 * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NEC Corporation
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include "ruby.h"
#include "action-common.h"
#include "barrier-reply.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "controller.h"
#include "features-reply.h"
#include "flow-removed.h"
#include "get-config-reply.h"
#include "list-switches-reply.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "openflow-error.h"
#include "openflow.h"
#include "packet-in.h"
#include "port-status.h"
#include "queue-get-config-reply.h"
#include "rubysig.h"
#include "stats-reply.h"
#include "switch-disconnected.h"
#include "trema.h"
#include "vendor.h"

extern VALUE mTrema;
VALUE cController;

static void
handle_timer_event( void *self ) {
  if ( rb_respond_to( ( VALUE ) self, rb_intern( "handle_timer_event" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    rb_funcall( ( VALUE ) self, rb_intern( "handle_timer_event" ), 0 );

 * @overload send_message(datapath_id, message)
 *   Sends an OpenFlow message to the datapath.
 *   @example
 *     send_message datapath_id, FeaturesRequest.new
 *   @param [Integer] datapath_id
 *     the datapath to which a message is sent.
 *   @param [Hello, EchoRequest, EchoReply, FeaturesRequest, SetConfig, GetConfigRequest, QueueGetConfigRequest, StatsRequest, BarrierRequest, PortMod, Vendor] message
 *     the message to be sent.
static VALUE
controller_send_message( VALUE self, VALUE datapath_id, VALUE message ) {
  buffer *buf;
  Data_Get_Struct( message, buffer, buf );
  send_openflow_message( NUM2ULL( datapath_id ), buf );
  return self;

static VALUE
controller_send_list_switches_request( VALUE self ) {
  send_list_switches_request( ( void * ) self );
  return self;

static void
append_action( openflow_actions *actions, VALUE action ) {
  if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::Enqueue" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    uint32_t queue_id = ( uint32_t ) NUM2UINT( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "queue_id" ), 0 ) );
    uint16_t port_number = ( uint16_t ) NUM2UINT( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "port_number" ), 0 ) );
    append_action_enqueue( actions, port_number, queue_id );
  else if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::SendOutPort" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    uint16_t port_number = ( uint16_t ) NUM2UINT( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "port_number" ), 0 ) );
    uint16_t max_len = ( uint16_t ) NUM2UINT( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "max_len" ), 0 ) );
    append_action_output( actions, port_number, max_len );
  else if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::SetEthDstAddr" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    uint8_t dl_dst[ OFP_ETH_ALEN ];
    uint8_t *ptr = ( uint8_t * ) dl_addr_to_a( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "mac_address" ), 0 ), dl_dst );
    append_action_set_dl_dst( actions, ptr );
  else if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::SetEthSrcAddr" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    uint8_t dl_src[ OFP_ETH_ALEN ];
    uint8_t *ptr = ( uint8_t * ) dl_addr_to_a( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "mac_address" ), 0 ), dl_src );
    append_action_set_dl_src( actions, ptr );
  else if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::SetIpDstAddr" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    append_action_set_nw_dst( actions, nw_addr_to_i( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "ip_address" ), 0 ) ) );
  else if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::SetIpSrcAddr" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    append_action_set_nw_src( actions, nw_addr_to_i( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "ip_address" ), 0 ) ) );
  else if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::SetIpTos" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    append_action_set_nw_tos( actions, ( uint8_t ) NUM2UINT( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "type_of_service" ), 0 ) ) );
  else if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::SetTransportDstPort" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    append_action_set_tp_dst( actions, ( uint16_t ) NUM2UINT( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "port_number" ), 0 ) ) );
  else if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::SetTransportSrcPort" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    append_action_set_tp_src( actions, ( uint16_t ) NUM2UINT( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "port_number" ), 0 ) ) );
  else if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::SetVlanPriority" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    append_action_set_vlan_pcp( actions, ( uint8_t ) NUM2UINT( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "vlan_priority" ), 0 ) ) );
  else if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::SetVlanVid" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    append_action_set_vlan_vid( actions, ( uint16_t ) NUM2UINT( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "vlan_id" ), 0 ) ) );
  else if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::StripVlanHeader" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    append_action_strip_vlan( actions );
  else if ( rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "is_a?" ), 1, rb_path2class( "Trema::VendorAction" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    VALUE vendor_id = rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "vendor_id" ), 0 );
    VALUE rbody = rb_funcall( action, rb_intern( "body" ), 0 );
    if ( rbody != Qnil ) {
      Check_Type( rbody, T_ARRAY );
      uint16_t length = ( uint16_t ) RARRAY_LEN( rbody );
      buffer *body = alloc_buffer_with_length( length );
      void *p = append_back_buffer( body, length );
      for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
        ( ( uint8_t * ) p )[ i ] = ( uint8_t ) FIX2INT( RARRAY_PTR( rbody )[ i ] );
      append_action_vendor( actions, ( uint32_t ) NUM2UINT( vendor_id ), body );
      free_buffer( body );
    else {
      append_action_vendor( actions, ( uint32_t ) NUM2UINT( vendor_id ), NULL );
  else {
    rb_raise( rb_eTypeError, "actions argument must be an Array of Action objects" );

