require 'corelib/comparable' # Portions from Author:: Tanaka Akira class Pathname include Comparable SEPARATOR_PAT = /#{Regexp.quote File::SEPARATOR}/ def initialize(path) if Pathname === path @path = path.path.to_s elsif path.respond_to?(:to_path) @path = path.to_path elsif path.is_a?(String) @path = path elsif path.nil? raise TypeError, 'no implicit conversion of nil into String' else raise TypeError, "no implicit conversion of #{path.class} into String" end raise ArgumentError if @path == "\0" end attr_reader :path def == other other.path == @path end def absolute? !relative? end def relative? path = @path while r = chop_basename(path) path, = r end path == '' end def chop_basename(path) # :nodoc: base = File.basename(path) # ruby uses /^#{SEPARATOR_PAT}?$/o but having issues with interpolation if"^#{Pathname::SEPARATOR_PAT.source}?$") =~ base return nil else return path[0, path.rindex(base)], base end end def root? @path == '/' end def parent new_path = @path.sub(%r{/([^/]+/?$)}, '') new_path = absolute? ? '/' : '.' if new_path == '' end def sub(*args)*args)) end def cleanpath `return Opal.normalize(#@path)` end def to_path @path end def hash @path end def expand_path File.expand_path @path end def +(other) other = unless Pathname === other, other.to_s)) end def plus(path1, path2) # -> path # :nodoc: prefix2 = path2 index_list2 = [] basename_list2 = [] while r2 = chop_basename(prefix2) prefix2, basename2 = r2 index_list2.unshift prefix2.length basename_list2.unshift basename2 end return path2 if prefix2 != '' prefix1 = path1 while true while !basename_list2.empty? && basename_list2.first == '.' index_list2.shift basename_list2.shift end break unless r1 = chop_basename(prefix1) prefix1, basename1 = r1 next if basename1 == '.' if basename1 == '..' || basename_list2.empty? || basename_list2.first != '..' prefix1 = prefix1 + basename1 break end index_list2.shift basename_list2.shift end r1 = chop_basename(prefix1) if !r1 && /#{SEPARATOR_PAT}/ =~ File.basename(prefix1) while !basename_list2.empty? && basename_list2.first == '..' index_list2.shift basename_list2.shift end end if !basename_list2.empty? suffix2 = path2[index_list2.first..-1] r1 ? File.join(prefix1, suffix2) : prefix1 + suffix2 else r1 ? prefix1 : File.dirname(prefix1) end end def join(*args) return self if args.empty? result = args.pop result = unless Pathname === result return result if result.absolute? args.reverse_each {|arg| arg = unless Pathname === arg result = arg + result return result if result.absolute? } self + result end def split [ dirname, basename ] end def dirname end def basename end def directory? end def extname File.extname(@path) end def <=>(other) self.path <=> other.path end alias eql? == alias === == alias :to_str :to_path alias :to_s :to_path SAME_PATHS = if File::FNM_SYSCASE.nonzero? # Avoid #zero? here because #casecmp can return nil. proc {|a, b| a.casecmp(b) == 0} else proc {|a, b| a == b} end def relative_path_from(base_directory) dest_directory = self.cleanpath.to_s base_directory = base_directory.cleanpath.to_s dest_prefix = dest_directory dest_names = [] while r = chop_basename(dest_prefix) dest_prefix, basename = r dest_names.unshift basename if basename != '.' end base_prefix = base_directory base_names = [] while r = chop_basename(base_prefix) base_prefix, basename = r base_names.unshift basename if basename != '.' end unless SAME_PATHS[dest_prefix, base_prefix] raise ArgumentError, "different prefix: #{dest_prefix.inspect} and #{base_directory.inspect}" end while !dest_names.empty? && !base_names.empty? && SAME_PATHS[dest_names.first, base_names.first] dest_names.shift base_names.shift end if base_names.include? '..' raise ArgumentError, "base_directory has ..: #{base_directory.inspect}" end base_names.fill('..') relpath_names = base_names + dest_names if relpath_names.empty?'.') else*relpath_names)) end end def entries Dir.entries(@path).map {|f| } end end module Kernel def Pathname(path) end end