module Profitbricks
class Ip < Profitbricks::Model; end;
class Nic < Profitbricks::Model
def initialize(hash)
@ips = [@ips] if @ips.class != Array
# Connects or disconnects an existing NIC to a public LAN to get internet access.
# @param [Boolean] Internet access (trUe/false)
# @return [Boolean] true on success, false otherwise
def set_internet_access=(value)
xml = get_xml_and_update_attributes :data_center_id => self.data_center_id, :lan_id => self.lan_id, :land_id => self.lan_id, :internet_access => value
response = Profitbricks.request :set_internet_access, xml
return true if response.to_hash[:set_internet_access_response][:return]
# Changes the settings of an existing NIC.
# @param [Hash] options parameters to update
# @option options [Fixnum] :server_id Identifier of the target virtual server (required)
# @option options [Fixnum] :lan_id Identifier of the target LAN > 0 that is to be connected to the specified virtual server. If no LAN exists for such ID, a new LAN with the given ID will be created.
# @option options [String] :ip Public/private IP address.
# @option options [String] :name Names the NIC
# @return [Boolean] true on success, false otherwise
def update(options = {})
xml = ""
options.merge!(:nic_id =>
xml += get_xml_and_update_attributes options , [:nic_id, :lan_id, :server_id, :ip, :name]
xml += ""
response = Profitbricks.request :update_nic, xml
return true if response.to_hash[:update_nic_response][:return]
# Adds an existing reserved public IP to a NIC. This operation is required, when dealing with reserved public IPs to ensure proper routing by the ProfitBricks cloud networking layer.
# @param [String] Reserved IP
def add_ip(ip)
response = Profitbricks.request :add_public_ip_to_nic, "#{}#{ip}"
@ips.push ip
return true if response.to_hash[:add_public_ip_to_nic_response][:return]
# Removes a reserved public IP from a NIC. This operation is required, when dealing with reserved public IPs to ensure proper routing by the ProfitBricks cloud networking layer.
# @param [String] Reserved IP
def remove_ip(ip)
response = Profitbricks.request :remove_public_ip_from_nic, "#{}#{ip}"
@ips.delete ip
return true if response.to_hash[:remove_public_ip_from_nic_response][:return]
# Deletes an existing NIC.
# @return [Boolean] true on success, false otherwise
def delete
response = Profitbricks.request :delete_nic, "#{}"
return true if response.to_hash[:delete_nic_response][:return]
def ip
if @ips.length <= 1
raise"This Nic has more then one IP assigned")
class << self
# Creates a NIC on an existing virtual server.
# The user can specify and assign local IPs manually to a NIC, which is connected to a Private LAN. Valid IP addresses for Private LANs are, or
# In a Public LAN, a random DHCP IP address is assigned to each connected NIC by default. This IP Address is automatically generated and will change eventually, e.g. during a server reboot or while disconnecting and reconnecting a LAN to the internet.
# @param [Hash] options parameters for the new NIC
# @option options [Fixnum] :server_id Identifier of the target virtual server (required)
# @option options [Fixnum] :lan_id Identifier of the target LAN > 0 that is to be connected to the specified virtual server. If no LAN exists for such ID, a new LAN with the given ID will be created. (required)
# @option options [String] :ip Public/private IP address.
# @option options [String] :name Names the NIC
# @return [Nic] The created NIC
def create(options = {})
xml = ""
xml += get_xml_and_update_attributes options, [:server_id, :lan_id, :ip, :name]
xml += ""
response = Profitbricks.request :create_nic, xml
self.find(:id => response.to_hash[:create_nic_return][:return][:nic_id])
# Returns information about the state and configuration of an existing NIC.
# @param [Hash] options currently just :id is supported
# @option options [String] :id The id of the NIC to locate
def find(options = {})
raise "Unable to locate the Nic named '#{options[:name]}'" unless options[:id]
response = Profitbricks.request :get_nic, "#{options[:id]}"[:get_nic_response][:return])