static void
form_actions( VALUE raction, openflow_actions *actions ) {
  if ( raction != Qnil ) {
    switch ( TYPE( raction ) ) {
      case T_ARRAY:
          VALUE *each = RARRAY_PTR( raction );
          int i;
          for ( i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN( raction ); i++ ) {
            append_action( actions, each[ i ] );
      case T_OBJECT:
        append_action( actions, raction );
        rb_raise( rb_eTypeError, "actions argument must be an Array or an Action object" );

static VALUE
get_strict( int argc, VALUE *argv ) {
  VALUE datapath_id = Qnil;
  VALUE options = Qnil;
  VALUE strict = Qnil;

  rb_scan_args( argc, argv, "11", &datapath_id, &options );
  if ( options != Qnil ) {
    strict = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "strict" ) ) );
  return strict;

static VALUE
controller_send_flow_mod( uint16_t command, int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self ) {
  VALUE datapath_id = Qnil;
  VALUE options = Qnil;
  rb_scan_args( argc, argv, "11", &datapath_id, &options );

  // Defaults
  struct ofp_match default_match;
  memset( &default_match, 0, sizeof( struct ofp_match ) );
  default_match.wildcards = OFPFW_ALL;
  struct ofp_match *match = &default_match;
  uint64_t cookie = get_cookie();
  uint16_t idle_timeout = 0;
  uint16_t hard_timeout = 0;
  uint16_t priority = UINT16_MAX;
  uint32_t buffer_id = UINT32_MAX;
  uint16_t out_port = OFPP_NONE;
  uint16_t flags = OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM;
  openflow_actions *actions = create_actions();

  // Options
  if ( options != Qnil ) {
    VALUE opt_match = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "match" ) ) );
    if ( opt_match != Qnil ) {
      Data_Get_Struct( opt_match, struct ofp_match, match );

    VALUE opt_cookie = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "cookie" ) ) );
    if ( opt_cookie != Qnil ) {
      cookie = NUM2ULL( opt_cookie );

    VALUE opt_idle_timeout = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "idle_timeout" ) ) );
    if ( opt_idle_timeout != Qnil ) {
      idle_timeout = ( uint16_t ) NUM2UINT( opt_idle_timeout );

    VALUE opt_hard_timeout = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "hard_timeout" ) ) );
    if ( opt_hard_timeout != Qnil ) {
      hard_timeout = ( uint16_t ) NUM2UINT( opt_hard_timeout );

    VALUE opt_priority = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "priority" ) ) );
    if ( opt_priority != Qnil ) {
      priority = ( uint16_t ) NUM2UINT( opt_priority );

    VALUE opt_buffer_id = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "buffer_id" ) ) );
    if ( opt_buffer_id != Qnil ) {
      buffer_id = ( uint32_t ) NUM2ULONG( opt_buffer_id );

    VALUE opt_out_port = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "out_port" ) ) );
    if ( opt_out_port != Qnil ) {
      out_port = ( uint16_t ) NUM2UINT( opt_out_port );

    VALUE opt_send_flow_rem = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "send_flow_rem" ) ) );
    if ( opt_send_flow_rem == Qfalse ) {
      flags &= ( uint16_t ) ~OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM;

    VALUE opt_check_overlap = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "check_overlap" ) ) );
    if ( opt_check_overlap != Qnil ) {
      flags |= OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP;

    VALUE opt_emerg = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "emerg" ) ) );
    if ( opt_emerg != Qnil ) {
      flags |= OFPFF_EMERG;

    VALUE opt_actions = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "actions" ) ) );
    if ( opt_actions != Qnil ) {
      form_actions( opt_actions, actions );

  buffer *flow_mod = create_flow_mod(
  send_openflow_message( NUM2ULL( datapath_id ), flow_mod );

  free_buffer( flow_mod );
  delete_actions( actions );

  return self;

