// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('controllers/controller'); sc_require('mixins/selection_support'); /** @class An ArrayController provides a way for you to publish an array of objects for CollectionView or other controllers to work with. To work with an ArrayController, set the content property to the array you want the controller to manage. Then work directly with the controller object as if it were the array itself. When you want to display an array of objects in a CollectionView, bind the "arrangedObjects" of the array controller to the CollectionView's "content" property. This will automatically display the array in the collection view. @extends SC.Controller @extends SC.Array @extends SC.SelectionSupport @author Charles Jolley @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.ArrayController = SC.Controller.extend(SC.Array, SC.SelectionSupport, /** @scope SC.ArrayController.prototype */ { //@if(debug) /* BEGIN DEBUG ONLY PROPERTIES AND METHODS */ /* @private */ toString: function () { var content = this.get('content'), ret = sc_super(); return content ? "%@:\n ↳ %@".fmt(ret, content) : ret; }, /* END DEBUG ONLY PROPERTIES AND METHODS */ //@endif // .......................................................... // PROPERTIES // /** The content array managed by this controller. You can set the content of the ArrayController to any object that implements SC.Array or SC.Enumerable. If you set the content to an object that implements SC.Enumerable only, you must also set the orderBy property so that the ArrayController can order the enumerable for you. If you set the content to a non-enumerable and non-array object, then the ArrayController will wrap the item in an array in an attempt to normalize the result. @type SC.Array */ content: null, /** Makes the array editable or not. If this is set to NO, then any attempts at changing the array content itself will throw an exception. @type Boolean */ isEditable: YES, /** Used to sort the array. If you set this property to a key name, array of key names, or a function, then then ArrayController will automatically reorder your content array to match the sort order. When using key names, you may specify the direction of the sort by appending ASC or DESC to the key name. By default sorting is done in ascending order. For example, myController.set('orderBy', 'title DESC'); myController.set('orderBy', ['lastName ASC', 'firstName DESC']); Normally, you should only use this property if you set the content of the controller to an unordered enumerable such as SC.Set or SC.SelectionSet. In this case the orderBy property is required in order for the controller to property order the content for display. If you set the content to an array, it is usually best to maintain the array in the proper order that you want to display things rather than using this method to order the array since it requires an extra processing step. You can use this orderBy property, however, for displaying smaller arrays of content. Note that you can only use addObject() to insert new objects into an array that is ordered. You cannot manually reorder or insert new objects into specific locations because the order is managed by this property instead. If you pass a function, it should be suitable for use in compare(). @type String|Array|Function */ orderBy: null, /** Set to YES if you want the controller to wrap non-enumerable content in an array and publish it. Otherwise, it will treat single content like null content. @type Boolean */ allowsSingleContent: YES, /** Set to YES if you want objects removed from the array to also be deleted. This is a convenient way to manage lists of items owned by a parent record object. Note that even if this is set to NO, calling destroyObject() instead of removeObject() will still destroy the object in question as well as removing it from the parent array. @type Boolean */ destroyOnRemoval: NO, /** Returns an SC.Array object suitable for use in a CollectionView. Depending on how you have your ArrayController configured, this property may be one of several different values. @type SC.Array */ arrangedObjects: function () { return this; }.property().cacheable(), /** Computed property indicates whether or not the array controller can remove content. You can delete content only if the content is not single content and isEditable is YES. @type Boolean */ canRemoveContent: function () { var content = this.get('content'), ret; ret = !!content && this.get('isEditable') && this.get('hasContent'); if (ret) { return !content.isEnumerable || (SC.typeOf(content.removeObject) === SC.T_FUNCTION); } else return NO; }.property('content', 'isEditable', 'hasContent'), /** Computed property indicates whether you can reorder content. You can reorder content as long a the controller isEditable and the content is a real SC.Array-like object. You cannot reorder content when orderBy is non-null. @type Boolean */ canReorderContent: function () { var content = this.get('content'), ret; ret = !!content && this.get('isEditable') && !this.get('orderBy'); return ret && !!content.isSCArray; }.property('content', 'isEditable', 'orderBy'), /** Computed property insides whether you can add content. You can add content as long as the controller isEditable and the content is not a single object. Note that the only way to simply add object to an ArrayController is to use the addObject() or pushObject() methods. All other methods imply reordering and will fail. @type Boolean */ canAddContent: function () { var content = this.get('content'), ret; ret = content && this.get('isEditable') && content.isEnumerable; if (ret) { return (SC.typeOf(content.addObject) === SC.T_FUNCTION) || (SC.typeOf(content.pushObject) === SC.T_FUNCTION); } else return NO; }.property('content', 'isEditable'), /** Set to YES if the controller has valid content that can be displayed, even an empty array. Returns NO if the content is null or not enumerable and allowsSingleContent is NO. @type Boolean */ hasContent: function () { var content = this.get('content'); return !!content && (!!content.isEnumerable || !!this.get('allowsSingleContent')); }.property('content', 'allowSingleContent'), /** Returns the current status property for the content. If the content does not have a status property, returns SC.Record.READY. @type Number */ status: function () { var content = this.get('content'), ret = content ? content.get('status') : null; return ret ? ret : SC.Record.READY; }.property().cacheable(), // .......................................................... // METHODS // /** Adds an object to the array. If the content is ordered, this will add the object to the end of the content array. The content is not ordered, the location depends on the implementation of the content. If the source content does not support adding an object, then this method will throw an exception. @param {Object} object The object to add to the array. @returns {SC.ArrayController} The receiver. */ addObject: function (object) { if (!this.get('canAddContent')) { throw new Error("%@ cannot add content".fmt(this)); } var content = this.get('content'); if (content.isSCArray) { content.pushObject(object); } else if (content.addObject) { content.addObject(object); } else { throw new Error("%@.content does not support addObject".fmt(this)); } return this; }, /** Removes the passed object from the array. If the underlying content is a single object, then this simply sets the content to null. Otherwise it will call removeObject() on the content. Also, if destroyOnRemoval is YES, this will actually destroy the object. @param {Object} object the object to remove @returns {SC.ArrayController} receiver */ removeObject: function (object) { if (!this.get('canRemoveContent')) { throw new Error("%@ cannot remove content".fmt(this)); } var content = this.get('content'); if (content.isEnumerable) { content.removeObject(object); } else { this.set('content', null); } if (this.get('destroyOnRemoval') && object.destroy) { object.destroy(); } return this; }, // .......................................................... // SC.ARRAY SUPPORT // /** Compute the length of the array based on the observable content @type Number */ length: function () { var content = this._scac_observableContent(); return content ? content.get('length') : 0; }.property().cacheable(), /** @private Returns the object at the specified index based on the observable content */ objectAt: function (idx) { var content = this._scac_observableContent(); return content ? content.objectAt(idx) : undefined; }, /** @private Forwards a replace on to the content, but only if reordering is allowed. */ replace: function (start, amt, objects) { // check for various conditions before a replace is allowed if (!objects || objects.get('length') === 0) { if (!this.get('canRemoveContent')) { throw new Error("%@ cannot remove objects from the current content".fmt(this)); } } else if (!this.get('canReorderContent')) { throw new Error("%@ cannot add or reorder the current content".fmt(this)); } // if we can do this, then just forward the change. This should fire // updates back up the stack, updating rangeObservers, etc. var content = this.get('content'); // note: use content, not observable var objsToDestroy = [], i, objsLen; if (this.get('destroyOnRemoval')) { for (i = 0; i < amt; i++) { objsToDestroy.push(content.objectAt(i + start)); } } if (content) { content.replace(start, amt, objects); } for (i = 0, objsLen = objsToDestroy.length; i < objsLen; i++) { objsToDestroy[i].destroy(); } objsToDestroy = null; return this; }, indexOf: function (object, startAt) { var content = this._scac_observableContent(); return content ? content.indexOf(object, startAt) : -1; }, // .......................................................... // INTERNAL SUPPORT // /** @private */ init: function () { sc_super(); this._scac_contentDidChange(); }, /** @private Cached observable content property. Set to NO to indicate cache is invalid. */ _scac_cached: NO, /** @private Returns the current array this controller is actually managing. Usually this should be the same as the content property, but sometimes we need to generate something different because the content is not a regular array. @returns {SC.Array} observable or null */ _scac_observableContent: function () { var ret = this._scac_cached; if (ret) { return ret; } var content = this.get('content'), func, order; // empty content if (SC.none(content)) { return (this._scac_cached = []); } // wrap non-enumerables if (!content.isEnumerable) { ret = this.get('allowsSingleContent') ? [content] : []; return (this._scac_cached = ret); } // no-wrap var orderBy = this.get('orderBy'); if (!orderBy) { if (content.isSCArray) { return (this._scac_cached = content); } else { throw new Error("%@.orderBy is required for unordered content".fmt(this)); } } // all remaining enumerables must be sorted. // build array - then sort it var type = SC.typeOf(orderBy); if (type === SC.T_STRING) { orderBy = [orderBy]; } else if (type === SC.T_FUNCTION) { func = orderBy; } else if (type !