ace.define("ace/mode/doc_comment_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules; var DocCommentHighlightRules = function() { this.$rules = { "start" : [ { token : "comment.doc.tag", regex : "@[\\w\\d_]+" // TODO: fix email addresses }, DocCommentHighlightRules.getTagRule(), { defaultToken : "comment.doc", caseInsensitive: true }] }; }; oop.inherits(DocCommentHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules); DocCommentHighlightRules.getTagRule = function(start) { return { token : "", regex : "\\b(?:TODO|FIXME|XXX|HACK)\\b" }; } DocCommentHighlightRules.getStartRule = function(start) { return { token : "comment.doc", // doc comment regex : "\\/\\*(?=\\*)", next : start }; }; DocCommentHighlightRules.getEndRule = function (start) { return { token : "comment.doc", // closing comment regex : "\\*\\/", next : start }; }; exports.DocCommentHighlightRules = DocCommentHighlightRules; }); ace.define("ace/mode/c_cpp_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/doc_comment_highlight_rules","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var DocCommentHighlightRules = require("./doc_comment_highlight_rules").DocCommentHighlightRules; var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules; var cFunctions = exports.cFunctions = "\\b(?:hypot(?:f|l)?|s(?:scanf|ystem|nprintf|ca(?:nf|lb(?:n(?:f|l)?|ln(?:f|l)?))|i(?:n(?:h(?:f|l)?|f|l)?|gn(?:al|bit))|tr(?:s(?:tr|pn)|nc(?:py|at|mp)|c(?:spn|hr|oll|py|at|mp)|to(?:imax|d|u(?:l(?:l)?|max)|k|f|l(?:d|l)?)|error|pbrk|ftime|len|rchr|xfrm)|printf|et(?:jmp|vbuf|locale|buf)|qrt(?:f|l)?|w(?:scanf|printf)|rand)|n(?:e(?:arbyint(?:f|l)?|xt(?:toward(?:f|l)?|after(?:f|l)?))|an(?:f|l)?)|c(?:s(?:in(?:h(?:f|l)?|f|l)?|qrt(?:f|l)?)|cos(?:h(?:f)?|f|l)?|imag(?:f|l)?|t(?:ime|an(?:h(?:f|l)?|f|l)?)|o(?:s(?:h(?:f|l)?|f|l)?|nj(?:f|l)?|pysign(?:f|l)?)|p(?:ow(?:f|l)?|roj(?:f|l)?)|e(?:il(?:f|l)?|xp(?:f|l)?)|l(?:o(?:ck|g(?:f|l)?)|earerr)|a(?:sin(?:h(?:f|l)?|f|l)?|cos(?:h(?:f|l)?|f|l)?|tan(?:h(?:f|l)?|f|l)?|lloc|rg(?:f|l)?|bs(?:f|l)?)|real(?:f|l)?|brt(?:f|l)?)|t(?:ime|o(?:upper|lower)|an(?:h(?:f|l)?|f|l)?|runc(?:f|l)?|gamma(?:f|l)?|mp(?:nam|file))|i(?:s(?:space|n(?:ormal|an)|cntrl|inf|digit|u(?:nordered|pper)|p(?:unct|rint)|finite|w(?:space|c(?:ntrl|type)|digit|upper|p(?:unct|rint)|lower|al(?:num|pha)|graph|xdigit|blank)|l(?:ower|ess(?:equal|greater)?)|al(?:num|pha)|gr(?:eater(?:equal)?|aph)|xdigit|blank)|logb(?:f|l)?|max(?:div|abs))|di(?:v|fftime)|_Exit|unget(?:c|wc)|p(?:ow(?:f|l)?|ut(?:s|c(?:har)?|wc(?:har)?)|error|rintf)|e(?:rf(?:c(?:f|l)?|f|l)?|x(?:it|p(?:2(?:f|l)?|f|l|m1(?:f|l)?)?))|v(?:s(?:scanf|nprintf|canf|printf|w(?:scanf|printf))|printf|f(?:scanf|printf|w(?:scanf|printf))|w(?:scanf|printf)|a_(?:start|copy|end|arg))|qsort|f(?:s(?:canf|e(?:tpos|ek))|close|tell|open|dim(?:f|l)?|p(?:classify|ut(?:s|c|w(?:s|c))|rintf)|e(?:holdexcept|set(?:e(?:nv|xceptflag)|round)|clearexcept|testexcept|of|updateenv|r(?:aiseexcept|ror)|get(?:e(?:nv|xceptflag)|round))|flush|w(?:scanf|ide|printf|rite)|loor(?:f|l)?|abs(?:f|l)?|get(?:s|c|pos|w(?:s|c))|re(?:open|e|ad|xp(?:f|l)?)|m(?:in(?:f|l)?|od(?:f|l)?|a(?:f|l|x(?:f|l)?)?))|l(?:d(?:iv|exp(?:f|l)?)|o(?:ngjmp|cal(?:time|econv)|g(?:1(?:p(?:f|l)?|0(?:f|l)?)|2(?:f|l)?|f|l|b(?:f|l)?)?)|abs|l(?:div|abs|r(?:int(?:f|l)?|ound(?:f|l)?))|r(?:int(?:f|l)?|ound(?:f|l)?)|gamma(?:f|l)?)|w(?:scanf|c(?:s(?:s(?:tr|pn)|nc(?:py|at|mp)|c(?:spn|hr|oll|py|at|mp)|to(?:imax|d|u(?:l(?:l)?|max)|k|f|l(?:d|l)?|mbs)|pbrk|ftime|len|r(?:chr|tombs)|xfrm)|to(?:b|mb)|rtomb)|printf|mem(?:set|c(?:hr|py|mp)|move))|a(?:s(?:sert|ctime|in(?:h(?:f|l)?