 * @overload send_flow_mod_add(datapath_id, options={})
 *   Sends a flow_mod message to add a flow into the datapath.
 *   @example
 *     def packet_in datapath_id, message
 *       send_flow_mod_add datapath_id, :match => Match.from(message), :actions => SendOutPort.new(OFPP_FLOOD)
 *     end
 *   @param [Number] datapath_id
 *     the datapath to which a message is sent.
 *   @param [Hash] options
 *     the options to create a message with.
 *   @option options [Match, nil] :match (nil)
 *     A {Match} object describing the fields of the flow.
 *   @option options [Number] :idle_timeout (0)
 *     The idle time in seconds before discarding.
 *     Zero means flow never expires.
 *   @option options [Number] :cookie
 *     An opaque issued identifier.
 *   @option options [Number] :hard_timeout (0)
 *     The maximum time before discarding in seconds.
 *     Zero means flow never expires.
 *   @option options [Number] :priority (0xffff)
 *     The priority level of the flow entry.
 *   @option options [Number] :buffer_id (0xffffffff)
 *     The buffer ID assigned by the datapath of a buffered packet to
 *     apply the flow to. If 0xffffffff, no buffered packet is to be
 *     applied to flow actions.
 *   @option options [Number] :out_port (0xffff)
 *     If the option contains a value other than OFPP_NONE(0xffff),
 *     it introduces a constraint when deleting flow entries.
 *   @option options [Boolean] :send_flow_rem (true)
 *     If true, send a flow_removed message when the flow expires or
 *     is deleted.
 *   @option options [Boolean] :check_overlap (false)
 *     If true, check for overlapping entries first, i.e. if there are
 *     conflicting entries with the same priority, the flow is not
 *     added and the modification fails.
 *   @option options [Boolean] :emerg (false)
 *     If true, the switch must consider this flow entry as an
 *     emergency entry, and only use it for forwarding when
 *     disconnected from the controller.
 *   @option options [SendOutPort, Array<SendOutPort>, nil] :actions (nil)
 *     The sequence of actions specifying the actions to perform on
 *     the flow's packets.
static VALUE
controller_send_flow_mod_add( int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self ) {
  return controller_send_flow_mod( OFPFC_ADD, argc, argv, self );

 * @overload send_flow_mod_modify(datapath, options={})
 *   Sends a flow_mod message to either modify or modify strict a flow from datapath.
 *   Both flow_mod modify and flow_mod modify strict commands would modify
 *   matched flow actions. The strict option adds the flow priority to the
 *   matched criteria. Accepts the same options as #send_flow_mod_add with the
 *   following additional option.
 *   @option options [Symbol] :strict
 *     If set to true modify_strict command is invoked otherwise the modify
 *     command is invoked.
static VALUE
controller_send_flow_mod_modify( int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self ) {
  uint16_t command = OFPFC_MODIFY;

  if ( get_strict( argc, argv ) == Qtrue ) {
    command = OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT;
  return controller_send_flow_mod( command, argc, argv, self );

 * @overload send_flow_mod_delete(datapath_id, options={})
 *   Sends a flow_mod_delete message to delete all matching flows.
 *   Both flow_mod delete and flow_mod delete strict commands would delete matched flows.
 *   The strict option adds the flow priority to the matched criteria.
 *   Accepts the same options as #send_flow_mod_add with the following additional
 *   option.
 *   @option options [Symbol] :strict
 *     If set to true delete_strict command is invoked otherwise the delete
 *     command is invoked.
static VALUE
controller_send_flow_mod_delete( int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self ) {
  uint16_t command = OFPFC_DELETE;

  if ( get_strict( argc, argv ) == Qtrue ) {
    command = OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT;
  return controller_send_flow_mod( command, argc, argv, self );

 * @overload send_packet_out(datapath_id, options={})
 *   Sends a packet_out message to have a packet processed by the datapath.
 *   @example
 *     send_packet_out(
 *       datapath_id,
 *       :packet_in => message,
 *       :actions => Trema::SendOutPort.new(port_no)
 *     )
 *   @param [Number] datapath_id
 *     the datapath to which a message is sent.
 *   @param [Hash] options
 *     the options to create a message with.
 *   @option options [PacketIn] :packet_in (nil)
 *     The {PacketIn} object received by packet_in handler. If this
 *     option is not nil, :buffer_id, :data, and :in_port option is
 *     set automatically according to the value of :packet_in.
 *   @option options [Number] :in_port (OFPP_NONE)
 *     The port from which the frame is to be sent. OFPP_NONE if
 *     none. OFPP_TABLE to perform the actions defined in the flow
 *     table.
 *   @option options [Number] :buffer_id (0xffffffff)
 *     The buffer ID assigned by the datapath. If 0xffffffff, the
 *     frame is not buffered, and the entire frame must be passed in
 *     :data.
 *   @option options [String, nil] :data (nil)
 *     The entire Ethernet frame. Should be of length 0 if buffer_id
 *     is 0xffffffff, and should be of length >0 otherwise.
 *   @option options [Action, Array<Action>, nil] :actions (nil)
 *     The sequence of actions specifying the actions to perform on
 *     the frame.
 *   @option options [Boolean] :zero_padding (false)
 *     If true, fill up to minimum ethernet frame size.
static VALUE
controller_send_packet_out( int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self ) {
  VALUE datapath_id = Qnil;
  VALUE options = Qnil;
  rb_scan_args( argc, argv, "11", &datapath_id, &options );