== SC.T_ARRAY) { throw new Error("%@.orderBy must be Array, String, or Function".fmt(this)); } // generate comparison function if needed - use orderBy func = func || function (a, b) { var status, key, match, valueA, valueB; for (var i = 0, l = orderBy.get('length'); i < l && !status; i++) { key = orderBy.objectAt(i); if (key.search(/(ASC|DESC)/) === 0) { //@if(debug) SC.warn("Developer Warning: SC.ArrayController's orderBy direction syntax has been changed to match that of SC.Query and MySQL. Please change your String to 'key DESC' or 'key ASC'. Having 'ASC' or 'DESC' precede the key has been deprecated."); //@endif match = key.match(/^(ASC )?(DESC )?(.*)$/); key = match[3]; } else { match = key.match(/^(\S*)\s*(DESC)?(?:ASC)?$/); key = match[1]; } order = match[2] ? -1 : 1; if (a) { valueA = a.isObservable ? a.get(key) : a[key]; } if (b) { valueB = b.isObservable ? b.get(key) : b[key]; } status = SC.compare(valueA, valueB) * order; } return status; }; return (this._scac_cached = content.toArray().sort(func)); }, propertyWillChange: function (key) { if (key === 'content') { this.arrayContentWillChange(0, this.get('length'), 0); } else { return sc_super(); } }, _scac_arrayContentWillChange: function (start, removed, added) { // Repoint arguments if orderBy is present. (If orderBy is present, we can't be sure how any content change // translates into an arrangedObject change without calculating the order, which is a complex, potentially // expensive operation, so we simply invalidate everything.) if (this.get('orderBy')) { var len = this.get('length'); start = 0; added = len + added - removed; removed = len; } // Continue. this.arrayContentWillChange(start, removed, added); if (this._kvo_enumerable_property_chains) { var removedObjects = this.slice(start, start + removed); this.teardownEnumerablePropertyChains(removedObjects); } }, _scac_arrayContentDidChange: function (start, removed, added) { this._scac_cached = NO; // Repoint arguments if orderBy is present. (If orderBy is present, we can't be sure how any content change // translates into an arrangedObject change without calculating the order, which is a complex, potentially // expensive operation, so we simply invalidate everything.) if (this.get('orderBy')) { var len = this.get('length'); start = 0; added = len + added - removed; removed = len; } // Notify range, firstObject, lastObject and '[]' observers. this.arrayContentDidChange(start, removed, added); if (this._kvo_enumerable_property_chains) { var addedObjects = this.slice(start, start + added); this.setupEnumerablePropertyChains(addedObjects); } this.updateSelectionAfterContentChange(); }, /** @private Whenever content changes, setup and teardown observers on the content as needed. */ _scac_contentDidChange: function () { this._scac_cached = NO; // invalidate observable content var content = this.get('content'), lastContent = this._scac_content, didChange = this._scac_arrayContentDidChange, willChange = this._scac_arrayContentWillChange, sfunc = this._scac_contentStatusDidChange, efunc = this._scac_enumerableDidChange, newlen; if (content === lastContent) { return this; } // nothing to do // teardown old observer if (lastContent) { if (lastContent.isSCArray) { lastContent.removeArrayObservers({ target: this, didChange: didChange, willChange: willChange }); } else if (lastContent.isEnumerable) { lastContent.removeObserver('[]', this, efunc); } lastContent.removeObserver('status', this, sfunc); this.teardownEnumerablePropertyChains(lastContent); } // save new cached values this._scac_cached = NO; this._scac_content = content; // setup new observer // also, calculate new length. do it manually instead of using // get(length) because we want to avoid computed an ordered array. if (content) { // Content is an enumerable, so listen for changes to its // content, and get its length. if (content.isSCArray) { content.addArrayObservers({ target: this, didChange: didChange, willChange: willChange }); newlen = content.get('length'); } else if (content.isEnumerable) { content.addObserver('[]', this, efunc); newlen = content.get('length'); } else { // Assume that someone has set a non-enumerable as the content, and // treat it as the sole member of an array. newlen = 1; } // Observer for changes to the status property, in case this is an // SC.Record or SC.RecordArray. content.addObserver('status', this, sfunc); this.setupEnumerablePropertyChains(content); } else { newlen = SC.none(content) ? 0 : 1; } // finally, notify enumerable content has changed. this._scac_length = newlen; this._scac_contentStatusDidChange(); this.arrayContentDidChange(0, 0, newlen); this.updateSelectionAfterContentChange(); }.observes('content'), /** @private Whenever enumerable content changes, need to regenerate the observableContent and notify that the range has changed. This is called whenever the content enumerable changes or whenever orderBy changes. */ _scac_enumerableDidChange: function () { var content = this.get('content'), // use content directly newlen = content ? content.get('length') : 0, oldlen = this._scac_length; this._scac_length = newlen; this._scac_cached = NO; // invalidate // If this is an unordered enumerable, we have no way // of knowing which indices changed. Instead, we just // invalidate the whole array. this.arrayContentWillChange(0, oldlen, newlen); this.arrayContentDidChange(0, oldlen, newlen); this.updateSelectionAfterContentChange(); }.observes('orderBy'), /** @private Whenever the content "status" property changes, relay out. */ _scac_contentStatusDidChange: function () { this.notifyPropertyChange('status'); } });