require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'sapo.rb') require 'open-uri' require 'json' module SAPO module Photos class Photo attr_accessor :title, :description, :link, :published_at, :src def initialize(attrs = {}) @title = attrs[:title] @link = attrs[:link] @src = attrs[:src] @published_at = attrs[:published_at] @description = attrs[:description] end end # FIXME: add sort and pagination options def = {}) if options.is_a?(String) output = open("{options}").read elsif options.is_a?(Hash) options = {:user => "", :tag => ""}.merge(options) if options[:user] != "" and options[:tag] != "" output = open("{options[:user]}&tag=#{options[:tag]}").read elsif options[:user] == "" and options[:tag] != "" output = open("{options[:tag]}").read elsif options[:user] != "" and options[:tag] == "" output = open("{options[:user]}").read else return [] end else return [] end json = JSON.parse(output) return [] if json["rss"]["channel"]["item"].nil? return json["rss"]["channel"]["item"].map do |p| => p["title"]["cdata"], :src => p["fotoURL"], :description => p["description"]["cdata"], :published_at => p["pubDate"], :link => p["link"]["value"]) end end end end