|f|l)?)|cos(?:h(?:f|l)?|f|l)?|t(?:o(?:i|f|l(?:l)?)|exit|an(?:h(?:f|l)?|2(?:f|l)?|f|l)?)|b(?:s|ort))|g(?:et(?:s|c(?:har)?|env|wc(?:har)?)|mtime)|r(?:int(?:f|l)?|ound(?:f|l)?|e(?:name|alloc|wind|m(?:ove|quo(?:f|l)?|ainder(?:f|l)?))|a(?:nd|ise))|b(?:search|towc)|m(?:odf(?:f|l)?|em(?:set|c(?:hr|py|mp)|move)|ktime|alloc|b(?:s(?:init|towcs|rtowcs)|towc|len|r(?:towc|len))))\\b" var c_cppHighlightRules = function() { var keywordControls = ( "break|case|continue|default|do|else|for|goto|if|_Pragma|" + "return|switch|while|catch|operator|try|throw|using" ); var storageType = ( "asm|__asm__|auto|bool|_Bool|char|_Complex|double|enum|float|" + "_Imaginary|int|long|short|signed|struct|typedef|union|unsigned|void|" + "class|wchar_t|template|char16_t|char32_t" ); var storageModifiers = ( "const|extern|register|restrict|static|volatile|inline|private|" + "protected|public|friend|explicit|virtual|export|mutable|typename|" + "constexpr|new|delete|alignas|alignof|decltype|noexcept|thread_local" ); var keywordOperators = ( "and|and_eq|bitand|bitor|compl|not|not_eq|or|or_eq|typeid|xor|xor_eq" + "const_cast|dynamic_cast|reinterpret_cast|static_cast|sizeof|namespace" ); var builtinConstants = ( "NULL|true|false|TRUE|FALSE|nullptr" ); var keywordMapper = this.$keywords = this.createKeywordMapper({ "keyword.control" : keywordControls, "storage.type" : storageType, "storage.modifier" : storageModifiers, "keyword.operator" : keywordOperators, "variable.language": "this", "constant.language": builtinConstants }, "identifier"); var identifierRe = "[a-zA-Z\\$_\u00a1-\uffff][a-zA-Z\d\\$_\u00a1-\uffff]*\\b"; this.$rules = { "start" : [ { token : "comment", regex : "//", next : "singleLineComment" }, DocCommentHighlightRules.getStartRule("doc-start"), { token : "comment", // multi line comment regex : "\\/\\*", next : "comment" }, { token : "string", // single line regex : '["](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^"\\\\]))*?["]' }, { token : "string", // multi line string start regex : '["].*\\\\$', next : "qqstring" }, { token : "string", // single line regex : "['](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^'\\\\]))*?[']" }, { token : "string", // multi line string start regex : "['].*\\\\$", next : "qstring" }, { token : "constant.numeric", // hex regex : "0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+(L|l|UL|ul|u|U|F|f|ll|LL|ull|ULL)?\\b" }, { token : "constant.numeric", // float regex : "[+-]?\\d+(?:(?:\\.\\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)?(L|l|UL|ul|u|U|F|f|ll|LL|ull|ULL)?\\b" }, { token : "keyword", // pre-compiler directives regex : "#\\s*(?:include|import|pragma|line|define|undef)\\b", next : "directive" }, { token : "keyword", // special case pre-compiler directive regex : "#\\s*(?:endif|if|ifdef|else|elif|ifndef)\\b" }, { token : "support.function.C99.c", regex : cFunctions }, { token : keywordMapper, regex : "[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*\\b" }, { token : "keyword.operator", regex : "!|\\$|%|&|\\*|\\-\\-|\\-|\\+\\+|\\+|~|==|=|!=|<=|>=|<<=|>>=|>>>=|<>|<|>|!|&&|\\|\\||\\?\\:|\\*=|%=|\\+=|\\-=|&=|\\^=|\\b(?:in|new|delete|typeof|void)" }, { token : "punctuation.operator", regex : "\\?|\\:|\\,|\\;|\\." }, { token : "paren.lparen", regex : "[[({]" }, { token : "paren.rparen", regex : "[\\])}]" }, { token : "text", regex : "\\s+" } ], "comment" : [ { token : "comment", // closing comment regex : ".*?\\*\\/", next : "start" }, { token : "comment", // comment spanning whole line regex : ".