JSON Node — Node in a JSON object model


enum                JsonNodeType;
#define             JSON_NODE_TYPE                      (node)
#define             JSON_NODE_HOLDS                     (node,
#define             JSON_NODE_HOLDS_VALUE               (node)
#define             JSON_NODE_HOLDS_OBJECT              (node)
#define             JSON_NODE_HOLDS_ARRAY               (node)
#define             JSON_NODE_HOLDS_NULL                (node)
JsonNode *          json_node_alloc                     (void);
JsonNode *          json_node_init                      (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonNodeType type);
JsonNode *          json_node_init_int                  (JsonNode *node,
                                                         gint64 value);
JsonNode *          json_node_init_double               (JsonNode *node,
                                                         gdouble value);
JsonNode *          json_node_init_boolean              (JsonNode *node,
                                                         gboolean value);
JsonNode *          json_node_init_string               (JsonNode *node,
                                                         const char *value);
JsonNode *          json_node_init_null                 (JsonNode *node);
JsonNode *          json_node_init_object               (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonObject *object);
JsonNode *          json_node_init_array                (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonArray *array);
JsonNode *          json_node_new                       (JsonNodeType type);
JsonNode *          json_node_copy                      (JsonNode *node);
void                json_node_free                      (JsonNode *node);

void                json_node_set_array                 (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonArray *array);
void                json_node_take_array                (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonArray *array);
JsonArray *         json_node_get_array                 (JsonNode *node);
JsonArray *         json_node_dup_array                 (JsonNode *node);

void                json_node_set_object                (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonObject *object);
void                json_node_take_object               (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonObject *object);
JsonObject *        json_node_get_object                (JsonNode *node);
JsonObject *        json_node_dup_object                (JsonNode *node);

void                json_node_set_value                 (JsonNode *node,
                                                         const GValue *value);
void                json_node_get_value                 (JsonNode *node,
                                                         GValue *value);
void                json_node_set_boolean               (JsonNode *node,
                                                         gboolean value);
gboolean            json_node_get_boolean               (JsonNode *node);
void                json_node_set_double                (JsonNode *node,
                                                         gdouble value);
gdouble             json_node_get_double                (JsonNode *node);
void                json_node_set_int                   (JsonNode *node,
                                                         gint64 value);
gint64              json_node_get_int                   (JsonNode *node);
void                json_node_set_string                (JsonNode *node,
                                                         const gchar *value);
const gchar *       json_node_get_string                (JsonNode *node);
gchar *             json_node_dup_string                (JsonNode *node);

void                json_node_set_parent                (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonNode *parent);
JsonNode *          json_node_get_parent                (JsonNode *node);
const gchar *       json_node_type_name                 (JsonNode *node);
GType               json_node_get_value_type            (JsonNode *node);
JsonNodeType        json_node_get_node_type             (JsonNode *node);
gboolean            json_node_is_null                   (JsonNode *node);


A JsonNode is a generic container of elements inside a JSON stream. It can contain fundamental types (integers, booleans, floating point numbers, strings) and complex types (arrays and objects).

When parsing a JSON data stream you extract the root node and walk the node tree by retrieving the type of data contained inside the node with the JSON_NODE_TYPE macro. If the node contains a fundamental type you can retrieve a copy of the GValue holding it with the json_node_get_value() function, and then use the GValue API to extract the data; if the node contains a complex type you can retrieve the JsonObject or the JsonArray using json_node_get_object() or json_node_get_array() respectively, and then retrieve the nodes they contain.


enum JsonNodeType

typedef enum {
} JsonNodeType;

Indicates the content of a JsonNode.


The node contains a JsonObject


The node contains a JsonArray


The node contains a fundamental type


Special type, for nodes containing null


typedef struct _JsonNode JsonNode;

A generic container of JSON data types. The contents of the JsonNode structure are private and should only be accessed via the provided functions and never directly.


#define JSON_NODE_TYPE(node)    (json_node_get_node_type ((node)))

Evaluates to the JsonNodeType contained by node

node :

a JsonNode


#define JSON_NODE_HOLDS(node,t)         (json_node_get_node_type ((node)) == (t))

Evaluates to TRUE if the node holds type t

node :

a JsonNode

t :

a JsonNodeType

Since 0.10



Evaluates to TRUE if node holds a JSON_NODE_VALUE

node :

a JsonNode

Since 0.10



Evaluates to TRUE if node holds a JSON_NODE_OBJECT

node :

a JsonNode

Since 0.10



Evaluates to TRUE if node holds a JSON_NODE_ARRAY

node :

a JsonNode

Since 0.10



Evaluates to TRUE if node holds a JSON_NODE_NULL

node :

a JsonNode

Since 0.10

json_node_alloc ()

JsonNode *          json_node_alloc                     (void);

Allocates a new JsonNode. Use json_node_init() and its variants to initialize the returned value.

