require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe ActsAsIcontact, "account_id" do it "returns the ID from the first client folder returned by iContact" do ActsAsIcontact.client_id.should == 222222 end it "can be set by the user" do ActsAsIcontact.client_id = 456 ActsAsIcontact.client_id.should == 456 end after(:each) do ActsAsIcontact.client_id = nil end end describe ActsAsIcontact, "client method" do it "returns a RestClient resource" do ActsAsIcontact.client.should be_a_kind_of(RestClient::Resource) end it "builds upon the 'account' object" do ActsAsIcontact.expects(:account).returns(ActsAsIcontact.instance_variable_get(:@account)) ActsAsIcontact.client.should_not be_nil end it "can be cleared with the reset_account! method" do ActsAsIcontact.reset_client! ActsAsIcontact.instance_variable_get(:@client).should be_nil end after(:each) do ActsAsIcontact.reset_client! end end describe ActsAsIcontact::Client do it "can return all clients for the given account" do ActsAsIcontact::Client.all.count.should == 1 end it "can return the first client" do ActsAsIcontact::Client.first.should be_a_kind_of(ActsAsIcontact::Client) end it "knows its properties" do c = ActsAsIcontact::Client.first c.emailRecipient.should == "" end end