+" } ], "singleLineComment" : [ { token : "comment", regex : /\\$/, next : "singleLineComment" }, { token : "comment", regex : /$/, next : "start" }, { defaultToken: "comment" } ], "qqstring" : [ { token : "string", regex : '(?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^"\\\\]))*?"', next : "start" }, { defaultToken : "string" } ], "qstring" : [ { token : "string", regex : "(?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^'\\\\]))*?'", next : "start" }, { defaultToken : "string" } ], "directive" : [ { token : "constant.other.multiline", regex : /\\/ }, { token : "constant.other.multiline", regex : /.*\\/ }, { token : "constant.other", regex : "\\s*<.+?>", next : "start" }, { token : "constant.other", // single line regex : '\\s*["](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^"\\\\]))*?["]', next : "start" }, { token : "constant.other", // single line regex : "\\s*['](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^'\\\\]))*?[']", next : "start" }, { token : "constant.other", regex : /[^\\\/]+/, next : "start" } ] }; this.embedRules(DocCommentHighlightRules, "doc-", [ DocCommentHighlightRules.getEndRule("start") ]); }; oop.inherits(c_cppHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules); exports.c_cppHighlightRules = c_cppHighlightRules; }); ace.define("ace/mode/matching_brace_outdent",["require","exports","module","ace/range"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var Range = require("../range").Range; var MatchingBraceOutdent = function() {}; (function() { this.checkOutdent = function(line, input) { if (! /^\s+$/.test(line)) return false; return /^\s*\}/.test(input); }; this.autoOutdent = function(doc, row) { var line = doc.getLine(row); var match = line.match(/^(\s*\})/); if (!match) return 0; var column = match[1].length; var openBracePos = doc.findMatchingBracket({row: row, column: column}); if (!openBracePos || openBracePos.row == row) return 0; var indent = this.$getIndent(doc.getLine(openBracePos.row)); doc.replace(new Range(row, 0, row, column-1), indent); }; this.$getIndent = function(line) { return line.match(/^\s*/)[0]; }; }).call(MatchingBraceOutdent.prototype); exports.MatchingBraceOutdent = MatchingBraceOutdent; }); ace.define("ace/mode/behaviour/cstyle",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/behaviour","ace/token_iterator","ace/lib/lang"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("../../lib/oop"); var Behaviour = require("../behaviour").Behaviour; var TokenIterator = require("../../token_iterator").TokenIterator; var lang = require("../../lib/lang"); var SAFE_INSERT_IN_TOKENS = ["text", "paren.rparen", "punctuation.operator"]; var SAFE_INSERT_BEFORE_TOKENS = ["text", "paren.rparen", "punctuation.operator", "comment"]; var context; var contextCache = {}; var initContext = function(editor) { var id = -1; if (editor.multiSelect) { id = editor.selection.index; if (contextCache.rangeCount != editor.multiSelect.rangeCount) contextCache = {rangeCount: editor.multiSelect.rangeCount}; } if (contextCache[id]) return context = contextCache[id]; context = contextCache[id] = { autoInsertedBrackets: 0, autoInsertedRow: -1, autoInsertedLineEnd: "", maybeInsertedBrackets: 0, maybeInsertedRow: -1, maybeInsertedLineStart: "", maybeInsertedLineEnd: "" }; }; var getWrapped = function(selection, selected, opening, closing) { var rowDiff = selection.end.row - selection.start.row; return { text: opening + selected + closing, selection: [ 0, selection.start.column + 1, rowDiff, selection.end.column + (rowDiff ? 