module Boilerpipe::Extractors class ArticleExtractor def self.text(contents) doc = ::Boilerpipe::SAX::BoilerpipeHTMLParser.parse(contents) ::Boilerpipe::Extractors::ArticleExtractor.process(doc) doc.content end def self.process(doc) title = doc.title filters = ::Boilerpipe::Filters # marks text blocks as end of text with :INDICATES_END_OF_TEXT filters::TerminatingBlocksFinder.process doc # marks text blocks as title doc # marks text blocks as content / non-content using boilerpipe alg filters::NumWordsRulesClassifier.process doc # marks text blocks after INDICATES_END_OF_TEXT non-content filters::IgnoreBlocksAfterContentFilter.process doc # marks HEADING text blocks as non-content after existing content filters::TrailingHeadlineToBoilerplateFilter.process doc # merge text blocks next to each other filters::BlockProximityFusion::MAX_DISTANCE_1.process doc # removes non-content text blocks filters::BoilerplateBlockFilter::INSTANCE_KEEP_TITLE.process doc # merge text blocks next to each other if they are the same tag level filters::BlockProximityFusion::MAX_DISTANCE_1_CONTENT_ONLY_SAME_TAGLEVEL.process doc # Keeps only the largest text block as content filters::KeepLargestBlockFilter::INSTANCE_EXPAND_TO_SAME_TAGLEVEL_MIN_WORDS.process doc # Marks all TextBlocks "content" which are between the headline and the part is already content filters::ExpandTitleToContentFilter.process doc # mark text blocks with a lot of text at the same tag level as the largest current content as additional content filters::LargeBlockSameTagLevelToContentFilter.process doc # Marks nested list-item blocks after the end of the main content as content. filters::ListAtEndFilter.process doc doc end end end