require 'spec_helper' describe Metasploit::Credential::Private do it_should_behave_like '' context 'database' do context 'columns' do it_should_behave_like 'single table inheritance database columns' it_should_behave_like 'timestamp database columns' it { should have_db_column(:data).of_type(:text).with_options(null: false) } end context 'indices' do it { should have_db_index([:type, :data]).unique(true) } end end context 'factories' do context 'metasploit_credential_private' do subject(:metasploit_credential_private) do end it { should be_valid } end end context 'mass assignement security' do it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of :created_at } it { should allow_mass_assignment_of :data } it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of :id } it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of :updated_at } it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of :type } end context 'validations' do context 'data' do it { should validate_non_nilness_of :data } # `it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:data).scoped_to(:type) }` tries to use a NULL type, which isn't allowed, so # have to perform validation check manually context 'validates uniqueness of #data scoped to #type' do subject(:data_errors) do new_private.errors[:data] end # # lets # let(:error) do I18n.translate!(:'activerecord.errors.messages.taken') end let(:new_private) do :metasploit_credential_private, data: data, type: type ) end # # let!s # let!(:existent_private) do FactoryGirl.create( :metasploit_credential_private ) end # # Callbacks # before(:each) do new_private.valid? end context 'with same #data' do let(:data) do end context 'with same #type' do let(:type) do existent_private.type end it { should include(error) } end context 'without same #type' do let(:type) do FactoryGirl.generate :metasploit_credential_private_type end it { should_not include(error) } end end context 'without same #data' do let(:data) do FactoryGirl.generate :metasploit_credential_private_data end context 'with same #type' do let(:type) do existent_private.type end it { should_not include(error) } end context 'without same #type' do let(:type) do FactoryGirl.generate :metasploit_credential_private_type end it { should_not include(error) } end end end end end context 'search' do let(:base_class) { described_class } context 'attributes' do it_should_behave_like 'search_attribute', :type, type: :string it_should_behave_like 'search_with', Metasploit::Credential::Search::Operator::Type, name: :type, class_names: %w{ Metasploit::Credential::NonreplayableHash Metasploit::Credential::NTLMHash Metasploit::Credential::Password Metasploit::Credential::SSHKey } end end end