note description : "[ This is use to have almost every language element." That way, I can correctly test the lexer. %]" Don't try to understand what it does. It's not even compilling. ]" date : "August 6, 2013" revision : "0.1" class SAMPLE inherit ARGUMENTS rename Command_line as Caller_command, command_name as Application_name undefine out end ANY export {ANY} out redefine out end create make convert as_boolean: {BOOLEAN} feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Run application. local i1_:expanded INTEGER f_1:REAL_64 l_char:CHARACTER_8 do l_char:='!' l_char:='%'' l_char:='%%' i1_:=80 - 0x2F0C // 0C70 \\ 0b10110 * 1; f_1:=0.1 / .567 f_1:=34. f_1:=12345.67890 inspect i1_ when 1 then io.output.put_integer (i1_) -- Comment else io.output.put_real (f_1.truncated_to_real) end io.output.put_string (CuRrEnt.out) -- Comment (agent funct_1).call([1,2,"Coucou"]) end feature -- Access funct_1(x,y:separate INTEGER;a_text:READABLE_STRING_GENERAL):detachable BOOLEAN obsolete "This function is obsolete" require Is_Attached: AttAched a_text local l_list:LIST[like x] do if (NOT a_text.is_empty=TrUe or elSe ((x<0 aNd x>10) oR (y>0 and then y<10))) xor True thEn ResuLT := FalSe elseif (acROss l_list as la_list SoMe la_list.item<0 end) implies a_text.is_boolean then ResuLT := FalSe else Result := TruE eND from l_list.start until l_list.exhausted loop l_list.forth variant l_list.count - l_list.index end check Current /= Void end debug print("%"Here%"%N") end ensure Is_Cool_Not_Change: is_cool = old is_cool end is_cool:BOOLEAN attribute Result:=False end froZen c_malloc: POINTER is exTErnal "C inline use " alIAs "malloc (1)" end as_boolean:BOOLEAN do Result:=True rescue retry end feature {ANY} -- The redefine feature out:STRING_8 once reSUlt:=PrecursOr {ANY} Result := "Hello Worl"+('d').out end invariant Always_Cool: is_cool end