Returns :

the newly allocated JsonNode. Use json_node_free() to free the resources allocated by this function. [transfer full]

Since 0.16

json_node_init ()

JsonNode *          json_node_init                      (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonNodeType type);

Initializes a node to a specific type.

If the node has already been initialized once, it will be reset to the given type, and any data contained will be cleared.

node :

the JsonNode to initialize

type :

the type of JSON node to initialize node to

Returns :

the initialized JsonNode. [transfer none]

Since 0.16

json_node_init_int ()

JsonNode *          json_node_init_int                  (JsonNode *node,
                                                         gint64 value);

Initializes node to JSON_NODE_VALUE and sets value into it.

If the node has already been initialized once, it will be reset to the given type, and any data contained will be cleared.

node :

the JsonNode to initialize

value :

an integer

Returns :

the initialized JsonNode. [transfer none]

Since 0.16

json_node_init_double ()

JsonNode *          json_node_init_double               (JsonNode *node,
                                                         gdouble value);

Initializes node to JSON_NODE_VALUE and sets value into it.

If the node has already been initialized once, it will be reset to the given type, and any data contained will be cleared.

node :

the JsonNode to initialize

value :

a floating point value

Returns :

the initialized JsonNode. [transfer none]

Since 0.16

json_node_init_boolean ()

JsonNode *          json_node_init_boolean              (JsonNode *node,
                                                         gboolean value);

Initializes node to JSON_NODE_VALUE and sets value into it.

If the node has already been initialized once, it will be reset to the given type, and any data contained will be cleared.

node :

the JsonNode to initialize

value :

a boolean value

Returns :

the initialized JsonNode. [transfer none]

Since 0.16

json_node_init_string ()

JsonNode *          json_node_init_string               (JsonNode *node,
                                                         const char *value);

Initializes node to JSON_NODE_VALUE and sets value into it.

If the node has already been initialized once, it will be reset to the given type, and any data contained will be cleared.

node :

the JsonNode to initialize

value :

a string value. [allow-none]

Returns :

the initialized JsonNode. [transfer none]

Since 0.16

json_node_init_null ()

JsonNode *          json_node_init_null                 (JsonNode *node);

Initializes node to JSON_NODE_NULL.

If the node has already been initialized once, it will be reset to the given type, and any data contained will be cleared.

node :

the JsonNode to initialize

Returns :

the initialized JsonNode. [transfer none]

Since 0.16

json_node_init_object ()

JsonNode *          json_node_init_object               (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonObject *object);

Initializes node to JSON_NODE_OBJECT and sets object into it.

This function will take a reference on object.

If the node has already been initialized once, it will be reset to the given type, and any data contained will be cleared.

node :

the JsonNode to initialize

object :

the JsonObject to initialize node with, or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

the initialized JsonNode. [transfer none]

Since 0.16

json_node_init_array ()

JsonNode *          json_node_init_array                (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonArray *array);

Initializes node to JSON_NODE_ARRAY and sets array into it.

This function will take a reference on array.

If the node has already been initialized once, it will be reset to the given type, and any data contained will be cleared.

node :

the JsonNode to initialize

array :

the JsonArray to initialize node with, or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

the initialized JsonNode. [transfer none]

Since 0.16

json_node_new ()

JsonNode *          json_node_new                       (JsonNodeType type);

Creates a new JsonNode of type.

This is a convenience function for json_node_alloc() and json_node_init(), and it's the equivalent of:

return json_node_init (json_node_alloc (), type);

type :

a JsonNodeType

Returns :

the newly created JsonNode

json_node_copy ()

JsonNode *          json_node_copy                      (JsonNode *node);

Copies node. If the node contains complex data types then the reference count of the objects is increased.

node :

a JsonNode

Returns :

the copied JsonNode. [transfer full]

json_node_free ()

void                json_node_free                      (JsonNode *node);

Frees the resources allocated by node.

node :

a JsonNode

json_node_set_array ()

void                json_node_set_array                 (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonArray *array);

Sets array inside node and increases the JsonArray reference count

node :

a JsonNode initialized to JSON_NODE_ARRAY

array :

a JsonArray

json_node_take_array ()

void                json_node_take_array                (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonArray *array);

Sets array into node without increasing the JsonArray reference count.

node :

a JsonNode initialized to JSON_NODE_ARRAY

array :

a JsonArray. [transfer full]

json_node_get_array ()

JsonArray *         json_node_get_array                 (JsonNode *node);

Retrieves the JsonArray stored inside a JsonNode

node :

a JsonNode

Returns :

the JsonArray. [transfer none]

json_node_dup_array ()

JsonArray *         json_node_dup_array                 (JsonNode *node);

Retrieves the JsonArray stored inside a JsonNode and returns it with its reference count increased by one.

node :

a JsonNode

Returns :

the JsonArray with its reference count increased. [transfer full]

json_node_set_object ()

void                json_node_set_object                (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonObject *object);

Sets objects inside node. The reference count of object is increased.