  // Defaults.
  uint32_t buffer_id = UINT32_MAX;
  uint16_t in_port = OFPP_NONE;
  openflow_actions *actions = create_actions();
  const buffer *data = NULL;
  buffer *allocated_data = NULL;
  VALUE opt_zero_padding = Qnil;

  if ( options != Qnil ) {
    VALUE opt_message = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "packet_in" ) ) );
    if ( opt_message != Qnil ) {
      packet_in *message;
      Data_Get_Struct( opt_message, packet_in, message );

      if ( NUM2ULL( datapath_id ) == message->datapath_id ) {
        buffer_id = message->buffer_id;
        in_port = message->in_port;
      data = ( buffer_id == UINT32_MAX ? message->data : NULL );

    VALUE opt_buffer_id = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "buffer_id" ) ) );
    if ( opt_buffer_id != Qnil ) {
      buffer_id = ( uint32_t ) NUM2ULONG( opt_buffer_id );

    VALUE opt_in_port = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "in_port" ) ) );
    if ( opt_in_port != Qnil ) {
      in_port = ( uint16_t ) NUM2UINT( opt_in_port );

    VALUE opt_action = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "actions" ) ) );
    if ( opt_action != Qnil ) {
      form_actions( opt_action, actions );

    VALUE opt_data = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "data" ) ) );
    if ( opt_data != Qnil ) {
      Check_Type( opt_data, T_STRING );
      uint16_t length = ( uint16_t ) RSTRING_LEN( opt_data );
      allocated_data = alloc_buffer_with_length( length );
      memcpy( append_back_buffer( allocated_data, length ), RSTRING_PTR( opt_data ), length );
      data = allocated_data;

    opt_zero_padding = rb_hash_aref( options, ID2SYM( rb_intern( "zero_padding" ) ) );
    if ( opt_zero_padding != Qnil ) {
      if ( TYPE( opt_zero_padding ) != T_TRUE && TYPE( opt_zero_padding ) != T_FALSE ) {
        rb_raise( rb_eTypeError, ":zero_padding must be true or false" );

  if ( data != NULL && data->length + ETH_FCS_LENGTH < ETH_MINIMUM_LENGTH &&
       opt_zero_padding != Qnil && TYPE( opt_zero_padding ) == T_TRUE ) {
    if ( allocated_data == NULL ) {
      allocated_data = duplicate_buffer( data );
      data = allocated_data;
    fill_ether_padding( allocated_data );

  buffer *packet_out = create_packet_out(
  send_openflow_message( NUM2ULL( datapath_id ), packet_out );

  if ( allocated_data != NULL ) {
    free_buffer( allocated_data );
  free_buffer( packet_out );
  delete_actions( actions );
  return self;

 * Starts this controller. Usually you do not need to invoke
 * explicitly, because this is called implicitly by "trema run"
 * command.
static VALUE
controller_run( VALUE self ) {
  setenv( "TREMA_HOME", STR2CSTR( rb_funcall( mTrema, rb_intern( "home" ), 0 ) ), 1 );

  VALUE name = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "name" ), 0 );
  rb_gv_set( "$PROGRAM_NAME", name );

  int argc = 3;
  char **argv = xmalloc( sizeof( char * ) * ( uint32_t ) ( argc + 1 ) );
  argv[ 0 ] = STR2CSTR( name );
  argv[ 1 ] = ( char * ) ( uintptr_t ) "--name";
  argv[ 2 ] = STR2CSTR( name );
  argv[ 3 ] = NULL;
  init_trema( &argc, &argv );
  xfree( argv );

