require 'puppet/provider/parsedfile' require 'puppet/provider/mount' fstab = nil case Facter.value(:osfamily) when "Solaris"; fstab = "/etc/vfstab" when "AIX"; fstab = "/etc/filesystems" else fstab = "/etc/fstab" end Puppet::Type.type(:mount).provide( :parsed, :parent => Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile, :default_target => fstab, :filetype => :flat ) do include Puppet::Provider::Mount commands :mountcmd => "mount", :umount => "umount" case Facter.value(:osfamily) when "Solaris" @fields = [:device, :blockdevice, :name, :fstype, :pass, :atboot, :options] else @fields = [:device, :name, :fstype, :options, :dump, :pass] end if Facter.value(:osfamily) == "AIX" # * is the comment character on AIX /etc/filesystems text_line :comment, :match => /^\s*\*/ else text_line :comment, :match => /^\s*#/ end text_line :blank, :match => /^\s*$/ optional_fields = @fields - [:device, :name, :blockdevice] mandatory_fields = @fields - optional_fields # fstab will ignore lines that have fewer than the mandatory number of columns, # so we should, too. field_pattern = '(\s*(?>\S+))' text_line :incomplete, :match => /^(?!#{field_pattern}{#{mandatory_fields.length}})/ case Facter.value(:osfamily) when "AIX" # The only field that is actually ordered is :name. See `man filesystems` on AIX @fields = [:name, :account, :boot, :check, :dev, :free, :mount, :nodename, :options, :quota, :size, :type, :vfs, :vol, :log] self.line_separator = "\n" # Override lines and use scan instead of split, because we DON'T want to # remove the separators def self.lines(text) lines = text.split("\n") filesystem_stanza = false filesystem_index = 0 ret = lines.each_with_index do |line,i| if line.match(%r{^\S+:}) # Begin new filesystem stanza and save the index ret[filesystem_index] = filesystem_stanza.join("\n") if filesystem_stanza filesystem_stanza = Array(line) filesystem_index = i # Eat the preceeding blank line ret[i-1] = nil if i > 0 and ret[i-1] and ret[i-1].match(%r{^\s*$}) nil elsif line.match(%r{^(\s*\*.*|\s*)$}) # Just a comment or blank line; add in place ret[i] = line else # Non-comments or blank lines must be part of a stanza filesystem_stanza << line end end # Add the final stanza to the return ret[filesystem_index] = filesystem_stanza.join("\n") if filesystem_stanza ret = ret.compact.flatten ret.reject { |line| line.match(/^\* HEADER/) } end def self.header super.gsub(/^#/,'*') end record_line, :fields => @fields, :separator => /\n/, :block_eval => :instance do def post_parse(result) property_map = { :dev => :device, :nodename => :nodename, :options => :options, :vfs => :fstype, } # Result is modified in-place instead of being returned; icky! memo = result.dup result.clear # Save the line for later, just in case it is unparsable result[:line] = @fields.collect do |field| memo[field] if memo[field] != :absent end.compact.join("\n") result[:record_type] = memo[:record_type] special_options = result[:name] = memo[:name].sub(%r{:\s*$},'').strip memo.each do |_,k_v| if k_v and k_v.is_a?(String) and k_v.match("=") attr_name, attr_value = k_v.split("=",2).map(&:strip) if attr_map_name = property_map[attr_name.to_sym] # These are normal "options" options (see `man filesystems`) result[attr_map_name] = attr_value else # These /etc/filesystem attributes have no mount resource simile, # so are added to the "options" property for puppet's sake special_options << "#{attr_name}=#{attr_value}" end if result[:nodename] result[:device] = "#{result[:nodename]}:#{result[:device]}" result.delete(:nodename) end end end result[:options] = [result[:options],special_options.sort].flatten.compact.join(',') if ! result[:device] result[:device] = :absent Puppet.err "Prefetch: Mount[#{result[:name]}]: Field 'device' is missing" end if ! result[:fstype] result[:fstype] = :absent Puppet.err "Prefetch: Mount[#{result[:name]}]: Field 'fstype' is missing" end end def to_line(result) output = output << "#{result[:name]}:" if result[:device] and result[:device].match(%r{^/}) output << "\tdev\t\t= #{result[:device]}" elsif result[:device] and result[:device] != :absent if ! result[:device].match(%{^.