module Fog module Parsers module Compute module AWS class DescribeReservedInstances < Fog::Parsers::Base def get_default_item {'tagSet' => {}, 'recurringCharges' => {}} end def reset @context = [] # Note: should also be handled as a set, but do not want to disrupt anyone relying on # it currently being flatted @contexts = ['reservedInstancesSet', 'tagSet'] @reserved_instance = get_default_item @response = { 'reservedInstancesSet' => [] } @tag = {} end def start_element(name, attrs = []) super if @contexts.include?(name) @context.push(name) end end def end_element(name) case name when 'availabilityZone', 'instanceType', 'productDescription', 'reservedInstancesId', 'state', 'offeringType' @reserved_instance[name] = value when 'duration', 'instanceCount' @reserved_instance[name] = value.to_i when 'fixedPrice', 'amount', 'usagePrice' @reserved_instance[name] = value.to_f when *@contexts @context.pop when 'item' case @context.last when 'reservedInstancesSet' @response['reservedInstancesSet'] << @reserved_instance @reserved_instance = get_default_item when 'tagSet' @reserved_instance['tagSet'][@tag['key']] = @tag['value'] @tag = {} end when 'key', 'value' @tag[name] = value when 'requestId' @response[name] = value when 'start','end' @reserved_instance[name] = Time.parse(value) end end end end end end end