0 : 1) ] }; }; var CstyleBehaviour = function() { this.add("braces", "insertion", function(state, action, editor, session, text) { var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row); if (text == '{') { initContext(editor); var selection = editor.getSelectionRange(); var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(selection); if (selected !== "" && selected !== "{" && editor.getWrapBehavioursEnabled()) { return getWrapped(selection, selected, '{', '}'); } else if (CstyleBehaviour.isSaneInsertion(editor, session)) { if (/[\]\}\)]/.test(line[cursor.column]) || editor.inMultiSelectMode) { CstyleBehaviour.recordAutoInsert(editor, session, "}"); return { text: '{}', selection: [1, 1] }; } else { CstyleBehaviour.recordMaybeInsert(editor, session, "{"); return { text: '{', selection: [1, 1] }; } } } else if (text == '}') { initContext(editor); var rightChar = line.substring(cursor.column, cursor.column + 1); if (rightChar == '}') { var matching = session.$findOpeningBracket('}', {column: cursor.column + 1, row: cursor.row}); if (matching !== null && CstyleBehaviour.isAutoInsertedClosing(cursor, line, text)) { CstyleBehaviour.popAutoInsertedClosing(); return { text: '', selection: [1, 1] }; } } } else if (text == "\n" || text == "\r\n") { initContext(editor); var closing = ""; if (CstyleBehaviour.isMaybeInsertedClosing(cursor, line)) { closing = lang.stringRepeat("}", context.maybeInsertedBrackets); CstyleBehaviour.clearMaybeInsertedClosing(); } var rightChar = line.substring(cursor.column, cursor.column + 1); if (rightChar === '}') { var openBracePos = session.findMatchingBracket({row: cursor.row, column: cursor.column+1}, '}'); if (!openBracePos) return null; var next_indent = this.$getIndent(session.getLine(openBracePos.row)); } else if (closing) { var next_indent = this.$getIndent(line); } else { CstyleBehaviour.clearMaybeInsertedClosing(); return; } var indent = next_indent + session.getTabString(); return { text: '\n' + indent + '\n' + next_indent + closing, selection: [1, indent.length, 1, indent.length] }; } else { CstyleBehaviour.clearMaybeInsertedClosing(); } }); this.add("braces", "deletion", function(state, action, editor, session, range) { var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(range); if (!range.isMultiLine() && selected == '{') { initContext(editor); var line = session.doc.getLine(range.start.row); var rightChar = line.substring(range.end.column, range.end.column + 1); if (rightChar == '}') { range.end.column++; return range; } else { context.maybeInsertedBrackets--; } } }); this.add("parens", "insertion", function(state, action, editor, session, text) { if (text == '(') { initContext(editor); var selection = editor.getSelectionRange(); var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(selection); if (selected !== "" && editor.getWrapBehavioursEnabled()) { return getWrapped(selection, selected, '(', ')'); } else if (CstyleBehaviour.isSaneInsertion(editor, session)) { CstyleBehaviour.recordAutoInsert(editor, session, ")"); return { text: '()', selection: [1, 1] }; } } else if (text == ')') { initContext(editor); var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row); var rightChar = line.substring(cursor.column, cursor.column + 1); if (rightChar == ')') { var matching = session.$findOpeningBracket(')', {column: cursor.column + 1, row: cursor.row}); if (matching !