require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' require 'rexml/document' namespace :libs do desc 'take a fresh copy of the stdlib and rebuild it for use with this project' task :reconfigure_stdlib do require_relative 'ruboto.stdlib' reconfigure_jruby_stdlib end desc 'check the stdlib dependencies and store them in auto_dependencies.yml' task :check_dependencies do require_relative 'ruboto.stdlib' if File.exists? 'auto_dependencies.yml' old_dep = (YAML::load_file('auto_dependencies.yml') || {}) end new_dep = find_dependencies if new_dep == old_dep puts "Dependencies haven't changed: #{new_dep.join(', ')}" else puts "New dependencies: #{new_dep.join(', ')}"'auto_dependencies.yml', 'w') do |out| YAML.dump(new_dep, out) end end end end def log_action(initial_text, final_text='Done.', &block) $stdout.sync = true print initial_text, '...' result = yield puts final_text result end ############################################################################ # # Support for reconfigure_jruby_stdlib # # - Moves ruby stdlib to the root of the jruby-stdlib jar def reconfigure_jruby_stdlib abort 'cannot find jruby library in libs' if Dir['libs/jruby*'].empty? if (gem_version = ENV['JRUBY_JARS_VERSION']) gem('jruby-jars', gem_version) end require 'jruby-jars' log_action("Copying #{JRubyJars::stdlib_jar_path} to libs") do FileUtils.cp JRubyJars::stdlib_jar_path, "libs/jruby-stdlib-#{JRubyJars::VERSION}.jar" end StdlibDependencies.load('rakelib/ruboto.stdlib.yml') Dir.chdir 'libs' do jruby_stdlib = Dir['jruby-stdlib-*.jar'][-1] log_action("Reformatting #{jruby_stdlib}") do FileUtils.mkdir_p 'tmp' Dir.chdir 'tmp' do FileUtils.mkdir_p 'old' FileUtils.mkdir_p 'new/jruby.home' Dir.chdir 'old' do `jar -xf ../../#{jruby_stdlib}` raise "Unpacking jruby-stdlib jar failed: #$?" unless $? == 0 end FileUtils.move 'old/META-INF/jruby.home/lib', 'new/jruby.home/lib' FileUtils.rm_rf 'new/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems' remove_unneeded_parts_of_stdlib cleanup_jars Dir.chdir 'new' do `jar -cf ../../#{jruby_stdlib} .` raise "Creating repackaged jruby-stdlib jar failed: #$?" unless $? == 0 end end FileUtils.remove_dir 'tmp', true end end end def remove_unneeded_parts_of_stdlib if File.exists? '../../ruboto.yml' ruboto_config = (YAML::load_file('../../ruboto.yml') || {}) else ruboto_config = {} end ruby_version = ruboto_config['ruby_version'] included_stdlibs = ruboto_config['included_stdlibs'] excluded_stdlibs = [*ruboto_config['excluded_stdlibs']].compact if included_stdlibs == 'auto' if File.exists? '../../auto_dependencies.yml' included_stdlibs = YAML::load_file('../../auto_dependencies.yml') else puts "No auto_dependencies.yml file found. Use 'rake libs:check_dependencies' to create one." included_stdlibs = nil end end Dir.chdir 'new/jruby.home/lib/ruby' do # # Add ruby_version (e.g., 1.8, 1.9, 2.0) to ruboto.yml # to trim unused versions from stdlib # if ruby_version ruby_stdlib_versions = Dir['*'] - %w(gems shared) print "ruby version = #{ruby_version}..." ruby_stdlib_versions.each do |ld| unless ld == ruby_version.to_s print "removing #{ld}..." FileUtils.rm_rf ld end end end if included_stdlibs ruby_version ||= 1.9 ruby_version = ruby_version.to_s # Require jruby and java included_stdlibs = (included_stdlibs + %w(java jruby)).uniq ruby_stdlib_versions = Dir['*'] - %w(gems) print 'excluded...' ruby_stdlib_versions.each do |ld| Dir.chdir ld do libs = Dir['*'].map { |d| d.sub /\.