{ "id": "19292868552_118464504835613", "from": { "name": "Facebook Platform", "category": "Technology", "id": "19292868552" }, "message": "We're getting ready for f8! Check out the latest on the f8 Page, including a video from the first event, when Platform launched :: http://bit.ly/ahHl7j", "created_time": "2010-04-15T17:37:03+0000", "updated_time": "2010-04-22T18:19:13+0000", "likes": 61, "comments": { "data": [ { "id": "19292868552_118464504835613_390050", "from": { "name": "Goran Kaplovic", "id": "1849687320" }, "message": "Platform Fans.. would you like to launch your own facebook integrated FMyLife.com 4 free? check this out: http://facebook.com/Anekdotz", "created_time": "2010-04-15T20:29:35+0000" }, { "id": "19292868552_118464504835613_390487", "from": { "name": "Manuela Morales", "id": "1259255079" }, "message": "become a fan plz http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages&tid=1426513385890#!/pages/Juanita-Rojas-Gabriela-Bernal/105811462793768?ref=nf <---please become a fannn \u2665", "created_time": "2010-04-15T21:23:27+0000" }, { "id": "19292868552_118464504835613_429610", "from": { "name": "Mubashir Tanvir Zaver \u0645\u0628\u0634\u0631\u062a\u0646\u0648\u06cc\u0631\u0632\u06cc\u0648\u0631", "id": "1181826641" }, "message": ".\nThe \"AMAZING\" Page:\n\nhttp://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1181826641&ref=profile#!/pages/AMAZING/10150157765120055?ref=ts", "created_time": "2010-04-20T14:48:57+0000" }, { "id": "19292868552_118464504835613_449320", "from": { "name": "Steve Boyer", "id": "17814467" }, "message": "These changes are amazing. Watch out world! FB is coming!", "created_time": "2010-04-22T18:19:13+0000" } ] } }