== null && CstyleBehaviour.isAutoInsertedClosing(cursor, line, text)) { CstyleBehaviour.popAutoInsertedClosing(); return { text: '', selection: [1, 1] }; } } } }); this.add("parens", "deletion", function(state, action, editor, session, range) { var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(range); if (!range.isMultiLine() && selected == '(') { initContext(editor); var line = session.doc.getLine(range.start.row); var rightChar = line.substring(range.start.column + 1, range.start.column + 2); if (rightChar == ')') { range.end.column++; return range; } } }); this.add("brackets", "insertion", function(state, action, editor, session, text) { if (text == '[') { initContext(editor); var selection = editor.getSelectionRange(); var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(selection); if (selected !== "" && editor.getWrapBehavioursEnabled()) { return getWrapped(selection, selected, '[', ']'); } else if (CstyleBehaviour.isSaneInsertion(editor, session)) { CstyleBehaviour.recordAutoInsert(editor, session, "]"); return { text: '[]', selection: [1, 1] }; } } else if (text == ']') { initContext(editor); var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row); var rightChar = line.substring(cursor.column, cursor.column + 1); if (rightChar == ']') { var matching = session.$findOpeningBracket(']', {column: cursor.column + 1, row: cursor.row}); if (matching !== null && CstyleBehaviour.isAutoInsertedClosing(cursor, line, text)) { CstyleBehaviour.popAutoInsertedClosing(); return { text: '', selection: [1, 1] }; } } } }); this.add("brackets", "deletion", function(state, action, editor, session, range) { var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(range); if (!range.isMultiLine() && selected == '[') { initContext(editor); var line = session.doc.getLine(range.start.row); var rightChar = line.substring(range.start.column + 1, range.start.column + 2); if (rightChar == ']') { range.end.column++; return range; } } }); this.add("string_dquotes", "insertion", function(state, action, editor, session, text) { if (text == '"' || text == "'") { initContext(editor); var quote = text; var selection = editor.getSelectionRange(); var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(selection); if (selected !== "" && selected !== "'" && selected != '"' && editor.getWrapBehavioursEnabled()) { return getWrapped(selection, selected, quote, quote); } else if (!selected) { var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row); var leftChar = line.substring(cursor.column-1, cursor.column); var rightChar = line.substring(cursor.column, cursor.column + 1); var token = session.getTokenAt(cursor.row, cursor.column); var rightToken = session.getTokenAt(cursor.row, cursor.column + 1); if (leftChar == "\\" && token && /escape/.test(token.type)) return null; var stringBefore = token && /string/.test(token.type); var stringAfter = !rightToken || /string/.test(rightToken.type); var pair; if (rightChar == quote) { pair = stringBefore !== stringAfter; } else { if (stringBefore && !stringAfter) return null; // wrap string with different quote if (stringBefore && stringAfter) return null; // do not pair quotes inside strings var wordRe = session.$mode.tokenRe; wordRe.lastIndex = 0; var isWordBefore = wordRe.test(leftChar); wordRe.lastIndex = 0; var isWordAfter = wordRe.test(leftChar); if (isWordBefore || isWordAfter) return null; // before or after alphanumeric if (rightChar && !/[\s;,.