module VagrantPlugins module GANETI module Util class GanetiClient attr_accessor :cluster, :rapi_user, :rapi_pass, :version,:info def initialize(cluster, rapi_user, rapi_pass) self.cluster = cluster self.rapi_user = rapi_user self.rapi_pass = rapi_pass self.version = self.version_get end def set_config(info) = info end def instance_create( dry_run = 0) url = get_url("instances") body = info.to_json response_body = send_request("POST", url, body) return response_body end def instance_terminate(dry_run = 0) url = get_url("instances/#{info['instance_name']}") body = info.to_json response_body = send_request("DELETE", url) return response_body end def is_job_ready(jobno) url = get_url("jobs/#{jobno}") response_body = send_request("GET", url) if response_body["status"] =="error" if response_body["opresult"][0][1][1] == "already_exists" return "already_exists" else return "error" end else response_body["status"] end end def set_default_iallocator() url = get_url("info") response_body = send_request("GET", url) return response_body["default_iallocator"] end def start_instance() url = get_url("instances/#{info['instance_name']}/startup") response_body = send_request("PUT", url) return response_body end def version_get url = get_url("version") response_body = send_request("GET", url) return response_body end def authenticate(rapi_user, rapi_pass) basic = Base64.encode64("#{rapi_user}:#{rapi_pass}").strip return "Basic #{basic}" end def get_url(path, params = nil) param_string = "" if params params.each do |key, value| if value.kind_of?(Array) value.each do |svalue| param_string += "#{key}=#{svalue}&" end else param_string += "#{key}=#{value}&" end end end url = (self.version)? "/#{self.version}/#{path}?#{param_string}" : "/#{path}?#{param_string}" return url.chop end def send_request(method, url, body = nil, headers = {}) uri = URI.parse(cluster) http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE headers['User-Agent'] = 'Ruby Ganeti RAPI Client' headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' headers['Authorization']= authenticate(self.rapi_user, self.rapi_pass) begin response = http.send_request(method, url, body, headers) # response = http.send_request("GET",url) rescue => e puts "Error sending request" # puts "#{e.message}" else case response when Net::HTTPSuccess parse_response(response.body.strip) else response.instance_eval { class << self; attr_accessor :body_parsed; end } begin response.body_parsed = parse_response(response.body) rescue # raises exception corresponding to http error Net::XXX puts "#{response.error!}" end end end end def parse_response(response_body) # adding workaround becouse Google seems to operate on 'non-strict' JSON format # begin response_body = JSON.parse(response_body) rescue response_body = JSON.parse('['+response_body+']').first end return response_body end end #Class GanetiClient end end end