+:/}) # Just skip this entry; it was malformed to begin with Puppet.err "Mount[#{result[:name]}]: Field 'device' must be in the format of or :" return result[:line] end nodename, path = result[:device].split(":") output << "\tdev\t\t= #{path}" output << "\tnodename\t= #{nodename}" else # Just skip this entry; it was malformed to begin with Puppet.err "Mount[#{result[:name]}]: Field 'device' is required" return result[:line] end if result[:fstype] and result[:fstype] != :absent output << "\tvfs\t\t= #{result[:fstype]}" else # Just skip this entry; it was malformed to begin with Puppet.err "Mount[#{result[:name]}]: Field 'device' is required" return result[:line] end if result[:options] options = result[:options].split(',') special_options = do |x| x.match('=') and ["account", "boot", "check", "free", "mount", "size", "type", "vol", "log", "quota"].include? x.split('=').first end options = options - special_options special_options.sort.each do |x| k, v = x.split("=") output << "\t#{k}\t\t= #{v}" end output << "\toptions\t\t= #{options.join(",")}" unless options.empty? end if result[:line] and result[:line].split("\n").sort == output.sort return "\n#{result[:line]}" else return "\n#{output.join("\n")}" end end end else record_line, :fields => @fields, :separator => /\s+/, :joiner => "\t", :optional => optional_fields end # Every entry in fstab is :unmounted until we can prove different def self.prefetch_hook(target_records) target_records.collect do |record| record[:ensure] = :unmounted if record[:record_type] == :parsed record end end def self.instances providers = super mounts = mountinstances.dup # Update fstab entries that are mounted providers.each do |prov| if mounts.delete({:name => prov.get(:name), :mounted => :yes}) then prov.set(:ensure => :mounted) end end # Add mounts that are not in fstab but mounted mounts.each do |mount| providers << new(:ensure => :ghost, :name => mount[:name]) end providers end def self.prefetch(resources = nil) # Get providers for all resources the user defined and that match # a record in /etc/fstab. super # We need to do two things now: # - Update ensure from :unmounted to :mounted if the resource is mounted # - Check for mounted devices that are not in fstab and # set ensure to :ghost (if the user wants to add an entry # to fstab we need to know if the device was mounted before) mountinstances.each do |hash| if mount = resources[hash[:name]] case mount.provider.get(:ensure) when :absent # Mount not in fstab mount.provider.set(:ensure => :ghost) when :unmounted # Mount in fstab mount.provider.set(:ensure => :mounted) end end end end def self.mountinstances # XXX: Will not work for mount points that have spaces in path (does fstab support this anyways?) regex = case Facter.value(:osfamily) when "Darwin" / on (?:\/private\/var\/automount)?(\S*)/ when "Solaris", "HP-UX" /^(\S*) on / when "AIX" /^(?:\S*\s+\S+\s+)(\S+)/ else / on (\S*)/ end instances = [] mount_output = mountcmd.split("\n") if mount_output.length >= 2 and mount_output[1] =~ /^[- \t]*$/ # On some OSes (e.g. AIX) mount output begins with a header line # followed by a line consisting of dashes and whitespace. # Discard these two lines. mount_output[0..1] = [] end mount_output.each do |line| if match = regex.match(line) and name = match.captures.first instances << {:name => name, :mounted => :yes} # Only :name is important here else raise Puppet::Error, "Could not understand line #{line} from mount output" end end instances end def flush needs_mount = @property_hash.delete(:needs_mount) super mount if needs_mount end end