})\]\\]/.test(rightChar)) return null; // there is rightChar and it isn't closing pair = true; } return { text: pair ? quote + quote : "", selection: [1,1] }; } } }); this.add("string_dquotes", "deletion", function(state, action, editor, session, range) { var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(range); if (!range.isMultiLine() && (selected == '"' || selected == "'")) { initContext(editor); var line = session.doc.getLine(range.start.row); var rightChar = line.substring(range.start.column + 1, range.start.column + 2); if (rightChar == selected) { range.end.column++; return range; } } }); }; CstyleBehaviour.isSaneInsertion = function(editor, session) { var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var iterator = new TokenIterator(session, cursor.row, cursor.column); if (!this.$matchTokenType(iterator.getCurrentToken() || "text", SAFE_INSERT_IN_TOKENS)) { var iterator2 = new TokenIterator(session, cursor.row, cursor.column + 1); if (!this.$matchTokenType(iterator2.getCurrentToken() || "text", SAFE_INSERT_IN_TOKENS)) return false; } iterator.stepForward(); return iterator.getCurrentTokenRow() !== cursor.row || this.$matchTokenType(iterator.getCurrentToken() || "text", SAFE_INSERT_BEFORE_TOKENS); }; CstyleBehaviour.$matchTokenType = function(token, types) { return types.indexOf(token.type || token) > -1; }; CstyleBehaviour.recordAutoInsert = function(editor, session, bracket) { var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row); if (!this.isAutoInsertedClosing(cursor, line, context.autoInsertedLineEnd[0])) context.autoInsertedBrackets = 0; context.autoInsertedRow = cursor.row; context.autoInsertedLineEnd = bracket + line.substr(cursor.column); context.autoInsertedBrackets++; }; CstyleBehaviour.recordMaybeInsert = function(editor, session, bracket) { var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition(); var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row); if (!this.isMaybeInsertedClosing(cursor, line)) context.maybeInsertedBrackets = 0; context.maybeInsertedRow = cursor.row; context.maybeInsertedLineStart = line.substr(0, cursor.column) + bracket; context.maybeInsertedLineEnd = line.substr(cursor.column); context.maybeInsertedBrackets++; }; CstyleBehaviour.isAutoInsertedClosing = function(cursor, line, bracket) { return context.autoInsertedBrackets > 0 && cursor.row === context.autoInsertedRow && bracket === context.autoInsertedLineEnd[0] && line.substr(cursor.column) === context.autoInsertedLineEnd; }; CstyleBehaviour.isMaybeInsertedClosing = function(cursor, line) { return context.maybeInsertedBrackets > 0 && cursor.row === context.maybeInsertedRow && line.substr(cursor.column) === context.maybeInsertedLineEnd && line.substr(0, cursor.column) == context.maybeInsertedLineStart; }; CstyleBehaviour.popAutoInsertedClosing = function() { context.autoInsertedLineEnd = context.autoInsertedLineEnd.substr(1); context.autoInsertedBrackets--; }; CstyleBehaviour.clearMaybeInsertedClosing = function() { if (context) { context.maybeInsertedBrackets = 0; context.maybeInsertedRow = -1; } }; oop.inherits(CstyleBehaviour, Behaviour); exports.CstyleBehaviour = CstyleBehaviour; }); ace.define("ace/mode/folding/cstyle",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/range","ace/mode/folding/fold_mode"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("../../lib/oop"); var Range = require("../../range").Range; var BaseFoldMode = require("./fold_mode").FoldMode; var FoldMode = exports.FoldMode = function(commentRegex) { if (commentRegex) { this.foldingStartMarker = new RegExp( this.foldingStartMarker.source.replace(/\|[^|]*?$/, "|" + commentRegex.start) ); this.foldingStopMarker = new RegExp( this.foldingStopMarker.source.replace(/\|[^|]*?