# Flipper::Api API for the [Flipper](https://github.com/jnunemaker/flipper) gem. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'flipper-api' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install flipper-api ## Usage `Flipper::Api` is a mountable application that can be included in your Rails/Ruby apps. In a Rails application, you can mount `Flipper::Api` to a route of your choice: ```ruby # config/routes.rb YourRailsApp::Application.routes.draw do mount Flipper::Api.app(flipper) => '/flipper-api' end ``` For more advanced mounting techniques and for suggestions on how to mount in a non-Rails application, it is recommend that you review the [`Flipper::UI` usage documentation](https://github.com/jnunemaker/flipper/blob/master/docs/ui/README.md#usage) as the same approaches apply to `Flipper::Api`. ## Endpoints **Note:** Example CURL requests below assume a mount point of `/flipper-api`. ### Get all features **URL** `GET /api/v1/features` **Request** ``` curl http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features ``` **Response** Returns an array of feature objects: ```json { "features": [ { "key": "search", "state": "on", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": [] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": [] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 0 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 0 } ] }, { "key": "history", "state": "off", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": [] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": [] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 0 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 0 } ] } ] } ``` ### Create a new feature **URL** `POST /api/v1/features` **Parameters** * `name` - The name of the feature (Recommended naming conventions: lower case, snake case, underscores over dashes. Good: foo_bar, foo. Bad: FooBar, Foo Bar, foo bar, foo-bar.) **Request** ``` curl -X POST -d "name=reports" http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features ``` **Response** On successful creation, the API will respond with an empty JSON response. ### Retrieve a feature **URL** `GET /api/v1/features/{feature_name}` **Parameters** * `feature_name` - The name of the feature to retrieve **Request** ``` curl http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features/reports ``` **Response** Returns an individual feature object: ```json { "key": "search", "state": "off", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": [] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": [] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 0 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 0 } ] } ``` ### Delete a feature **URL** `DELETE /api/v1/features/{feature_name}` **Parameters** * `feature_name` - The name of the feature to delete **Request** ``` curl -X DELETE http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features/reports ``` **Response** Successful deletion of a feature will return a 204 No Content response. ## Gates The API supports enabling / disabling any of the Flipper [gates](https://github.com/jnunemaker/flipper/blob/master/docs/Gates.md). Gate endpoints follow the url convention: **enable** `POST /api/v1/{feature_name}/{gate_name}` **disable** `DELETE /api/v1/{feature_name}/{gate_name}` and on a succesful request return a 200 HTTP status and the feature object as the response body. ### Boolean enable a feature **URL** `POST /api/v1/features/{feature_name}/boolean` **Parameters** * `feature_name` - The name of the feature to enable **Request** ``` curl -X POST http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features/reports/boolean ``` **Response** Successful enabling of the boolean gate will return a 200 HTTP status and the feature object as the response body. ```json { "key": "reports", "state": "on", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": true }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": [] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": [] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 0 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 0 } ] } ``` ### Boolean disable a feature **URL** `DELETE /api/v1/features/{feature_name}/boolean` **Parameters** * `feature_name` - The name of the feature to disable **Request** ``` curl -X DELETE http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features/reports/boolean ``` **Response** Successful disabling of the boolean gate will return a 200 HTTP status and the feature object. ```json { "key": "reports", "state": "off", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": [] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": [] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 0 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 0 } ] } ``` ### Enable Group **URL** `POST /api/v1/features/{feature_name}/groups` **Parameters** * `feature_name` - The name of the feature * `name` - The name of a registered group to enable **Request** ``` curl -X POST -d "name=admins" http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features/reports/groups ``` **Response** Successful enabling of the group will return a 200 HTTP status and the feature object as the response body. ```json { "key": "reports", "state": "conditional", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": ["admins"] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": [] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 0 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 0 } ] } ``` ### Disable Group **URL** `DELETE /api/v1/features/{feature_name}/groups` **Parameters** * `feature_name` - The name of the feature * `name` - The name of a registered group to disable **Request** ``` curl -X DELETE -d "name=admins" http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features/reports/groups ``` **Response** Successful disabling of the group will return a 200 HTTP status and the feature object as the response body. ```json { "key": "reports", "state": "off", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": [] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": [] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 0 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 0 } ] } ``` ### Enable Actor **URL** `POST /api/v1/features/{feature_name}/actors` **Parameters** * `feature_name` - The name of the feature * `flipper_id` - The flipper_id of actor to enable **Request** ``` curl -X POST -d "flipper_id=User:1" http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features/reports/actors ``` **Response** Successful enabling of the actor will return a 200 HTTP status and the feature object as the response body. ```json { "key": "reports", "state": "conditional", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": [] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": ["User:1"] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 0 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 0 } ] } ``` ### Disable Actor **URL** `DELETE /api/v1/features/{feature_name}/actors` **Parameters** * `feature_name` - The name of the feature * `flipper_id` - The flipper_id of actor to disable **Request** ``` curl -X DELETE -d "flipper_id=User:1" http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features/reports/actors ``` **Response** Successful disabling of the actor will return a 200 HTTP status and the feature object as the response body. ```json { "key": "reports", "state": "off", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": [] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": [] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 0 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 0 } ] } ``` ### Enable Percentage of Actors **URL** `POST /api/v1/features/{feature_name}/percentage_of_actors` **Parameters** * `feature_name` - The name of the feature * `percentage` - The percentage of actors to enable **Request** ``` curl -X POST -d "percentage=20" http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features/reports/percentage_of_actors ``` **Response** Successful enabling of a percentage of actors will return a 200 HTTP status and the feature object as the response body. ```json { "key": "reports", "state": "conditional", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": [] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": [] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 20 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 0 } ] } ``` ### Disable Percentage of Actors **URL** `DELETE /api/v1/features/{feature_name}/percentage_of_actors` **Parameters** * `feature_name` - The name of the feature **Request** ``` curl -X DELETE http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features/reports/percentage_of_actors ``` **Response** Successful disabling of a percentage of actors will set the percentage to 0 and return a 200 HTTP status and the feature object as the response body. ```json { "key": "reports", "state": "off", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": [] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": [] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 0 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 0 } ] } ``` ### Enable Percentage of Time **URL** `POST /api/v1/features/{feature_name}/percentage_of_time` **Parameters** * `feature_name` - The name of the feature * `percentage` - The percentage of time to enable **Request** ``` curl -X POST -d "percentage=20" http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features/reports/percentage_of_time ``` **Response** Successful enabling of a percentage of time will return a 200 HTTP status and the feature object as the response body. ```json { "key": "reports", "state": "conditional", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": [] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": [] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 0 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 20 } ] } ``` ### Disable Percentage of Time **URL** `DELETE /api/v1/features/{feature_name}/percentage_of_time` **Parameters** * `feature_name` - The name of the feature **Request** ``` curl -X DELETE http://example.com/flipper-api/api/v1/features/reports/percentage_of_time ``` **Response** Successful disabling of a percentage of time will set the percentage to 0 and return a 200 HTTP status and the feature object as the response body. ```json { "key": "reports", "state": "off", "gates": [ { "key": "boolean", "name": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "groups", "name": "group", "value": [] }, { "key": "actors", "name": "actor", "value": [] }, { "key": "percentage_of_actors", "name": "percentage_of_actors", "value": 0 }, { "key": "percentage_of_time", "name": "percentage_of_time", "value": 0 } ] } ``` ## Errors In the event of an error the Flipper API will return an error object. The error object will contain a Flipper-specific error code, an error message, and a link to documentation providing more information about the error. *example error object* ```json { "code": 1, "message": "Feature not found", "more_info": "https://github.com/jnunemaker/flipper/tree/master/docs/api#error-code-reference", } ``` ### Error Code Reference #### 1: Feature Not Found The requested feature does not exist. Make sure the feature name is spelled correctly and exists in your application's database. #### 2: Group Not Registered The requested group specified by the `name` parameter is not registered. Information on registering groups can be found in the [Gates documentation](https://github.com/jnunemaker/flipper/blob/master/docs/Gates.md). #### 3: Percentage Invalid The `percentage` parameter is invalid or missing. `percentage` must be an integer between 0-100 inclusive and cannot be blank. #### 4: Flipper ID Invalid The `flipper_id` parameter is invalid or missing. `flipper_id` cannot be empty. #### 5: Name Invalid The `name` parameter is missing. Make sure your request's body contains a `name` parameter.