(rb|jar)$/, '' }.uniq libs.each do |d| next if included_stdlibs.include? d FileUtils.rm_rf d if File.exists? d file = "#{d}.rb" FileUtils.rm_rf file if File.exists? file jarfile = "#{d}.jar" FileUtils.rm_rf jarfile if File.exists? jarfile print "#{d} " end end end elsif excluded_stdlibs.any? # Don't allow jruby and java to be removed excluded_stdlibs -= %w(jruby java) ruby_stdlib_versions = Dir['*'] - %w(gems) excluded_stdlibs.each do |d| if Dir["{#{ruby_stdlib_versions.join(',')}}/#{d}"].empty? puts "Exclude pattern #{dir.inspect} does not match any files." end ruby_stdlib_versions.each do |ld| dir = "#{ld}/#{d}" FileUtils.rm_rf dir if File.exists? dir file = "#{dir}.rb" FileUtils.rm_rf file if File.exists? file end end print "excluded #{excluded_stdlibs.join(' ')}..." end # Corrects bug in krypt that loads FFI. # Only affects JRuby 1.7.11, 1.7.12, and 9000 (until fixed). # FIXME(uwe): Remove when we stop supporting JRuby 1.7.11 and 1.7.12 Dir['**/provider.rb'].each do |f| puts "Patching #{f}..." File.write(f,{require_relative 'provider/ffi'}, "# require_relative 'provider/ffi'")) end # EMXIF end end def cleanup_jars Dir.chdir 'new' do cmd_line_jar_found = false Dir['**/*.jar'].each do |j| # FIXME(uwe): Installing bcmail-jdk15-146.jar + bcprov-jdk15-146.jar fails due to # # This breaks ssl and https. Remove when we stop supporting JRuby <= 1.7.2 if j =~ /bcmail|bcprov-jdk15-146/ FileUtils.rm j next end # EMXIF # FIXME(uwe): Adding the jars triggers the "LinearAlloc exceeded capacity" # bug in Android 4.0. Remove when we stop supporting android-15 and older abort 'cannot find your AndroidManifest.xml to extract info from it' unless File.exists? '../../../AndroidManifest.xml' manifest ='../../../AndroidManifest.xml')).root min_sdk_version = manifest.elements['uses-sdk'].attributes['android:minSdkVersion'].to_i if min_sdk_version <= 15 FileUtils.rm j cmd_line_jar_found = true next end # EMXIF # FIXME(uwe): Duplicate in JRuby <=1.7.12. Remove when we stop supporting JRuby 1.7.12. if j =~ /bc.*147/ FileUtils.rm j next end # EMXIF # Command line option libraries not needed if j =~ /jline|readline/ cmd_line_jar_found = true FileUtils.rm j next end print "#{File.basename(j).chomp('.jar')}..." system "jar xf #{j}" FileUtils.rm j if ENV['STRIP_INVOKERS'] invokers = Dir['**/*$INVOKER$*.class'] if invokers.size > 0 print "Removing invokers(#{invokers.size})..." FileUtils.rm invokers end populators = Dir['**/*$POPULATOR.class'] if populators.size > 0 print "Removing populators(#{populators.size})..." FileUtils.rm populators end end if j =~ %r{json/ext/generator.jar$} jar_load_code = <<-END_CODE require 'jruby' puts 'Starting JSON Generator Service' public END_CODE elsif j =~ %r{json/ext/parser.jar$} jar_load_code = <<-END_CODE require 'jruby' puts 'Starting JSON Parser Service' public END_CODE elsif j =~ %r{jopenssl.jar$} jar_load_code = <<-END_CODE require 'jruby' puts 'Starting JOpenSSL Service' public # require 'java' # remove the original bouncycastle provider of Android ("BC") # add the new one used by jopenssl ) END_CODE elsif j =~ %r{kryptproviderjdk.jar$} jar_load_code = <<-END_CODE require 'jruby' puts 'Starting JRuby KryptproviderjdkService Service' public END_CODE elsif j =~ %r{kryptcore.jar$} jar_load_code = <<-END_CODE require 'jruby' puts 'Starting JRuby KryptcoreService Service' public END_CODE else jar_load_code = '' end"#{j}.rb", 'w') { |f| f << jar_load_code }"#{j}.jar.rb", 'w') { |f| f << jar_load_code } end unless cmd_line_jar_found puts "\nWARNING: No command line jar filtered. Has it changed?" end end end ############################################################################ # # Support for check_dependencies # def find_dependencies if File.exists? 'rakefile/ruboto.yml' ruboto_config = (YAML::load_file('rakefile/ruboto.yml') || {}) else ruboto_config = {} end ruby_version = ruboto_config['ruby_version'] || '1.9' local = StdlibDependencies.collect('src').dependencies stdlib = StdlibDependencies.load('rakelib/ruboto.stdlib.yml')[ruby_version] dependencies = local.values.flatten new_values = [] check_values = local.values.flatten while check_values.any? check_values.each do |j| new_values += stdlib[j] if stdlib[j] end check_values = new_values - dependencies dependencies = dependencies + new_values new_values = [] end dependencies.reject! { |f| File.exists? "src/#{f}.rb" } { |d| d.split('/')[0] }.uniq.sort end