$/, "|" + commentRegex.end) ); } }; oop.inherits(FoldMode, BaseFoldMode); (function() { this.foldingStartMarker = /(\{|\[)[^\}\]]*$|^\s*(\/\*)/; this.foldingStopMarker = /^[^\[\{]*(\}|\])|^[\s\*]*(\*\/)/; this.singleLineBlockCommentRe= /^\s*(\/\*).*\*\/\s*$/; this.tripleStarBlockCommentRe = /^\s*(\/\*\*\*).*\*\/\s*$/; this.startRegionRe = /^\s*(\/\*|\/\/)#region\b/; this._getFoldWidgetBase = this.getFoldWidget; this.getFoldWidget = function(session, foldStyle, row) { var line = session.getLine(row); if (this.singleLineBlockCommentRe.test(line)) { if (!this.startRegionRe.test(line) && !this.tripleStarBlockCommentRe.test(line)) return ""; } var fw = this._getFoldWidgetBase(session, foldStyle, row); if (!fw && this.startRegionRe.test(line)) return "start"; // lineCommentRegionStart return fw; }; this.getFoldWidgetRange = function(session, foldStyle, row, forceMultiline) { var line = session.getLine(row); if (this.startRegionRe.test(line)) return this.getCommentRegionBlock(session, line, row); var match = line.match(this.foldingStartMarker); if (match) { var i = match.index; if (match[1]) return this.openingBracketBlock(session, match[1], row, i); var range = session.getCommentFoldRange(row, i + match[0].length, 1); if (range && !range.isMultiLine()) { if (forceMultiline) { range = this.getSectionRange(session, row); } else if (foldStyle != "all") range = null; } return range; } if (foldStyle === "markbegin") return; var match = line.match(this.foldingStopMarker); if (match) { var i = match.index + match[0].length; if (match[1]) return this.closingBracketBlock(session, match[1], row, i); return session.getCommentFoldRange(row, i, -1); } }; this.getSectionRange = function(session, row) { var line = session.getLine(row); var startIndent =\S/); var startRow = row; var startColumn = line.length; row = row + 1; var endRow = row; var maxRow = session.getLength(); while (++row < maxRow) { line = session.getLine(row); var indent =\S/); if (indent === -1) continue; if (startIndent > indent) break; var subRange = this.getFoldWidgetRange(session, "all", row); if (subRange) { if (subRange.start.row <= startRow) { break; } else if (subRange.isMultiLine()) { row = subRange.end.row; } else if (startIndent == indent) { break; } } endRow = row; } return new Range(startRow, startColumn, endRow, session.getLine(endRow).length); }; this.getCommentRegionBlock = function(session, line, row) { var startColumn =\s*$/); var maxRow = session.getLength(); var startRow = row; var re = /^\s*(?:\/\*|\/\/)#(end)?region\b/; var depth = 1; while (++row < maxRow) { line = session.getLine(row); var m = re.exec(line); if (!m) continue; if (m[1]) depth--; else depth++; if (!depth) break; } var endRow = row; if (endRow > startRow) { return new Range(startRow, startColumn, endRow, line.length); } }; }).call(FoldMode.prototype); }); ace.define("ace/mode/c_cpp",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text","ace/mode/c_cpp_highlight_rules","ace/mode/matching_brace_outdent","ace/range","ace/mode/behaviour/cstyle","ace/mode/folding/cstyle"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var TextMode = require("./text").Mode; var c_cppHighlightRules = require("./c_cpp_highlight_rules").c_cppHighlightRules; var MatchingBraceOutdent = require("./matching_brace_outdent").MatchingBraceOutdent; var Range = require("../range").Range; var CstyleBehaviour = require("./behaviour/cstyle").CstyleBehaviour; var CStyleFoldMode = require("./folding/cstyle").FoldMode; var Mode = function() { this.HighlightRules = c_cppHighlightRules; this.