# encoding: utf-8
# Generic helper methods not specific
# to a particular tag name
module Appium::Common
  # json and ap are required for the source method.
  require 'json'
  require 'ap' # awesome print
  require 'timeout' # for wait

  # iOS .name returns the accessibility attribute if it's set. if not set, the string value is used.
  # Android .name returns the accessibility attribute and nothing if it's not set.
  # .text should be cross platform so prefer that over name, unless both
  # Android and iOS have proper accessibility attributes.
  # .text and .value should be the same so use .text over .value.
  # secure tag_name is iOS only because it can't be implemented using uiautomator for Android.
  # find_element :text doesn't work so use XPath to find by text.

  # Check every 0.5 seconds to see if block.call doesn't raise an exception.
  # if .call raises an exception then it will be tried again.
  # if .call doesn't raise an exception then it will stop waiting.
  # Example: wait { name('back').click }
  # Give up after 30 seconds.
  # @param max_wait [Integer] the maximum time in seconds to wait for.
  #         Note that max wait 0 means infinity.
  # @param interval [Float] the time in seconds to wait after calling the block
  # @param block [Block] the block to call
  # @return [Object] the result of block.call
  def wait max_wait=30, interval=0.5, &block
    # Rescue Timeout::Error: execution expired
    result = nil
    timeout max_wait do
      until (result = begin; block.call || true; rescue; end)
        sleep interval

  # Return block.call and ignore any exceptions.
  def ignore &block
    begin; block.call; rescue; end

  # Check every 0.5 seconds to see if block.call returns true. nil is considered a failure.
  # Give up after 30 seconds.
  # @param max_wait [Integer] the maximum time in seconds to wait for
  # @param interval [Float] the time in seconds to wait after calling the block
  # @param block [Block] the block to call
  # @return [Object] the result of block.call
  def wait_true max_wait=30, interval=0.5, &block
    # Rescue Timeout::Error: execution expired
    result = nil
    timeout max_wait do
      until (result = begin; block.call; rescue; end)
        sleep interval

  # Navigate back.
  # @return [void]
  def back

  # For Sauce Labs reporting. Returns the current session id.
  def session_id

  # Returns the first element that matches the provided xpath.
  # @param xpath_str [String] the XPath string
  # @return [Element]
  def xpath xpath_str
    find_element :xpath, xpath_str

  # Returns all elements that match the provided xpath.
  # @param xpath_str [String] the XPath string
  # @return [Array<Element>]
  def xpaths xpath_str
    find_elements :xpath, xpath_str

  # Get the element of type tag_name at matching index.
  # @param tag_name [String] the tag name to find
  # @param index [Integer] the index
  # @return [Element] the found element of type tag_name
  def ele_index tag_name, index
    # XPath index starts at 1. ruby_lib index starts at 0
    find_element :xpath, "//#{tag_name}[#{index + 1}]"

  # Get all elements exactly matching tag name
  # @param tag_name [String] the tag name to find
  # @return [Array<Element>] the found elements of type tag_name
  def find_eles tag_name
    @driver.find_elements :tag_name, tag_name

  # Get the first tag that exactly matches tag and text.
  # @param tag [String] the tag name to match
  # @param text [String] the text to exactly match
  # @return [Element] the element of type tag exactly matching text
  def find_ele_by_text tag, text
    @driver.find_element :xpath, %Q(#{tag}[@text='#{text}'])

  # Get all tags that exactly match tag and text.
  # @param tag [String] the tag name to match
  # @param text [String] the text to exactly match
  # @return [Array<Element>] the elements of type tag exactly matching text
  def find_eles_by_text tag, text
    @driver.find_elements :xpath, %Q(#{tag}[@text='#{text}'])

  # Get the first tag by attribute that exactly matches value.
  # @param tag [String] the tag name to match
  # @param attr [String] the attribute to compare
  # @param value [String] the value of the attribute that the element must include
  # @return [Element] the element of type tag who's attribute includes value
  def find_ele_by_attr_include tag, attr, value
    @driver.find_element :xpath, %Q(#{tag}[contains(@#{attr}, '#{value}')])

  # Get tags by attribute that include value.
  # @param tag [String] the tag name to match
  # @param attr [String] the attribute to compare
  # @param value [String] the value of the attribute that the element must include
  # @return [Array<Element>] the elements of type tag who's attribute includes value
  def find_eles_by_attr_include tag, attr, value
    @driver.find_elements :xpath, %Q(#{tag}[contains(@#{attr}, '#{value}')])

  # Get the first tag that includes text.
  # @param tag [String] the tag name to match
  # @param text [String] the text the element must include
  # @return [Element] the element of type tag that includes text
  # element.attribute(:text).include? text
  def find_ele_by_text_include tag, text
    find_ele_by_attr_include tag, :text, text

  # Get the tags that include text.
  # @param tag [String] the tag name to match
  # @param text [String] the text the element must include
  # @return [Array<Element>] the elements of type tag that includes text
  # element.attribute(:text).include? text
  def find_eles_by_text_include tag, text
    find_eles_by_attr_include tag, :text, text

  # Get the first tag that matches tag_name
  # @param tag_name [String] the tag to match
  # @return [Element]
  def first_ele tag_name
    # XPath index starts at 1
    find_element :xpath, "//#{tag_name}[1]"

  # Get the last tag that matches tag_name
  # @param tag_name [String] the tag to match
  # @return [Element]
  def last_ele tag_name
    xpath "//#{tag_name}[last()]"

  # Prints a JSON view of the current page
  # @return [void]
  def source
    ap get_source

  # Gets a JSON view of the current page
  # @return [JSON]
  def get_source
    # must set max nesting. default limit of 20 is too low for selendroid
    JSON.parse @driver.page_source, max_nesting: 9999

  # Returns the first element that exactly matches name
  # @param name [String] the name to exactly match
  # @return [Element]
  def find_name name
    find_element :name, name

  # Returns all elements that exactly match name
  # @param name [String] the name to exactly match
  # @return [Array<Element>]
  def find_names name
    find_elements :name, name

  # Returns the first element matching tag_name
  # @param tag_name [String] the tag_name to search for
  # @return [Element]
  def tag tag_name
    find_element :tag_name, tag_name

  # Converts pixel values to window relative values
  # ```ruby
  # px_to_window_rel x: 50, y: 150
  # ```

  def px_to_window_rel opts={}

    w = $driver.window_size
    x = opts.fetch :x, 0
    y = opts.fetch :y, 0

    OpenStruct.new( x: x.to_f / w.width.to_f,
                    y: y.to_f / w.height.to_f )

  def lazy_load_strings
    @strings_xml ||= mobile(:getStrings)

  # Search strings.xml's values for target.
  # @param target [String] the target to search for in strings.xml values
  # @return [Array]
  def xml_keys target
    @strings_xml.select { |key, value| key.downcase.include? target.downcase }

  # Search strings.xml's keys for target.
  # @param target [String] the target to search for in strings.xml keys
  # @return [Array]
  def xml_values target
    @strings_xml.select { |key, value| value.downcase.include? target.downcase }

  # Resolve id in strings.xml and return the value.
  # @param id [String] the id to resolve
  # @return [String]
  def resolve_id id

  # Used to error when finding a single element fails.
  def raise_no_element_error
    raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchElementError, 'An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.'

end # module Appium::Common