3.1 unmet_load_hours_troubleshooting edf8fc3a-5607-4e0f-9dd2-4a1e1545433b 516258be-c561-4b81-a11f-87f2931333e1 2024-11-16T23:54:14Z 5BFE84C4 UnmetLoadHoursTroubleshooting Unmet Load Hours Troubleshooting Unmet load hours are any hours of operation when conditioned spaces are outside the throttling range for heating or cooling controls. That is, they are the hours in a year that the HVAC system serving a space cannot maintain space setpoint. This measure performs a series of checks against various model input variables and when applicable informs the user of possible sources of unmet cooling and heating hours. The measure also creates a dynamic time series plot of unmet cooling and heating hours, by zone - whose patterns may be interpreted to assist in troubleshooting unmet cooling and heating hours. Prior to running this measure, users will need to add the following output variables to their model: 1) Zone Mean Air Temperature,hourly 2) Zone Thermostat Heating Setpoint Temperature, hourly 3) Zone Thermostat Cooling Setpoint Temperature, hourly 4) Zone People Occupant Count, hourly using the AddOutputVariable OS measure, or the add output variables screen in the OpenStudio application. This measure performs a series of logic checks against model inputs for diagnosing common issues responsible for unmet cooling and heating hours. The measure will also create a time series interactive chart (using dygraph libraries) to provide a visual inspection of when unmet heating and cooling hours are occurring. measure_zone Pick a Zone (or all Zones) Choice true false All Zones All Zones All Zones Reporting.Troubleshooting Measure Type ReportingMeasure string Uses SketchUp API false boolean LICENSE.md md license 8696A072 README.md md readme 5C03BFC2 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script D516E015 report.html.in in resource 8D7B1438 2zone.osm osm test 6C8794B0 ExampleModel.osm osm test 689C5D49 UnmetLoadHoursTroubleshooting_Test.rb rb test EDF1ED99 sqlfile.sql sql test 00000000 undersizedHVAC.osm osm test 36469ABE