$outdent = new MatchingBraceOutdent(); this.$behaviour = new CstyleBehaviour(); this.foldingRules = new CStyleFoldMode(); }; oop.inherits(Mode, TextMode); (function() { this.lineCommentStart = "//"; this.blockComment = {start: "/*", end: "*/"}; this.getNextLineIndent = function(state, line, tab) { var indent = this.$getIndent(line); var tokenizedLine = this.getTokenizer().getLineTokens(line, state); var tokens = tokenizedLine.tokens; var endState = tokenizedLine.state; if (tokens.length && tokens[tokens.length-1].type == "comment") { return indent; } if (state == "start") { var match = line.match(/^.*[\{\(\[]\s*$/); if (match) { indent += tab; } } else if (state == "doc-start") { if (endState == "start") { return ""; } var match = line.match(/^\s*(\/?)\*/); if (match) { if (match[1]) { indent += " "; } indent += "* "; } } return indent; }; this.checkOutdent = function(state, line, input) { return this.$outdent.checkOutdent(line, input); }; this.autoOutdent = function(state, doc, row) { this.$outdent.autoOutdent(doc, row); }; this.$id = "ace/mode/c_cpp"; }).call(Mode.prototype); exports.Mode = Mode; }); ace.define("ace/mode/protobuf_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules; var ProtobufHighlightRules = function() { var builtinTypes = "double|float|int32|int64|uint32|uint64|sint32|" + "sint64|fixed32|fixed64|sfixed32|sfixed64|bool|" + "string|bytes"; var keywordDeclaration = "message|required|optional|repeated|package|" + "import|option|enum"; var keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({ "keyword.declaration.protobuf": keywordDeclaration, "support.type": builtinTypes }, "identifier"); this.$rules = { "start": [{ token: "comment", regex: /\/\/.*$/ }, { token: "comment", regex: /\/\*/, next: "comment" }, { token: "constant", regex: "<[^>]+>" }, { regex: "=", token: "keyword.operator.assignment.protobuf" }, { token : "string", // single line regex : '["](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^"\\\\]))*?["]' }, { token : "string", // single line regex : '[\'](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^\'\\\\]))*?[\']' }, { token: "constant.numeric", // hex regex: "0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+\\b" }, { token: "constant.numeric", // float regex: "[+-]?\\d+(?:(?:\\.\\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)?\\b" }, { token: keywordMapper, regex: "[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*\\b" }], "comment": [{ token: "comment", // closing comment regex: ".*?\\*\\/", next: "start" }, { token: "comment", // comment spanning whole line regex: ".+" }] }; this.normalizeRules(); }; oop.inherits(ProtobufHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules); exports.ProtobufHighlightRules = ProtobufHighlightRules; }); ace.define("ace/mode/protobuf",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/c_cpp","ace/mode/protobuf_highlight_rules","ace/mode/folding/cstyle"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var CMode = require("./c_cpp").Mode; var ProtobufHighlightRules = require("./protobuf_highlight_rules").ProtobufHighlightRules; var CStyleFoldMode = require("./folding/cstyle").FoldMode; var Mode = function() {; this.foldingRules = new CStyleFoldMode(); this.HighlightRules = ProtobufHighlightRules; }; oop.inherits(Mode, CMode); (function() { this.lineCommentStart = "//"; this.blockComment = {start: "/*", end: "*/"}; this.$id = "ace/mode/protobuf"; }).call(Mode.prototype); exports.Mode = Mode; });