  set_switch_ready_handler( handle_switch_ready, ( void * ) self );
  set_features_reply_handler( handle_features_reply, ( void * ) self );
  set_packet_in_handler( handle_packet_in, ( void * ) self );
  set_flow_removed_handler( handle_flow_removed, ( void * ) self );
  set_switch_disconnected_handler( handle_switch_disconnected, ( void * ) self );
  set_port_status_handler( handle_port_status, ( void * ) self );
  set_stats_reply_handler( handle_stats_reply, ( void * ) self );
  set_error_handler( handle_openflow_error, ( void * ) self );
  set_get_config_reply_handler( handle_get_config_reply, ( void * ) self );
  set_barrier_reply_handler( handle_barrier_reply, ( void * ) self );
  set_vendor_handler( handle_vendor, ( void * ) self );
  set_queue_get_config_reply_handler( handle_queue_get_config_reply, ( void * ) self );
  set_list_switches_reply_handler( handle_list_switches_reply );

  struct itimerspec interval;
  interval.it_interval.tv_sec = 1;
  interval.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;
  interval.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
  interval.it_value.tv_nsec = 0;
  add_timer_event_callback( &interval, handle_timer_event, ( void * ) self );

  if ( rb_respond_to( self, rb_intern( "start" ) ) == Qtrue ) {
    rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "start" ), 0 );

  rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "start_trema" ), 0 );

  return self;

 * @overload shutdown!
 *   In the context of trema framework stops this controller and its applications.
static VALUE
controller_shutdown( VALUE self ) {
  return self;

static void
thread_pass( void *user_data ) {
  UNUSED( user_data );
  rb_funcall( rb_cThread, rb_intern( "pass" ), 0 );

 * In the context of trema framework invokes the scheduler to start its applications.
static VALUE
controller_start_trema( VALUE self ) {
  struct itimerspec interval;
  interval.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
  interval.it_interval.tv_nsec = 1000000;
  interval.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
  interval.it_value.tv_nsec = 0;
  add_timer_event_callback( &interval, thread_pass, NULL );


  return self;

 * Init Controller module.

Init_controller() {
  rb_require( "trema/enqueue" );
  rb_require( "trema/send-out-port" );
  rb_require( "trema/set-eth-dst-addr" );
  rb_require( "trema/set-eth-src-addr" );
  rb_require( "trema/set-ip-dst-addr" );
  rb_require( "trema/set-ip-src-addr" );
  rb_require( "trema/set-ip-tos" );
  rb_require( "trema/set-transport-dst-port" );
  rb_require( "trema/set-transport-src-port" );
  rb_require( "trema/set-vlan-priority" );
  rb_require( "trema/set-vlan-vid" );
  rb_require( "trema/strip-vlan-header" );
  rb_require( "trema/vendor-action" );

  rb_require( "trema/app" );

  VALUE cApp = rb_eval_string( "Trema::App" );
  mTrema = rb_define_module( "Trema" );
  cController = rb_define_class_under( mTrema, "Controller", cApp );

  rb_define_const( cController, "OFPP_MAX", INT2NUM( OFPP_MAX ) );
  rb_define_const( cController, "OFPP_IN_PORT", INT2NUM( OFPP_IN_PORT ) );
  rb_define_const( cController, "OFPP_TABLE", INT2NUM( OFPP_TABLE ) );
  rb_define_const( cController, "OFPP_NORMAL", INT2NUM( OFPP_NORMAL ) );
  rb_define_const( cController, "OFPP_FLOOD", INT2NUM( OFPP_FLOOD ) );
  rb_define_const( cController, "OFPP_ALL", INT2NUM( OFPP_ALL ) );
  rb_define_const( cController, "OFPP_CONTROLLER", INT2NUM( OFPP_CONTROLLER ) );
  rb_define_const( cController, "OFPP_LOCAL", INT2NUM( OFPP_LOCAL ) );
  rb_define_const( cController, "OFPP_NONE", INT2NUM( OFPP_NONE ) );

  rb_define_method( cController, "send_message", controller_send_message, 2 );
  rb_define_method( cController, "send_list_switches_request", controller_send_list_switches_request, 0 );
  rb_define_method( cController, "send_flow_mod_add", controller_send_flow_mod_add, -1 );
  rb_define_method( cController, "send_flow_mod_modify", controller_send_flow_mod_modify, -1 );
  rb_define_method( cController, "send_flow_mod_delete", controller_send_flow_mod_delete, -1 );
  rb_define_method( cController, "send_packet_out", controller_send_packet_out, -1 );

  rb_define_method( cController, "run!", controller_run, 0 );
  rb_define_method( cController, "shutdown!", controller_shutdown, 0 );
  rb_define_private_method( cController, "start_trema", controller_start_trema, 0 );

  rb_require( "trema/controller" );

 * Local variables:
 * c-basic-offset: 2
 * indent-tabs-mode: nil
 * End: