"format": {
"delimiter": ""
"support": {
"array": {
"last_word_connector": ", and ",
"two_words_connector": " and ",
"words_connector": ", "
"time": {
"am": "am",
"formats": {
"default": "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z",
"long": "%B %d, %Y %H:%M",
"short": "%d %b %H:%M"
"pm": "pm"
"trestle": {
"confirmation": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"delete": "Delete",
"title": "Are you sure?"
"dialog": {
"error": "The request could not be completed."
"file": {
"browse": "Browse",
"choose_file": "Choose file..."
"footer": "Powered by Trestle",
"helpers": {
"page_entries_info": {
"more_pages": {
"display_entries": "Displaying %{entry_name} %{first} - %{last} of %{total}"
"one_page": {
"display_entries": {
"one": "Displaying 1 %{entry_name}",
"other": "Displaying all %{count} %{entry_name}",
"zero": "No %{entry_name} found"
"onboarding": {
"no_admins": "To begin, please create an admin within app/admin
"no_form": "Please define a form block or create a _form.html
"no_template": "To customize this template, please create %{path}
"welcome": "Welcome to Trestle"
"title": "Trestle Admin",
"ui": {
"toggle_dropdown": "Toggle dropdown",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
"version": "Version"