node :

a JsonNode initialized to JSON_NODE_OBJECT

object :

a JsonObject

json_node_take_object ()

void                json_node_take_object               (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonObject *object);

Sets object inside node. The reference count of object is not increased.

node :

a JsonNode initialized to JSON_NODE_OBJECT

object :

a JsonObject. [transfer full]

json_node_get_object ()

JsonObject *        json_node_get_object                (JsonNode *node);

Retrieves the JsonObject stored inside a JsonNode

node :

a JsonNode

Returns :

the JsonObject. [transfer none]

json_node_dup_object ()

JsonObject *        json_node_dup_object                (JsonNode *node);

Retrieves the JsonObject inside node. The reference count of the returned object is increased.

node :

a JsonNode

Returns :

the JsonObject. [transfer full]

json_node_set_value ()

void                json_node_set_value                 (JsonNode *node,
                                                         const GValue *value);

Sets value inside node. The passed GValue is copied into the JsonNode

node :

a JsonNode initialized to JSON_NODE_VALUE

value :

the GValue to set

json_node_get_value ()

void                json_node_get_value                 (JsonNode *node,
                                                         GValue *value);

Retrieves a value from a JsonNode and copies into value. When done using it, call g_value_unset() on the GValue.

node :

a JsonNode

value :

return location for an uninitialized value. [out caller-allocates]

json_node_set_boolean ()

void                json_node_set_boolean               (JsonNode *node,
                                                         gboolean value);

Sets value as the boolean content of the node, replacing any existing content.

node :

a JsonNode of type JSON_NODE_VALUE

value :

a boolean value

json_node_get_boolean ()

gboolean            json_node_get_boolean               (JsonNode *node);

Gets the boolean value stored inside a JsonNode

node :

a JsonNode of type JSON_NODE_VALUE

Returns :

a boolean value.

json_node_set_double ()

void                json_node_set_double                (JsonNode *node,
                                                         gdouble value);

Sets value as the double content of the node, replacing any existing content.

node :

a JsonNode of type JSON_NODE_VALUE

value :

a double value

json_node_get_double ()

gdouble             json_node_get_double                (JsonNode *node);

Gets the double value stored inside a JsonNode

node :

a JsonNode of type JSON_NODE_VALUE

Returns :

a double value.

json_node_set_int ()

void                json_node_set_int                   (JsonNode *node,
                                                         gint64 value);

Sets value as the integer content of the node, replacing any existing content.

node :

a JsonNode of type JSON_NODE_VALUE

value :

an integer value

json_node_get_int ()

gint64              json_node_get_int                   (JsonNode *node);

Gets the integer value stored inside a JsonNode

node :

a JsonNode of type JSON_NODE_VALUE

Returns :

an integer value.

json_node_set_string ()

void                json_node_set_string                (JsonNode *node,
                                                         const gchar *value);

Sets value as the string content of the node, replacing any existing content.

node :

a JsonNode initialized to JSON_NODE_VALUE

value :

a string value

json_node_get_string ()

const gchar *       json_node_get_string                (JsonNode *node);

Gets the string value stored inside a JsonNode

node :

a JsonNode of type JSON_NODE_VALUE

Returns :

a string value.

json_node_dup_string ()

gchar *             json_node_dup_string                (JsonNode *node);

Gets a copy of the string value stored inside a JsonNode

node :

a JsonNode of type JSON_NODE_VALUE

Returns :

a newly allocated string containing a copy of the JsonNode contents. Use g_free() to free the allocated resources. [transfer full]

json_node_set_parent ()

void                json_node_set_parent                (JsonNode *node,
                                                         JsonNode *parent);

Sets the parent JsonNode of node

node :

a JsonNode

parent :

the parent JsonNode of node. [transfer none]

Since 0.8

json_node_get_parent ()

JsonNode *          json_node_get_parent                (JsonNode *node);

Retrieves the parent JsonNode of node.

node :

a JsonNode

Returns :

the parent node, or NULL if node is the root node. [transfer none]

json_node_type_name ()

const gchar *       json_node_type_name                 (JsonNode *node);

Retrieves the user readable name of the data type contained by node.

node :

a JsonNode

Returns :

a string containing the name of the type. The returned string is owned by the node and should never be modified or freed

json_node_get_value_type ()

GType               json_node_get_value_type            (JsonNode *node);

Returns the GType of the payload of the node.

node :

a JsonNode

Returns :

a GType for the payload.

Since 0.4

json_node_get_node_type ()

JsonNodeType        json_node_get_node_type             (JsonNode *node);

Retrieves the JsonNodeType of node

node :

a JsonNode

Returns :

the type of the node

Since 0.8

json_node_is_null ()

gboolean            json_node_is_null                   (JsonNode *node);

Checks whether node is a JSON_NODE_NULL


A null node is not the same as a NULLJsonNode

node :

a JsonNode

Returns :

TRUE if the node is null

Since 0.8